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Everything posted by Qouivandes

  1. I have always been partial to getting a star ship stronghold for my toons to use. Would love to be able to "fly" it over to a planet and park it there. My favorite ship in SWG was my luxury yacht. I would move it to planet to planet and enjoy the scenery.
  2. My Knight was an Imperial Agent before he began his training as a Jedi on Hoth. Both of his Masters were made up by me and he began training at a late age, but had shown an untapped affinity for the force. He was originally discovered by a Sith Lord that secretly worked with the Jedi to funnel adepts more attuned to the light side over to the Jedi so they wouldnt be cleansed during training. Only a few know of his Imperial Agent past while most learn that he had been training since his teen years...officially. What you do with your toon is up to you. I do, though, have to discount what some of the NPCs say as misinformation on this Knights past. Not everyone walks the same path.
  3. I tend to level to max as quickly as possible and then go back to do the planets/Chapters for the renown/max level gear. However, i have not leveled a new toon like that for over a year now, but if i decided to roll a new toon...thats how i would handle the exp. I do this because getting end game gear is more important to me than what arbitrary level my toon happens to be at the time. This game (and WoW) do not start until you are max level, IMHO.
  4. There are several robes and outfits i would like to use, but i dont like hoods unless it fits the theme i am working with. For a long time i would only create bald toons because of all the dang hoods. None of my toons are very flashy in their outfits as i see some of them as just over the top. As for the weapons, every weapon i use is a part of my toon as much as their outfit. for example, i pick a saber hilt early during leveling and that is the hilt that my toons will use throughout their play. I rarely change them. Pistols and Rifles are also a part of that decision early on during my characters leveling. However, i am more apt to change a pistol or a rifle than i am with a saber, but for the most part i view the weapon as part of my toons character. Much like the iconic DL44 han solo uses or the carbine that boba uses my toons evolve to a point that their weapon style is a part of their identity. I have the same view on color crystals. Personally, i dont get the push back, but to each their own. now if we could just get a dang hood toggle, but i guess that would mean they would need to create two files for each outfit: one with the hood up and one with it down, and i dont think they are very interested in doing that. the only other alternative is to have the hood just cut off, but with some robes, that looks silly. with that, +1 for the hood toggle and +1 for weapons being a part of the outfit designer because two systems would be ridiculous.
  5. Part of the fun of getting HK IS the quest. It is one of the few things i have done in this game that had me pause and think, "yea, ok...this was frustratingly fun"
  6. i quiet PvP just for that reason and i used to love to PvP. Losing i am OK with, but getting smashed is no fun at all. Can be demoralizing after a while, too. edit: and i really dislike arena's...which seemed to pop a lot.
  7. OP started his campaign again in the PTS forums.
  8. I dont post much anymore either..../target self; /lookleft
  9. This. Cannot quote this enough. Wish there was a like button. edit: it has also been my experience that we crave the things we cannot have.
  10. I particularly like the changes. My next step is getting into a guild. My main is a Jedi Knight, but I also play a Sith Jugg regularly too. (makes it easier to go back and forth).
  11. this is as close as i can get to a like button. edit: i dont bother with them at all. in fact, i dont bother with a lot of CM items any more.
  12. yes, but i am sure you can finder a snickers bar cheaper if you shop a round a little. convenience stores are notably more expensive and have bad bathrooms, too.
  13. The Mandalorian could always be thrown a Fastball... They made up their minds And they started packing They left before the sun came up that day An exit to eternal summer slacking But where were they going Without ever knowing the way? They drank up the wine And they got to talking They now had more important things to say And when the car broke down They started walking Where were they going without ever knowing the way? Anyone could see The road that they walk on is paved in gold And it's always summer, they'll never get cold They'll Never get hungry They'll never get old and gray You can see their shadows Wandering off somewhere They won't make it home But they really don't care They wanted the highway They're happy there today, today The children woke up And they couldn't find 'em They left before the sun came up that day They just drove off And left it all behind them But where were they going Without ever knowing the way? ------------- dont have Disney+, but will probably get it eventually. I have never really been a Mando person. I describe them to my wife as the Klingons of the Star Wars universe.
  14. I think it took longer to get through the ending credits than it took to get through the story...and i spaced it out over a couple of days. However, it was enjoyable.
  15. thanks, you two. i have to stick with the 1650 for now. However, i am hoping to start building my PC sometime next year. Money is real tight, atm, and more important things come first...like my kids education.
  16. Coming back from a break and started the process of getting all of my toons to 75 before i focus on a single toon for gearing...though i have my Knight at 274 now. I have gotten my mercBH and about to get my Shadow to 75, but i was left pondering on what to do with all the Ikoath and Gemini gear(s) that have currently in my cargo hold. Is there any reason to keep them if i am getting masterwork gear from FPs as i level up to 75 and, as in the case of my merc, getting a few 270 pieces? i am a hoarder...i freely admit that...but i would rather save space for items i do want to keep rather than items that just are not worth it; and, to be honest, i wont use most of that gear for appearance. and i would like to add, barrels should be universal...got a new 258 pistol...was going to change out my 248, but found out that, yes, when it says main hand it means main hand. sigh. thankfully i had some offhand barrels in stock so that i didnt lose out too much.
  17. Had an nVidia 560ti since about 2011 and it finally went out over the weekend. Unfortunately, it went out at a time where disposable income *is not* the best. Daughter in college and son finishing his junior year....among other financial obligations. because of this i was forced to forgo the card i had my eye on and go for a nVidia 1650. lets just say its a small card. I am not an expert in cards, but i was going to get a nice 1060..again, my system was built in 2011 for this game and, with only a few adjustments, has been working really well. I know the 1650 is leaps and bounds above my 560ti, but i have concerns on its longevity and ability to handle swtor. I dont put anything at ultra. thoughts?
  18. my old marauder needed his apparatus to breathe. Whenever i saw it removed in cut scenes i envisioned him dropping to the ground gasping for breath. I could see him yelling, "No...gasp...no...kiss...gasp....dying...kiss now...gaspweez ack...drool..." His LI would just stand there watching him die off...gaining dark side points as she with held her kiss...chirp.
  19. all of my toons "choose" a weapon near their early creation and leveling and i use that same weapon only changing out the mods (edit: most of the time). would love to have weapons a part of the outfit designer so that i can save some creds by not always switching out mods. there are times, though, where i just use what drops for a while; and at other times i might use only drops until i get them to max level. However, with my Jedi i tend to pick one hilt early on and use just that hilt. with my ranged classes i may not be too picky during leveling, but try to keep the aesthetics of the toon the way i like. for example, by BH has been using the old Hammer Station shell pistols since she got them. My Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior hav been using the same hilts since level 10. My trooper, other BH, smugglers and agents will change weapons depending on looks. My shadow and assassin do change up hilts on occasion....the point of all of this is that i would love for weapons to be a part of the outfit designer. edit2: i dont get to play as much as i used to so changing specs is something i just dont do....dont have the time to learn multiple specs and usually takes me a couple of hour of playing when i simply switch classes.
  20. i would have played GSF more had it had a PvE option to do missions, etc. the fact that its just a giant PvP fest with folks that can kill before you can even move just turned me off the entire expansion quickly. On occasion i try it out again and review all of the guides and helpful hints, but i appear to just not be as good as the folks who spend and have spent years honing their craft. and thats all i gotta say about that.
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