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Posts posted by Vinjar

  1. So, Willpower lets me strike harder with my Lightsabre ? I hurt enemies much more with my Lightsabre when I put Willpower into it ? I actually do more damage with my Lightsabre when I put Willpower into it ?


    To put it mildly, that's not very logical.


    And even worse, to think that Bioware programmed this game with this non-logic ...


    And yes, I have had several occations where I had to defend myself - as a Sage. For example when I was out of energy, and the enemy suddenly went towards me (class missions). When my Force Armor is no more, then I'm vulnerable.


    What does a SAge do in a class mission with - let's say - the companion dead, the fight still on, out of energy and the enemy attacking the Sage ? Run away ?


    In my case, I attack the enemy. It's just like that. There is nowhere to run to, and in the cases when I'm out of energy, my compantion is still alive and the enemy is still there, then I'm helping my companion by using my Lightsabre (Taris, for example).



    What shocks me rather is the close-mindedness of people who firmly believe that th Holy Trinity must be followed AT ALL COSTS; and that everyone else who isn't following THe Rules by the book is just a Troll .


    This closed-mindedness has led to people here simply reacting with


    - first reaction : disbelief

    - second reaction : ignorance


    to the developers' announcement that Alacrity should play a bigger role in SWTOR since 2.0.

    This has led to people completely ignoring this change, und even to the strong belief that tank armor with alacrity Mods in it is outright WRONG.


    Cooking after the Book never leads to anything else than to meals everyone knows.

    Anything new just isn't there.


    Me, I've been experimenting quite a lot today when I was cooking my meal. I often do so, because I just do what I see fitting.


    But you will say : "But this is a GAME !"


    Right. It's a game. You rarely see children experiment when they play games, do you ? I at least remember how much I was experimenting with Lego. And we didn't have these pre-defined stones. Everything was possible - in our imagination.


    Rules ? Unimportant, when the environment changes, when the setting changes. How and why do you apply rules when your home is flooded (Europe) or burned away (USA) ?


    What's important to me is the result.


    The way towards it - is unimportant to me. (As long as I'm doing nothing illegal.)



    And - to make this clear - I can very much decide to play with a certain set of rules. Because it's more fun to me. I always do so with my pen & paper RPG group I meet once in a month. I decide : It's part of the fun to use these rules, and, besides, it wouldn't make much sense to use a different set of rules, because then I wouldn't play the same game anymore - and we're all playing together anyway.


    In SWTOR, the rules aren't as strict as they appear to you. As long as they aren't explaind so much that I can REALLY understand them (read : are explained like pen & paper rules are explained), I'm experimenting to get the best results.



    My current question is : If I use a tech weapon, and cunning supports the damage of tech weapons - would it help to have more cunning that my non-tech-supporting main stat ?



    I am almost certain you are trolling. If you are not, let me help shed a little light on how willpower affects a sorcerer/sage. Open your character sheet. Place the cursor over Willpower. You will see what bonus your current willpower gives you to Force attacks. Now, look at every one of your abilities. Do you see the base power? For you it says Force. Yes, even saber attacks ( I forget what it is called) use Force.


    If you have Guardian, Juggernaut, Marauder, or Sentinel you place the cursor over Strength and see what benefit you get to melee attacks. Then look at your abilities and see they are melee.


    I sincerely hope this helps.

  2. I understand running into this problem early. Maybe you can start a run by asking if anyone has done the instance before. If not, explain the etiquette.


    I do like the idea of a timed trade if in an instance for F2Pers but what a lot of you need to understand is F2P is the biggest reason this game is still running. They help us subs out by keeping the CM in business.


    Ninja looting was happening before F2P, before SWTOR, before WoW... It just happens.

  3. You answered your own question. DPS is always going to wait longer. If they do cross server GF you will just have more DPS vying for the same spots with approximately the same Tank:Heals:DPS ratio just on a bigger scale.


    Make a tank. Make a healer. Or make friends with a tank or healer and group together.


    Not to mention that cross sever groups are going to bring out worse in ninja looters as there would pretty much be no consequences for poor behavior.

  4. Kreia didn't have Martial Prowess, she can control three lightsabers at a time at a distance.


    Why not do something like Kinetic Combat, where we throw the saber once, and then it will sort of hunt them down and whack them like a Damage over Time (DoT) effect?


    Obviously, this would only be given to Sages and Sorcerers, it would not be buffed by other damage over time buffs (Stacks of Mark of Death would not increase it's damage) and it would basically use your normal attack, but use half of your Force Power instead of Attack Power when determining total damage done per 3 seconds. This effect would only be applied on one target at a time.


    Darth Traya was another exceptional Force user. I kinda like your idea but still have to disagree as it is something that just doesn't fit. If you want to look at it from a realistic perspective, it would take a lot of concentration to have a lightsaber chase someone around. Much less than casting a spell.

