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Posts posted by aRtFuL

  1. l2p? This is by far the easyest pvp game i have ever played, a monkey could play this game, so dont feel like u are so special. L2P has nothing to do with 4 crappy wzs, L2P has nothing with destroying are world pvp planet ilum, l2p has nothing to do with them yanking rated warzones, L2P has nothing to do with long ques, L2P has nothing to do with devs that are totally clueless about pvp.


    Totally right.


    Also L2P has nothing to do with the repetitiveness that is of wz. Without World Pvp and with nothing really at stake in losing a pvp fight pvping in this game is in fact quite pointless (almost as pointless as pvp in lotro).


    Once you are somewhat geared the fun factor really starts to decline significantly because you pretty much knows how to deal with every class by experience. There is really very little suprises - and without faction-influencing objectives, pvp is quite pointless.

  2. [20:40:07.023] [@Ehtom] [@Ehtom] [Guarded by the Force {2528571801206784}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Guarded by the Force {2528571801206784}] ()


    [20:40:11.155] [@Ehtom] [@Ehtom] [Force Camouflage {812096711294976}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()


    Dead on 20:40:16



    Just looking at the above I already see a lot wrong. Why Guarded by Force at not even half way point of the fight?? That ability was not even supposed to be used until your death is almost certain. You just killed 1/2 your own health right there.


    Why force camo at 2/3 of the fight and come back for it?? Force camo again is for escape or certainty of death blows, not for breaking the enemy's sequence.


    Also, where is pacify? That alone would've messed up the operative's damages and win you the fight. Had you pop that either at the start or the end your enemy would not be able to land anything.


    Also, where is force stasis? That, again, would've gave you time to think your next move when youa re choking the life out of the operative.


    All in all, very depressing to read that combat log and see how many abilities was unused.

  3. Well, the fight lasted like 20 seconds anyway. It seems like you had plenty of time to win the battle if you had played your cards right. Or at least you could have sent the Op running.


    The others are unfortunately right, there were some hefty mistakes in your gameplay, and you might have more success in the future if you listen to some (not all, some of them are terrible lol) of the suggestions. It happens; we all get outplayed from time to time. If we didn't, NONE of us would ever get any better.


    There's definitely nothing too overpowered about this. Want me to show you what my Pyro PT can do for burst? : )


    I assure you, one of us wouldn't be lasting 20 seconds.


    Hehe if he was playing against a quality mara sounds like he won't even last 10 - the mara probably don't even need to use vicious throw. He will probably got murdered on the last hit of ravage or the force scream that will come almost instantly after that.


    I can visualize the fight already because I've 1v1 some bad sentinels before... very cringing for me to wtiness because it makes me think about all the potentials of that class wasted.

  4. Now, I'll admit that I haven't leveled a mara yet - I do plan to at some point, but this is how my immortal jugg rolls... I never stop (almost) while using vette unless I encounter like 3 strong mobs at once. I can chain pull (I even pull when I'm at like 20% health because I know I'll survive) and then heal like once every 20-30 battles. Jugg, for me, has been crazy fast and easy. Even gold mobs haven't been an issue and I generally stick with vette. Quinn just slows me down, believe it or not.


    I think that's the difference between jugg and mara. Mara needs Quinn if you want to lvl non-stop because majorly of the damage dealt with be from you.


    Haven't played jugg much myself but I assumed that since you are not using a healing companion you are using the companion more for helping with the dmg?


    I guess it is fast but in a different way.


    I plays on a pvp server though so habit is I tend to have healer companion out regardless - just in case there are some silly one-mans who thinks that trying to gank a sith warrior is a good idea (and it has happened b4, but the defensive cooldowns are great against ganking).

  5. PS: Marauders are insane in PvP, don't know what Bioware have been feeding that class but i want some.


    Expertise supplements, lol


    Same reason why Powertech are also beasting lately.

  6. Mara of any spec levels faster than you can blink pretty much. You basically can kill mostly anything when questing and most likely flew off the planet already before you even need to stop and heal. Things just drop so fast (in 2 hits in some cases) that you may not even get touched at all (jump stun, smash stun, scream stun, next group please).


    If you avoid Gold star mobs as much as possible during regular questing with Quinn you pretty much don't need to stop (but remember to have a bottle of water and some snacks next to the table - we don't want you to die of dehydration now :) )

  7. Carnage Marauders will use Berserk MUCH less and Predation/Bloodthirst MUCH more than Annihilation or Rage because Annihilation and Rage rely on Berserk much more.


    Actually tbh I mainly use my fury for predation. Bloodthirst's cooldown is simply too long to be used in most situation unless it is a full-on 1v1, in combination with relics, and with no chance of someone joining in.


    Also to note that after they fixed Ataru proc post 1.2, Berserk actually improved a lot for Carnage players. Though predation is probably still a fair bit more useful in most situations.

