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Everything posted by Renata_Roselli

  1. Both of the links did not answer my question or provide any type of facts for my aroused curiosity. I don't understand why people would provide links that give no relevant factual information to the question at hand.
  2. I am just curious why the trademark for Star Wars Galaxies was renewed and registered by The Walt Disney Co. last month. http://www.trademarkia.com/star-wars-galaxies-76329360.html
  3. Ashara is your best companion especially if you are a Sorc healer. I have used my Ashara to tank HM FP 55's efficiently as well as burning down bonus bosses with another DPS (player).
  4. Is it bugged? I threw at least 100 and have gotten zero thus far.
  5. Basically what I do is I make sure to have 3 stacks of Force Surge before the challenge phases. Then I go into the portal with the other healer and throw down a instant healing puddle (Revivification). After that I pop Recklessness then Polarity Shift and throw 2 Dark Infusions then Resurgence and Innervate. That should be more than enough.
  6. What I do is, I buy all the 2-3 million credit Varactyl off the GTN (that's how much they get put on there for) then I put them back up for 10 mill ea. I make 7+ mill profit off each one I sell.
  7. People already QQing about the new HM's being to hard? Lmfao! They are easy. I que up into PUGs where the tank sucks, the DPS is horrible and as a healer I can carry them. If people are having problems with the new HM FPs than do not que up for them because obviously you are baddies. All the bosses drop Black Market gear while the last boss drops a Arkanian Implant, Black Market piece and a rep trophy. If the QQers want this nerfed than make the bosses drop crap gear like the other HM 55's.
  8. I qued up for one of the new HM Czerka Flashpoints and we had a DPS Sorc in the group who only used Force Lightning throughout the entire Flashpoint. The boss fights took forever. I mean seriously. If you do not know how to do your class/spec's rotation than don't play the game.
  9. I'm around. I remember Vargas. I was Renata as well as many others including: Arwynn Carmela Andolini Fawkes Giovanni Osamu I was in the infamous <NoM> guild on Kettemoor before we moved to Ahazi and Bria. I was also in <mafia>, <DARK>, <SD-O> and <EPEG>
  10. Hahaha, yeah. You and your frigging Master Swordsman with that hammer! Damn, good times in that game.
  11. I don't have a problem with new players entering a Flashpoint that they have never done. The biggest thing I have a problem with is that some of these new players who have never done them can't grasp the concept of CCing, DPSing the same target. purging/cleansing and other aspects of game-play. When that happens I am done with them.
  12. Yes, American-Italian though. I'm not fluent in the language.
  13. So does anyone know the real DR number for Crit Mult? I'm sitting at 67%. Before I adjusted some mods and enhancements, I was at 70% and I do not see any difference from the drop. Although I have 1336 Power and 2915 Willpower, sitting at 23% Crit chance with 0 Crit rating. Putting more Surge in my pieces seems like a waste.
  14. If you are having problems with Hard Mode FPs then you don't need to be PvEing. You can 3 man all of them.
  15. Instant Whirlwind is gone, it's useless now.
  16. Ashara is a beast fully geared. She works great on both my Inquisitors (Assassin and Sorc). She helps clear mobs really quick. Also, I tested her out on a geared HK companion and she won.
  17. So do you need to complete all the crafting skills on one character to get the "Master Craftsman" title or is it based on legacy characters as well. Meaning, if I have various skills at 450 across multiple characters that add up to the total amount of skills in the game.
  18. I leveled one toon from 21-50 and another 19-50 in the past week.
  19. Well it can't be the gear because I usually go in a pre-made and we are full 63's. If it takes gear into consideration it would probably throw us in a harder FP.
  20. It never fails, I continuously get these two Hard Mode Flashpoints when I que up through the group finder. Yes, everything is checked but everyday I either get the Battle of Ilum or the Foundry. Is there an issue to where it's only picking these two Flashpoints through the group finder?
  21. Lol, a lot of QQing in here. People complaining about wiping in Flashpoints because of new players? Seriously? You can 2 man every Flashpoint in this game. You can 3 DPS, 1 Heal HM LI or 2 DPS, 2 Heal it. If one little person is causing you to wipe in a HM FP because they are brand new to it then you need to re-roll your class and move on. Obviously you can't carry someone if you are wiping.
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