  5. I like your idea. There needs to be something to do that isn't combat related and could help to push the social aspects of the game. Nar Shadda could be the hub where you enter the races although tracks could be on different planets. I like how you included crafting but I see something like boosters going to the CM. Hmm...or maybe just reskins of pods but still leave Cybertechs to create boosts. Yeah.


    Along those lines I still would like to see Pazaak, Sabaac, and D'jerik added at some point. Again from the casino on Nar Shadda.

  6. I don't agree. Sorcerers and Sages train their "wizard' powers rather than martial training. Martial combatants train to reflect blaster bolts where as most Force sensitives are simply able to block with their sabers but there is already a mechanic to absorb incoming damage.


    The ability to throw a saber is another martial ability. Sorcerers and Sages have plenty of ranged attacks.


    Remember, our Force users are average and really able to focus on a particular skill set. Satele, Yoda, and Sidious are exceptional. Heck, look at Vader, Obi-wan, Anakin, or Luke from the movies. Martial prowess.

  7. I agree it shouldn't exist at all. But if it must, the items should be legacy bound.


    On that note, why double bind? For instance, the crate is bound for 36 hours. After 36 hours I can place the crate on the GTN. Maybe it doesn't sell and I decide not to repost but to open it. Revan's Mask---cha ching! Oh, another 36 bind.


    C'mon BW, at the very least make CM items legacy bound.

  8. There's a huge thread in general about this same request. Only way I see it is a high CC cost, hell names cost $10 this should be much higher and have a restriction of 1 time at level 30 max. I don't want them to implement it for all the reasons noted but if they do I can't see it being max level. The FoTM classes will be out of frackin control.



    If they were to implement an AC change, something like this would make sense.


    This would certainly refute the P2W cries.

  9. Genocide for fun - No problem.


    Genocide for profit - No problem.


    Murder for fun - No problem.


    Murder for profit - No problem.


    Bigotry - No problem.


    Racism - No problem.


    Slavery - No problem.


    But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


    What is wrong with you?


    Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


    But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


    You, whose character is a paid murderer?


    I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


    I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


    When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


    When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


    When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


    And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


    OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.



    Talk about taking a step back. Have you read any of the posts? Especially mine? Let me type this slow so you can follow: I am NOT offended. Just to be clear. I am NOT offended.


    Before responding to threads, you should read the previous posts or at least the original.

  10. So, there is no moral outrage. I am not offended, I just have noticed a much higher ratio of modestly clothed to not so modestly clothed female toons.


    The tone of some these replies are humorous. I didn't realize folks would get bent out of shape.


    I prefer my female toons to where body suit type armor. My agent, sorcerer, and gunslinger all wear either the Last Handmaiden top (two are Twi'lek, so no hood) or the Outlaw duster. Being a man's man all of my male toons are body type 3 and wear heavy armor (Juggernaut, PT, Commando). So, in a sense, I am just as guilty of clothing my characters and companions (Vette, Mako, Elara) in outfits I feel are appealing.

  11. There are games out there where playing steampunk is par for the course, you know that right? You do realize this is Star Wars, right? Star Wars...you know...has six movies, a seventh on the way, and a huge expanded universe?


    Seriously, I see this suggestion and wonder, do you even like Star Wars? Do you play on a RP server and say you're really a blue vampire smurf from the planet Mushroomia?


    Just curious, as you requested...Steampunk...in Star Wars.



    This makes me think: DO YOU EVEN STAR WARS?

  12. ..and companions.


    I find this funny. I'm no prude. Two of my female toons have the relaxed uniform top, in fact, but jeez. I see less vitual flesh in Tera.


    I don't know if I really have a point or not, just sayin' and at least this isn't a BW/EA stole hurt my feelings post.

  13. ...


    It's amazing to me that someone can get their panties in a wad over something that in no way effects game play. This is a fluff item. If someone is not happy with it, they do not have to participate. Anyone spending CCs on a dye pack that does not intend to sell on GTN is going to gamble.

  14. ummm wrong.


    The effort is MINIMAL.

    In fact if they want to sign me on for this I can do it in a week or less. The key generation code is written. All they have to do is write a front end for it that is compatible with WP8 (like I don't know, HTML5 maybe?) Heck even if it has to be done in xaml it wouldn't take more than a couple of days. We are not talking about a complicated application. Check time/date, generate key based on algorithm and time/date, display to user, revert to home screen after 15 seconds. Oh yeah and a settings page for initial sync with account.

    Besides if they sell the the physical one for 5 bucks they could sell the app for $1.99 and make their money back based on just the responses in this thread.

    There is little to no effort involved. And as for the market share, you need to go read up on that as well.


    I see what you mean about market share. 5.6% is pretty nice!



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