  8. I don't think it is fair to our opponent if they can't cleanse it.


    All abilities that comes with an opportunity cost. DoTs are no different. We can either do instant damage, but less damage; or more damage, but it is DoT. DoT is fire-and-forget, but it is cleansible, while instant damage requires you to be on the ball and be following the target all the time, but it is guarrantee to land (sans being dodged or somehow defended).

  9. Sorcs have ranged interrupt and operatives have a close/mid range interrupt. Who doesn't have an interrupt?


    That only confirms my points even more since interrupts are too easy. If everything can be interrupted, what's the point of melee channels?


    Melee classes DON'T have ranged interrupt and yet ranged classes have interrupts at a variety of ranges.

  10. 4m/10m range channel was made uninterruptable because those abilities will be useless in most scenarios otherwise since most non-cc based interrupt abilities are melee abilities.


    Ranged channel abilities are different. By the nature of range ranged classes already has an advantage with ranged channel abilities because they have the advantage of distance - it takes a while for the target to get to the caster, and they still need to cast interrupt once they get there. The interruptability of ranged classes channel abilities is so to prevent ranged classes from easily spamming ranged channel abilities at melee distances.


    Melee channel abilities can be easily avoided because most ranged classes have knockbacks and other forms of CCs, which will break the channeling anyways.


    If you wasted your knockbacks and CCs on first contact instead of saving it for really needing it, it is your fault for not prioritising your abilities properly.

  11. Maybe it's just my server, but I'm seeing a crapload of Consulars. Just look:


    Novare: 6 Sages, 1 Shadow, Pre-50

    Alderaan: 4 Sages, 3 Shadows, 50


    There have been at least one or two more times recently that I've seen 6+ Consulars (not counting me), in both the Pre-50 (on my Vanguard) and 50 (on my Shadow) brackets. I'm on the Swiftsure. What's going on?


    I'm seeing EXACTLY the same thing.


    That's why I think all these FOTM mara/sent is just fantasy bs. There are still a lot more sages and sorcs around and you can see them everywhere on the fleet/questing on worlds.


    Mara, PT, sniper - those types of classes I've noticed drops off in numbers a lot the closer you get to 50. Might be because it is boring to play/requires too much reaction or whatever/a lot of people just like "magic user" classes more. No idea why.

  12. I don't get why people leave straight away actually. If I can get a couple of badges within the first minute I will almost certainly stay and farm badges at least. Especially Huttball.


    Huttball is probably the EASIEST place to farm badges because people get left behind a lot amid all these fast movements and if you are good at 1v1 and escape when getting gang on you can get a lot of badges. I can easily come out with also as much comms as someone who won with medicore amount of badges.


    But I guess not everyone who pvp is actually any good at killing or healing or tanking, that's probably the reason why those people leave - they know they won't get many badges anyways because what they do won't count as contributing.


    I have been in a lot of games where a losing-but-farm-killing which turned into a win at the end because when you kill enough of their guys repeatedly they get mad and want to try to hunt you down, which makes their team lose focus of the objective and allows your team in.


    And when you do that enough in all the WZs, you become pretty much hunted on sight, which in effect helps your team even more because they are not paying attention to others, lol.

  13. Huge L2P issue here. I would rather have a marauder on me than a pyrotech / vanguard. WHY INVIC? WHY?


    Because after they jump to me I can use freezing force and force push. Boom. They are out of the fight for ~10 seconds depending on where you pushed them. vanguard? Lol let me just pop this insta burst / sustainable DPS from range. THIS IS WHY THEY (apparently) DO 5 % MORE DPS THAN OTHER CLASSES.


    What a joke. The entire game is based around team play, I'm talking more about situational awareness than anything.


    When my vigilance guardian gets the jump on them they are ****ed, no matter what the spec.


    If they jump first in 1v1 situations (or against a target in a team situations that is aware of them being there), they've already proven themselves to be not very good marauder.


    Could've used predation first and it would've achieve the same purpose, and predation is so easy to build up fury for. Jump is for emergencies or jumping on targets who are NOT looking at you, or for starting a fight in pve.

  14. btw... heavy armor is currently fairly useless... and compared to medium armor there is no real difference. If they buffed heavy armor, they'd have to nerf Guardians and I like the way my Guard plays right now thankies, no nerfs plx.


    Yeah seriously I don't know what they did to expertise or armor in 1.2 but after 1.2 armor really makes negligible difference. Back before in 1.2 armor seems to make a lot more difference. Tanks or heavy armor classes was actually harder to kill and you can see it in the numbers.

  15. So many have said it: all depends on play style. One person said it best...wish I could find the post to link it:


    If you can't multitask at a high lvl, Anni is not your best option. You'd probably see better results rolling rage or carnage.


    Multitasking is not a problem personally but I roll carnage because with the decrease in healing effectiveness healers are likely to put more emphasis on cleansing, which means it might be safer option to go carnage or rage for organised pvp and rely more on direct damage.


    Sure you can reapply the dot relatively easily however at the same time everytime you compete on that ground with a cleanser you are also wasting a GCD as well. That is more of my concern.


