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Posts posted by aRtFuL

  1. The only reason why so many whine about Mara is because the Favourite of "Last" month's classes - the lameness trinity of Op, sorc and Merc, can no longer bea them.


    Van/PT, Sniper and Juggs have no such problem. However their decent at pvp at level 50 player numbers are relately small so you don't hear their voices.


    If the player base of PTs and Snipers were as big as sorcs/ops/mercs you wouldn't see people whining about Mara, and Sorc would've still be considered FO"This"M.

  2. Instead of bickering, I think it is better to suggest a constructive solution that is fair for all.


    BW should take everyone that has pvp gears now, remove those gear, and refund the warzone commendations equivalent in value.


    This way people who had BM pieces will be refunded with enough to get BM pieces come patch 1.2.


    People who had champ pieces will be refunded with 50% of the warzone commendations worth of getting BM pieces (so if you have 2 piece of champ gear before, you will have refund enough warzone comms to get 1 BM piece)


    People who had centurion pieces before will be funded with 25% of the warzone commendations with of getting BM pieces.


    Subsequently all current champ and cent commendations unused will be exchanged into warzone comms.


    That way, fair, no effort is vain, unhappy people will be less unhappy.


    Bioware should've done this.

  3. My main was a powertech up to Rank 61 back in January before rerolling mara... I think that class is mind numbingly boring. That's how easy was the Pyrotech rotation. That's the reason I wanted a change.


    Boring and easy is not quite the same thing. How many keys to click doesn't necessarily determine how difficult a class is. If by that logic, I can also say tennis is a really simple game too there is really only 1 thing you are mainly doing (hitting the ball with a racket), but we all know that it is not true.


    How easy a class in pvp (as in being effective while surviving) is largely determine by how often they can gain initiative at the start of the fight.


    Powertech pyro has very limited means of gaining initiative and afterward that it is not impressive at maintaining it either. And if powertech fails to win the fight there is really nowhere to go but fight to death. It is mostly a reactive class.


    Mara is a fair bit more proactive (not as proactive as operative of course, but still pretty proactive) in that we can also have more means to start a fight on our terms, and can maintain it till finishing blow (or at least have a fair chance of get out if failed).

  4. Lmao, you know, usually, when i see a Senti/Marra running at me as Sniper, i usually say... omg a kikoofreekill.. but it's another story when i see a Vanguard rush at me.. thrust me, i never want to aggro one of those when i'm solo.. :D


    Yeah vanguard is the nemesis of any solely long range dps AC/spec. Van can also destroy loltracer spam BH and dps sorc 1v1 quite easily. Vanguard fight at 10m but can also do well in 4m or have some capability at 30m which makes them hard to get away from for range peeps.


    Mara is usually hard for Van. Assault from my experience probably has the most chance against Mara. Shield spec will probably do the worst as Mara Anni spec was designed to DoT tanks to death.

  5. I would recommend not playing either of the warrior classes if you're looking for easy-mode OP. Especially if you're coming from playing a 3 button Sorc or 1 button Tracerlol. As a matter of fact, if you're simply looking for an OP class to play you are more then likely a mediocre player and you won't be able to realize the potential of a warrior class anyway.


    I'd recommend sticking to something that a drunk monkey can play and be above average with: Powertech Pyro or Tracerlol.


    Tracerspam yes.


    Powertech pyro is not an easymode class, come on. How many powertechs do you even see on a planet at any peak hours anyways, let alone WZ? Pyro spec has limited survivability, little CC (just like mara) and no escape ability - once you are in it you better kill or be killed.


    Powertechs are not that different from Mara.

  6. The problem with deep tactics AND high energy cell combination in pvp is:


    1. High energy cell offers no DoT and no snares. Even with HTL it is no enough to keep your enemy stationary or within range for long in pvp for us to unleash deep tactic's true power - which is 5 stack pulse generator pulse cannon. Tactics spec really need a good and proper snare/root for it to work.


    2. Fire Pulse is a gimped ability compare to AP. Without the range of AP and the dual DoT capability of going plasma cell (plasma cell DoT + IR DoT), Fire Pulse really need to do MORE damage than AP, not LESS, in order to make any sense in using it - either that or it should be spammable (no CD) or have a healing debuff.

  7. You didn't showcase the "dirty" thing you can do with the spec. If you pop battle focus, an adrenal, and relic, with or without the red expertise buff, you can chain crit for 4k+


    I think Taugrim didn't showcase it probably because the situation in the video didn't required it.


    From my experience it is powerful when you pop them, however in most cases you don't need it. Only when it is really required to take down a particularly annoying healer or got forced into a difficult 1v1 would you really need to pop them to guarrantee victory. Most of the time AP + HiB + Stockstrike already hits way more than hard enough for it's purpose.

  8. Understood.


    I tried the talents in this order, what I projected (incorrectly) to be best:

    1. Degauss

    2. PCS

    3. NVS


    I was hoping Degauss would be the silver bullet for curing the mobility limitations of Assault Spec builds, but I found that waiting to use the bubble to break a root / snare ended up getting me killed more than popping the bubble when I needed the mitigation.


    Actually I feel what you are saying. Degauss would definitely not necessary save one if they are constantly getting snared (since Degauss, unlike Hold the Line, does not provide a short root/snare immunity).


    I tend to found though that at the end of the day, I pop Reactive Shield for the purpose of deguass more often than for the purpose of damage reduction myself, since I found that reactive shield is most useful when against Sorc's lightning (which is a snare and attack which shield will work against) and against the sniper or the sith warrior's root and snare, which also are the situations where reactive shield with deguass truely serves it's dual purpose at the same time.


