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Posts posted by aRtFuL

  1. If you're good marauder against good team - there would be big mark over you all the time telling everyone 'kill this bastard'.


    Note that I was only talking about huttball - most times teams in huttball focuses on getting the ball moving and keeping the ball carrier alive and moving/passing. They generally don't waste time to pay attention to individuals.


    All other wz of course, you pretty much get focused from the getgo. Which is why I usually don't jump head first into a fight (or jump head first and use force camo offensively - jump and disappear right away to confuse).


    Predation, yes, one of the biggest advanteges. Camo? I find 6 seconds with improved speed much more usefull than snares off.


    Again, only in reference to huttball. Other wzs I will not waste camo like that.


    Roots are usefull at hutball, but it's not that breaking deal advantage. You still have choke, roar, charge. After playing both specs for a pretty long time, I find 'sitting on target' much easier with rupture root and 1m charge rather then carnage roots.


    Roots are actually superior in huttball because it is not affected by the resolve. All the other methods you mention builds or affected by resolve, which is not a good thing (especially since a ball carrier usually pretty much have full resolve bar by the time they get to the last ramp).


    There are so many times that I see carnage's 2 roots ruined the opps game when the carny mara is on defense.


    Again, all these is just in reference to huttball, which I've mentioned specifically, and somehow this point still seems to be missed in replies.


    Also, I personally found that comments such as below:


    It looks like most of the commenters here are theorycrafting and didn't reach that level of skill at pvp when they can start giving advices which is a bit sad.


    Only makes one's comment LESS valid because really, this is a forum, hardly anyone here knows or even played against each other; we don't know where each other "skill level" is at. All you can see is their personal opinion. Now you might agree or disagree with it, but it doesn't necessarily reflects how they actually plays. Their opinion isn't necessarily inferior just because you don't agree with it.


    I'm sure a decent player can make any classes/specs work, if your goal is not solely wz comms/badges/damage dealt. Usefulness is not always reflected in the scores, rooting and snaring people and allowing you teammates to catch up on them is not reflected in the scores at all. There are so many factors to consider, thus the simplistic view that it is possible to see one's "skill" from forum comments is a big fallacy.

  2. Annihilation is probably overall the best against good players. Carnage is definitely the best against the average player you'll run into in a warzone though.


    Which honestly is enough for me to give Carnage the nod actually, at least in terms of "how quickly can I win WZs and get comms".


    You actually get less badges as carnage because carnage is such a single target spec. Doesn't matter if you do more damage than the next guy. You just can't get some of the badges Anni can get.


    Carnage is actually best in huttball on defense and assist offense. Because:

    1. You don't get focused most times

    2. Your predation is damn fast, and your force camo is a snare escape so if your opps snares you from trying to get to the ballholder, they can't.

    3. Your 2 roots are absolute killers in defense. So many times in huttball where I stopped the opposing team right before the last ramp or even just before the goal line and kill them, and having the opps yell at you for being a "fxxxing carnage" is the best complement of being carnage spec, imo.


    I feel as if carnage is a fair bit more gear dependent than anni though, which is probably another thing to consider.

  3. Right. I still want the Marauder community to have the right mentality about those moves though. Annihilation is the ONLY spec I feel can use UR offensively, and ONLY during Berserk when you can count on the crit-heals. The other two specs MUST use UR to escape or they more or less WILL die. The only other use for UR I can think of is running past fire in Huttball, but Huttball's a whole other animal.


    Good point. Because of the lack of self heals, I definitely hardly ever use UR offensively as carnage.


    Force camo I might, but after I popped that it is pretty much an all-in move.


    Additionally, I've done all 3 specs fairly extensively, and Carnage is the weakest in terms of damage and survivability. You can still do well, but Annihilation is probably the best for a new 50.


    That is definitely false. I know that carnage damage is low on wz scores but wz scores only represent what's happening when someone is doing damage to a lot of people at once.


    Carnage is a lot more dangerous on a single target. Adn the rate of damage a lot of times is NOT reflected in the final scores (Carnage probably got a far higher rate than any other specs first 10-15 secs of a pvp fight). Also, carnage is likely to be far more gear dependent in terms of main-offhand damage, since the main attack is spammable Massacre and has significant off-hand damage buffs and reliances.

  4. For instance, get your Imp guild to all go to Tatoonie, Hoth, etc. Have someone with a character on the Pub side go to fleet and various other planets and talk in general chat about how all of these Imps are congregating on Hoth and something's about to go down. Pubs show up (especially if they're starved for PVP too) and all hizell breaks lose.



    People want world PVP and they also want player driven content. Well, there you go. :)


    The problem with that is, when there is already a big group of imps/pubs on the planet, the opps are not going to appear, because they are just going to get killed repeatedly one by one.


    How world pvp starts on other games is usually from 1 or 2 incidient of ganking, than it gathers momentum gradually turn into a full blown fight.


    The problem with this game is, even the quest areas are mostly separated between imps and pubs so there is almost no chance of running into each other while questing, thus no chance of ganking, thus no chance of world pvp.