    Carnage got a lot of debuffs and snares. They can't be cleansed. Gore is going to drop a focused target fast (because it allows your team to bypass armor on the target). Add that with healing debuff from deadly throw (which also happens to root as well for carnage) it will really make life difficult for the target.

  16. Play concealment then come and talk to me. Let me know just how far that expertise carries 4 consecutive patch nerfs, 9 nerfs in 1.2 patch alone.


    It still has nothing to do with other dps classes regardless. In fact bioware didnt really buff any one classes damage, but as u mentioned, nerfed some instead.


    It was the new expertise scale that skyrocketed a lot of the damages.

  17. Truth of the matter is this all has to do with the expertise change, and nothing to do with class balance at all.


    Problem is ppl who r not as smart or kids who cant do math cant tell the difference between bad expertise scaling and class balance.


    Linear scaling creates dangerously high numbers if stack properly, and thats why most other system uses diminishing returns scale instead of linear. However bioware somehow drop the ball mathematically on that one, lol

  18. yea it happens.


    I have a 370k damage game one match and the next match i did 120k


    granted the 370k was a voidstar and the 120k was a NC where i was playing a little more objectively.


    However - a lot of the time it can come down to your team and if the healers like you.


    I think unless you are doing a lot of AoEs in general it is very hard to do a lot of damage in NC - this is because some many of the fights occurs in packs and but that the same time it can be quite spread out. Also there is too much moving from point to point even when compared to Alderaan.

  19. Any spec is just as viable 1v1, the problem is how you play it, and who's got better gear, who's got cooldowns up and who has the jump - all specs of Mara are jump-centric if you act first you will always have a major advantage (because you will have a bit more time to build and blow your offensive cooldowns which for any mara makes a lot of starting difference)


    If you are Anni and you manage to stay moving and DoT up, Rage will have more trouble. If you are Rage and manage to snare hard and prevent Anni from moving you might also have a chance.

  20. I think the squishiness of carnage is okay IF you came from playing another AC that has similar low survivability and high snares in pvp, such as 0/10/31 Pyro PT (yes Pyro's has quite low survivability despite the armor in terms of organised pvp because they have no escapes and no really effective defensive cooldowns).


    When playing carnage you tended to learn to adjust to the lower survivability by being more aware of the target selections and be more careful about when you should get into a fight and when to force camo out.

  21. I think it would still depend a lot on your playstyle though.


    If you are good at being a pointman and being the main attacker of the group I can see Rage as being very good (if not the best) build for that type of players.


    I personally am better at bloodhound type of play in a organised group (ie. hunting and pressuring a specific target) so I still prefer Carnage myself - I love snares :p

  22. i am lvl 40 and i have yet to hit 2.5 as well i believe. but i just did a combat log compile and im getting 837 DPS as an anni spec. but i have great survivability i can jump from mob to mob without needing to heal and i use jaesa as a companion


    To hit 2.5k+ on force scream for carnage under 40 WZ you really need to have Gore active on your enemy. Without which it will be quite hard.


    I've landed a 2.85k on a Sorc ones who have maybe only 1k health left. Launched the Scream just right when Ravage was about to finish on him. Poor guy got blown away.

  23. I think the problem is that Carnage is underpowered, moreso than that Annihilation is overpowered.


    But yes, Anni is definitely more "frantic" because the priority list is more complex and there are a number of factors (time, talents, etc.) that can impact what the correct next action is. There's more quick decisions to be made between GCDs and a goodly bit of planning ahead to manage resources for Annihilate and bleeds.


    I think it is more of an issue of difference in playstyle between Carnage and Anni.


    Anni, as you said, is more abilities centric - you got a lot of abilities at your disposal to cause harm, and you got a lot of survivability, but you have to use them at the right time. You can however linger in a fight, draw it out and win through attrition.


    Carnage is more target centric - abilities are simpler and more straightforward, that and lower survivability means your focus should be on picking the right targets (our vast amount of snares and roots really shows this to be the case - to prevent escape) and be quick and sure you can finish it, or get out quickly. Carnage really don't have the survivability to draw it out.


    In "other games" terms, I think Anni plays more like Death Knight whereas Carnage feels more like combat rogue.

  24. Every spec has it's advantages and disadvantages in groups.


    I myself thinks that the biggest boon of Rage spec is the amount of healing pressure you can put on the enemy team. Smashes hits several people at a time very hard, healer will be stressed out trying to keep people alive.


    The biggest disadvantage is also of it's reliance on smash I think because it is an aoe, for stealthing nodes it will be difficult to take a Rage spec along to help because you cc 2 guys, the third might come along trying to stop you, but Rage spec can't use one of it's main abilities to halt the third guy cuz the smash might wake up the other 2, and prolong the fight before your stealth team can cap it.


    So Rage spec in essence would be great when played with the main body of the group attacking or defending with the main force, but not so much for help stealing objectives. Rage spec is best used when they are the center of the attention and being the center of the fight. Anni and Carnage are more about picking out singles.

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