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Everything posted by Qouivandes

  1. they intend to fix it. https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9863519#edit9863519
  2. now that it is fixed, that video tickled me something fierce. I was seriously not expecting to see that bug in action like that and busted a laugh loud enough that someone two cubes over laughed in reflex.
  3. I was expecting a little more Hutt Fanfare about the Night Life event with images and such. I guess if it was a CM event we would get more, but the Night Life event is supposed to be all bells and whistles. Hopefully they printed enough flyers.
  4. i didnt get lucky. I set up a grid for myself and i didnt deviate from it. I found them through trial and error. The search took time, but a grid, while seemingly fruitless at first, paid off on other planets as i watched folks run all over the place searching. find a good guide that will help you figure out the boundaries of an area. go to the best you can figure is one corner and then go in a straight line from one corner to the next. then move over a little and repeat. you might get lucky and someone give the coords of a piece when they find it, or you may never know. Sad part is that it moves when someone finds it so you have to start over.
  5. the quest chain is fine. I completed the entire thing, start to finish, on a Saturday and Sunday. I did spend the majority of my time that weekend working on the quest, but suppose that is the problem, huh...it takes time.
  6. I played Ahazi. not sure if anyone from that server is here either. Glad you found some kin, though.
  7. I find it interesting that we are less than a week away and no announcement has been posted.
  8. I enjoyed the chapter as well. Ive only played it a couple of times, though, and only for the comps/deco/gifts. it was very well laid out and the comedic value of the chapter left me in stitches at points. However, it would be cool if ZOOM (yes, i know) could use any comp customization out there. Would really add to the character and her ability to mimic others. Keep the voice, though, that never gets old. this next part will be brief: I have always supported exclusive items whether it be from an accomplishment in game or by a sub reward. That is not a popular opinion, to say the very least, but it is still my position. With companions being the way they are it really doesnt matter which one you have with you outside of head game, but I do understand the allure of various companions. HK-55 is cheap in comparison to the time investment for HK-51; especially if you were here during the initial offering. with that, back to work.
  9. I divide my play time between a few of my toons and, generally, only get to play for a few hours on Saturdays and Sundays. I do get a few instances during the week, but those do not seem to come as often as i wish. What I do with my time is wholly dependent on how much time i get. This game does not have too much content...what it does have are opportunities to do dailies/weeklies. Lots of opportunities to do the same things over and over. what makes it seem better is that it encourages you to play alts...until you get to max and then you find a reason to start over again. what i would like to do, though, is get involved with the RP community. I have halfheartedly tried in the past, but it seem to fizzle really quickly.
  10. Eventually they will likely re-release the sub reward comps back to the public for whatever reason; most likely because they are just lazy, but they may also release new companions as sub rewards. I have no intention of making a long drawn out post for or against re-releasing anything (ill save that fight for a different topic), but I will say that, outside of the DvL event, Master Ragnos should NOT be released again. I dont have that comp because i simply didnt have the time available into earning her. i was here for all the others, though, and did my part to fill their request. so do not fret your fragile little heads over it...they will be released again.
  11. Not that i know what you're talking about, but there are a few reasons why I do not post as much as I had in the past. One is that I do not have a lot to say. Another is that folks are just dead set in their opinions and nothing i post will change that. another, well, looks right behind me....looks forward.
  12. Disturbances in the force are known to transcend time. Do you hear millions of voices crying out as well as the shaking?
  13. you should head to Server Forums\Star Forge for guild recruitment.
  14. I'm sure you did and i am in no way implying anything, but did you scroll down the bottom of the mission list? thats where they show up. And make sure that you are in the crew skill. I had gotten one for Discovery thinking it was for another crew skill and didnt find it until two days later...by accident.
  15. i dont remember if I got 30 days or not...it was a long time ago. edited for clarity.
  16. If you like your head....you will be able to keep your head.
  17. While there are several things i would like from the CM...there is nothing on there that i would want. I am OK with outfitting my toons with what i can get in game or already have.
  18. the dropping down to 600 is a bug. there is a dev post about it in the bug forum. edit: also, its not so much about the cost of the skills, but that they had granted /700 and folks have leveled it up only to have it drop down to 600 again after the fact. I also remember paying 500k for gathering as well as production skills. at 1.5million a toon it got pricey for me so i was happy to see it changed for the remainder of my other toons (which really were at 2.) i paid for the other 7. the other two were toons that i didnt play often, but found i that i enjoyed them over the last two months.
  19. i could say i was surprised by this, but i simply can not. I dont even know which one of my toons i paid for a while back; was thrilled to not have to pay half a million credits for others; and now aggravated as i have ground out to 700 on the majority of my toons except two...one of which just got to 650/700. Do i lose all that time i spent? Do i have to redo 600-700 on those toons i didnt get it on? and not even in the patch notes. This is enough to really get me to NOT renew my sub. very underhanded and crappy, bioware.
  20. i used to PvP a lot even though I am not very good at it. I stopped because the player base that PvPs is so dang toxic. Even when you are on a winning team its a crap show of epeens and bad attitudes. It is no longer any fun.
  21. opposed. and thats all i am going to say about that.
  22. with as little activity on the forum as this has...any subject is fair game for at least a moderate amount of discussion. Even those that are in left field.
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