    Also, the companion system discourages ganking a lot because you are fighting 1 and a half guy almost instead of fighting just 1.

  5. In my experience, I know when I come across a good PvP'er as he's aware of this, and doesn't eat the third tick.


    Yeah I see this very often. Which is why most of the time I anticipated the stun, and do a Force Scream right after the second tick - you pretty much giving them no chance to avoid a big damage third hit regardless this way.


    Also, I try to pop ravage very late so to reduce the chance of them having any cooldowns left.

  6. The rated gear is just a skin, and since BW is super smart and did color match, you can just buy the chest piece rated (when it comes out) and just color match, and there you go full rated WH without having the buy the extra pieces.




    Though I don't know why people would want to dress higher set looking than they actually are. I intentionally modded everything to look lower tier and remove all titles from my name so that I appear less significant in pvp compare to how powerful my gear actually is - it is good getting pass over from the initial focus fire/CC until they realise that you are ripping them apart 1 by 1 lol.


    Hustling is awesome.

  7. I never claimed Combat didn't have better or more snares. But a spamable slow only limited by the GCD in and of it self is "loads of snares" and Combat doesn't have the 0 range leap.


    Pretty much all melee/10m classes in swtor has spammable snares. Come on.


    Juggs has it, mara has it, PT has it. The only class that I can think of that don't have it are Assassin and Operative but then again, they have other forms of CCs.


    0 range leap is a farce. Hardly Anni mara uses it for interrupt because force charge is NOT something to be wasted on just for the sake of interrupt. If you blow it, your opponent stun you, they get range, they snare you, game over.

  8. I could care less about the snares they put out. If I had a problem with snares, it would be with Juggs. I have a problem with the incredible defensive CD's combined with the damage and burst of the Mara. I stil lhaven't found a single Mara who will trade their defensive CD's for my PT's.


    But I wasn't responding to you comments either before.


    So not sure what you are on about.

  9. Two geared powertechs can burn down any class in seconds on my server, even tanks.


    2 geared any dps can burn down any class in seconds, even tanks. Have you ever seen a geared carnage marauder and a geared anni marauder working on a guy in unison? Damnest sight I've ever saw. The poor focused man can't move, can't run, armors are being ignored, and crit to oblivion.


    I've seen geared sniper combo with gear tankassin doubleteam as well. Even worst. There is nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.

  10. Or just watchman spec...




    "Loads of snares" are only in Combat/Carnage spec.


    Watchman/Anni's snares are crap in comparison - 50% reduction on DoT can easily be negated or cleansed by many other classes's main abilities (Vanguard's Tactics' Hold the Line or Assault's Degauss). It is really no different than Pyro PT/Assault vanguard's DoT snares.


    Carnage has 2 roots and 1 snare in addition to default combat movement speed increase of 15% and 50% speed increase on predation.

  11. Any class can be superheroes when you are talking about 31/31/31 spec. Lol.


    Marauders don't have control?

    What the hell do you call an ***-load of snares, an aoe mez and 2 short cooldown interupts? (charge + disrupt).

    I'm sorry but just because you don't have the "obligatory 4 second stun" does not mean you lack pvp utility.


    I call that 31/31/31 spec because you can only have "loads of snares", a "short cooldown charge" and a "short cooldown interupt" if you are 31/31/31.

  12. It is entirely possible to 100-0 a poorly geared squishy during the period of undying rage, such as an unbubbled sorc or a merc who choose to facetank you. They very often just stand there because they expect you to die within 1-2 gcd yet you have time to do a full deadly saber-rupture-annihilate-ravage combo in the 5+ seconds before you finally die.


    Yeah it is possible and it does happen, however the reason why a mara pops UR in the first place was because they are in trouble.


    If you are in trouble I'd say survival and get out alive is probably the first priority. If you are planning to play the sacrifice game (which sometimes you need to, for example on door or point defence, to buy your team time to arrive) then any of the move that is meant for escape can also be use to prevent cap and prolong the fight.

  13. So... I'm just 50, in the recruit pvp gear and I just cant do anything in pvp anymore... I'm trying to build up some commendations just to start getting gear, but its so hard to. My point is, what pieces of gear should I focus on getting first? what're the most important, In your eyes? Remember, I'm in full Recruit gear, sabers, all that. If it matters, Im a Carnage Marauder.


    Get the saber first I say, augment it out, and be good with escapes - get out if you can't take something down to half health quick at least and people are starting to target you.


    Don't play your mara like a warrior - play it like a rogue that has limited stealth and you should do a lot better.

  14. Go for the spec my mom posted when she was here :) You are way too dependant on a pocket healer if you are carnage and you will get peeled like a bug on the window without good communication. Anni is amazing for healerhunting as you can stay alive longer by yourself, which is essential for getting down those stubborn healers.


    Depends on how u play ur mara really. If u are good at hit and run semi-rogue kinda playstyle carnage imo is better. Anni is more for warrior type of playstyle, sticking it out and dps down.

