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Posts posted by Vinjar

  1. And? I mean living in big city also doesn't mean one have to consider everybody a neighbour, multiplayer means there are many people around, still I can solo just like I can to my own thing in a big city.


    That's not a great analogy.


    I prefer to play solo. I don't care to group but this game is an amazing experience for solo players. You understood when you bought the game that it's primary focus is multiplayer. As did I. I understand that I may not have access to content if I am not in a group or guild. What I don't understand is how people think otherwise.


    If you want a single player experience you buy a single player game. You don't buy a game in a genre where the word "multiplayer" is prominent.

  2. All of these issues happened well before F2P. Don't forget to mention the influx of skilled players as well. I ended up doing a few WZs with a merc healer who was either F2P or did not understand how to unify colors. At any rate, they did a great job of healing.


    These threads are not constructive.

  3. You simply add cosmetic slots to the character; dear old FlyFF had this in place is time time immemorial.


    With cosmetic slots you leave your armor pieces in the regular armor slots and equip cosmetic pieces in, surprise surprise, your cosmetic slots. A cosmetic piece will simply overrule (visually) the respective armor piece. Done and done.


    Psst...BW.... It would add diversity and promote Cartel Market sales.


    Rift's cosmetic/vanity set up is great. They even sell vanity outfits with no stat value.

  4. Sadly this is true. But as a seasoned raid leader, I'd rather take a raid full of people who had to watch over their shoulders for 55 levels, than someone who leveled with no danger around them. I'd compare PvE server folks to PvP server folks by the following: The PvE players are like domesticated cattle, with plenty of food, and no danger. The PvP players are more like wildebeests, having to constantly watch out for lions, crocodiles, hyenas, etc. In a raid, a pvp player is going to be able to move and adapt more quickly than someone who isn't used to having to watch all around and react suddenly. Corn-fed Wagyu DPS may have a smooth rotation, but I'd put money on them derping a boss pull because they stand in fire, or didn't watch their target of target or some other form of baddie'ism.


    While ganking sucks, it does create a sharper player.



    Bwahahahahahahaha! Lolololololol! Whew, ok, I'm done laughing. Wait.. hahahahaha! Ok, thanks for the great laugh and pretty much the funniest post ever. I love the part how you compare world PvP with scripted raids. Like Larry the Cable Guy would say, "That's funny right there."


    Ganking creates two things, neither of which is a sharper player: Grief for the ganked party and joy for the loser sociopath who is likely incapable of winning a fair fight. Not that any of this matters in the real world.


    Thank you again for such a great post. If you ever want to write for The Onion, I will happily give you a glowing reference.

  5. So don't click on your own ship. Problem solved.


    When going back up, however, the option is useful. I really don't want a pit stop at the orbital station, so if I can click on "Your ship" I can save a few minutes. Now you want a completely separate incidence just to save you from being "confused"--again. Bioware has to call yet another separate subroutine just because you can't read.


    Yet another example of people blaming Bioware for their own stupid mistakes. There's nothing broken here. You just were not paying attention.


    You should probably get over yourself.


    The OP already implied he wasn't paying attention. I agree he brings up a good point. I don't see the point of an orbital station in the first place. Just another loading screen.

  6. You roll on a PvP server.


    You expect to slog your way to max level.


    So you you can gank.


    That's what a PvP server is about.


    PvP endgame content is:


    Ganking Lowbies


    PvP servers, unfortunately, serve a lower class of human.



    I learned this when WoW first released. My SWG guild moved to WoW, Azgulor (sp?) which was a pvp server. I played funky hours and did not always have my guildmates available for retaliation. PvP stopped being PvP and became a gankfest. I am not certain how that is fun for anyone. Since then, I do not roll on PvP servers. It's really that easy, OP.

  7. As a class, you have abilities to mitigate an aggressor closing to melee range, as do all ranged classes. Learn to use it.


    As for PvP.... PvP is a team sport and you have those same melee range mitigation abilities for when you are caught alone. As a ranged healer or damage dealer.. if you or your team allow you to be melee'ed.. you deserve to die. Learn to PvP IMO.



  8. I don't know what the sage equivalents are but as a sorcerer you have two lovely instant casts in lighting strike and shock (ok, well if Force Bending procs) that are great for pvp if anyone is able to get close to you. With DOTs and such I rarely have a problem with a melee player.


    If I decide to pvp fully healer specced, I can easily out heal one or two player's damage. And I am not really that good of a pvper.


    If you want to hit stuff with a lighsaber roll an assassin, juggernaut, marauder, sentinel, guardian, or shadow.

  9. Bioware has already said that subscribers buy more CCs than F2P do. So yeah the person is wrong. F2P didn't "save" the game. Subscribers did.


    It could be argued that prices for unlocks that F2P use could be lower on the GTN. Seen a lot of listings since F2P was introduced that did not seem to take into account the credit restrictions on F2P accounts. Just my experience of course.


    Can you cite your source please?


    With the exception of complaining about the F2P restrictions everything else that you people are posting about happened well before F2P was introduced. Needing on non-class items (heck, I remember losing a roll to a Pally for the tier 0 rogue pants in Scholomance!), asking where to get the advanced class, and general bad play.


    There will always be bad players or players who just don't know. What we should do, as such clearly superior players, is teach the newbies how things work.

  10. Thank you, Bioware. There are those of us who really appreciate the gesture and appreciate the game. I've been having a great time since I came back to it and I'm going to be staying. People seem to forget that it is entertainment and as in the television you can turn it on or off.



  11. I think the OP is a troll. He encourages people to call him greedy and entitled "all you want" and the decided to report people for harassment. That is trolling.


    Look, 100% of the people will not be happy with a bonus, reward, gift, etc and the OP is entitled to his opinion. My opinion is this: THANK YOU, BIOWARE! I love free stuff and I feel valued.

  12. Actually, it wasnt.


    I got something for free that anyone can use. Thats not subscriber exclusive. Everyone can use cartel coins. Nothing special there.


    Lets be honest here, youd do anything to defend this game.



    So by your line of reasoning, if your job gave you a $1000 bonus, you'd complain because anyone can use cash?

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