  15. New PvP Daily is Hurting PvP...Some people literally aren't trying now


    OP, I doubt that very much. People go into pvp always tries from all the games I've seen.


    You can't afk and get something anymore (not without badges). 99 comms a day for doing this is really dismal. If they do that, they will be getting less than 1 piece of gear in a week, as oppose to someone who actually will get 1 piece of gear in less than a couple of hrs by actually playing that 6 games. Those 90 comms are minor bonuses, at best.


    I don't think people will really hold up their cpu time just for that 99 comms a day, which could probably be better use for bittorrenting. Especially the fact that there is virtually NO world pvp in this game, and you can't even take your gear outside to gank people with in most places.


    Therefore your logic is flawed.


    It seems more like you a have vested interest in newbies not catching up so you can continue beating them up because you have better gear.

  16. Carnage is even more neutered by a missed Gore than Annihilation is by a cleansed DOT.


    While gore is important, it is not THAT important in terms of overall scheme of a Carnage's rotation.


    Gore helps increase the damage a fair bit, but the majorly of the burst of Carnage was because of crit Scream anyways (when you partner crit Scream right on the last hit of Ravage or crit Scream chaining with vicious throw).


    Cleansing Anni's DoT is probably a lot worse than cleansing Gore because DoT is actually a significant part of the Anni's main damage whereas Gore is just a setup debuff.


    Personally I'm not worried about the squishiness. Our predation runs faster and our force camo removes snares. If something is wrong, just run :p so you can reset the fight. Also, I just try to avoid getting into getting focused unless our team got healers that actually heals.

  17. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRMRMfsZhMZM.1


    Last three points are your call.


    Get the lowered cooldown on Charge and Disruption. Get the lowered min-distance on Charge, it acts like an extra interrupt without having to back off. These are musts if your goal is to kill healers. I like the slow on Rupture since they increased it to 50%.


    Ravager is debatable, I don't use it a lot, but the skill is uninterruptible, and if you get the last hit off, it's a big deal.


    For survivability put a couple into Phantom. Rage starved? Put them in Enraged Charge.


    Dual Wield Mastery gets mixed reviews, but I like it.


    Actually I think carnage might be a better spec for focusing healers. There is a chance that healers will be cross-cleansing with each other so dot pressure might not always be a good idea in that case.


    Ravager is pretty decent if you use it in the later part of the fight, after the healers have burned most of their CCs and thye have nothing else that can stop your last hit.


    Healers tends to rely on running a fair bit too so carnage's roots might be better also in that circumstances.

  18. No it isn't a good way, but what else do you do? I don't want to hop from wz to wz until I get my dailies done. I also don't want to be consistently losing because people leave after the wz starts. At least this slows them down from hopping around warzones and it does help to keep players from leaving after the wz started... if you want to hurry and get your daily done, guess what? Don't leave!


    It's not forcing anyone to do anything, it's addressing a problem and helping players be more aware than selfish. I dunno... I guess I was raised with some values... things like do unto others as you'd want them to do unto you. Everyone hates it when people leave after the warzone started, but it's different when you do it? Think.


    Why are you only quoting that one line, while not even address my point about a handicap system vs a penalty system?


    Yolu only choose to argue the bit of personal opinion (which is no point in arguing, sicne different people have different opinions), but not address that part where I highlighted on solutions (which is, in fact, the key to this thread)?


    For example the poster above me is being pragmatic and addressing the issues, he/she is debating about a fix (which is addressing the point of this thread), NOT other people's values and opinions.


    Finally, if a handicap/incentive system addresses the same issue but achieve a better result than a penalty system, then why are people so insistent on a penalty system that ultimately discourages participation??

  19. The fact is that the Warzones are team games and if you don't want to be a part of the team AFTER the wz started, then you should get penalized.


    But it doesn't change the fact that penalty is NOT a good way at all to force people to stay in game. People are going to leave regardless if they don't see their effort is being recognised.


    A handicap system, on the other hand, by far encourages people to stay in game more than penalty. Handicap system, like the one I've mentioned, is NOT rewarding people for failure - it is recognising player's effort to be courageous and have heart in sticking to a fight. It is like giving out Purple Hearts or a prosmethus Medal of Valor.


    Severe penalty only serves to drive people away, especially in this game where world pvp and getting ganked is so rare because most quest areas are so separated - there is really no incentive or necessity to pvp to get gear for world pvp because world pvp doesn't happen anyways, which ended up making pvp progression pointless and dull in many aspects in this game.

  20. Instead of these silly penalty suggestions, we should have a handicap system in place where:


    1. Once a team has less players than the opponent, there is no longer a 1 badge minimum requirement for the team.


    2. For every player less, everyone in the team gets 1/8 more of their own total comms at the end for every man short (ie. the handicap bonus)


    For example:

    1 man short, everyone in the team gets a 1/8 increase in the comms they get at the end

    2 man short, everyone in the team gets a 2/8 increase in the comms they get at the end


    This way people are encouraged to stay in game and to try to fight it out even if short-manned.


    Also, BW should remove the ability to join a game that is already in process. Let failed games finish quickly please.

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