    Other situations I've found the reactive shield really doesn't help that much for it's damage reduction potential.


    Fortunately of course as an Assault spec our advantage is also be able to cause significant damage at range (even if it is not as good as when we are in 10m), so snare is not as major a concern as oppose to deep Tactics specced vanguards.

  9. I've been deep Assault for a long time myself (0/10/31) and I feel as though for pvp if one is going for Assault spec it is better off to sacrifice the few percentage of damage in not having Intimidation and Brutal Impact and pick up Tactical Tools and Containment Tactics instead.


    Those seconds of reduced cooldown I think will have a much better chance of saving lives and causing chaos on the enemy team more often than the slightly more damage will.


    Also damage can always been improved by intelligent gear stats distribution, cooldowns cannot.


    But of course if one is planning to use the HiB bonus crit PvP set than I can see they will benefit more from 4/6/31. Combat Tech PvP set however focus on neural surge and stockstrike so I feel as though putting more points in Tactics rather than any points in Shields improves it even more.


    Also, I'm not too certain of the benefit of taking Reflexive Shield without taking Degauss because, Degauss was the derooter of the spec, and Reflexive Shield's main benefit is to make that more available. Reactive shield really very rarely saves one from death if they are being focus on when you are using plasma cell anyways. Better off to use that as a second "situational get back mobility" ability.


    That's just my humble opinion.

  10. Actually for any specs that has elements of Shield spec in it an uses Ion Cell I think Shield Cycler's advantage, while good, is not absolutely necessary.


    Elements of shields spec are mostly so ammo efficient anyways that when I was specced in it for a while in the past I rarely find any problem with running out of ammo.


    It is assault spec and plasma cell users that normally have ammo consumption problems.

  11. When guarding a door/node or carrying the ball, you will get focused. In theory you may be right, but in practice I find you will be able to force people to focus you in objective based pvp.


    Actually from my experience in pvp, heavy tanks do not get focused very much. People see tanks and upon the first attack can not score significant damage on them (800 damage on an attack that normally should score 1500ish damage for example) they will switch target to the folks who are SUPPORTING the tank, pop every cooldown they have on them, kill them as fast as possible so the tanks have NO support.


    That in pvp is often times the best strategy. You kill and nerf the supports damage and healing, and the snare the tank until you can have enough backup to take him down.


    In fact, in huttball, a tactic that I use on strong tanks who are carry the ball all the time is "drop-harpoon" - that is, fire harpoon while you are falling to the bottom level. That way drag them down to the bottom level with you and and kill their path of movement, while also isolating him from his support.

  12. PvP or PvE?


    PvP, definitely crit and surge


    PvE is a bit difficult. After PvEing some I'm not to certain it is ideal to have too high crit and surge because I feel as though I bursts too hard and fast at times and ended up stealing agro. Maybe focus on accuracy and power more for consistency?




    No changes


    Tactics actually needs A LOT of changes.


    Starting with Fire Pulse.


    Fire Pulse is almost a pointless ability. It rarely hits much harder than Ion Pulse, even though it does elemental damage. Assault Plastique hits a lot harder all the time in comparison.

  14. The problem with this thread is it's filled with a lot of people who DON'T play assault, arguing about how their FotM shield spec is better.


    Meanwhile, the people who actually play assault in PvP generally seem to strongly support AP.


    Onlookers can make the call based on that.


    Yes and also the problem is once you go into a spec it is very hard to switch, because your gears would not be appropriate for the other (deep shield and deep assault has very different stats on their respective pvp set)


    If you switch to try with supercommando gear to do assault it would suck a lot cuz you won't be doing the kind of damage to make it work (due mainly to lack of crit and surge).


    I am fortunate enough to have both champ sets myself but not many are in that position where they can switch and try with the most optimial setup.

  15. to each their own, but I have done a ton better in PvP as assault spec over the tactics spec. I ran tactics from 10-50, always wishing I had a little more "killability" and with assault, I feel like I do. If I am medal harvesting, I will roll ion cell with guard to get the medals for that, then switch over to plasma for some dps medals.


    Going assault and using both ion and plasma when appropriate has totally rejuvenated my love of vanguard.


    but again, to each their own :)


    Taunt still works with Assault spec.


    Also the reduce cooldown on CC and harpoon can potentially helps just as much in protecting your healer - cryo grenade/neural surge is enough to give a few seconds for your teammates to regain distance, and as assault you can probably burn them down in that same few seconds (and snare them around horribly).

  16. Not head to head if equally geared from my experience


    Which is why when I have no choice but to face marauders 1v1, I have to make sure I use cryo grenade and neural surge to break their momentum, get some distance, land a few 10m attacks, then dive back in and pop the 25% crit and crit relic as soon as opportunity arises (not too early, otherwise you might run out of steam midfight)

  17. Grinding through the bad gear period is part of learning how to be a good pvper - in all competitive fighting sport in RL you have to get beat up to get any good - because people who are willing to withstand getting beat up got heart, perserverance, work ethic enough to learn how to fight, as oppose to just relying on natural higher strength and natural better reactions than others.


    In other words - you grind to learn how to reduce your weakness.


    I feel as though people who believe gear grind =/= skill are the same people who believes the a talented roughneck can go toe to toe with a trained martial artist.


    Nature born good physical attributes (whether smarter/stronger/better reaction time) is NOT skill.


    Skill comes through training and getting beaten up so you learn to anticipate.


    I'm willing to bet that a large portion of the pvpers that have BM gear already, even if they use the same gear as you, they will still likely to beat you - because they knew what you are most likely going to do from experience, from the 1000+ WZs he played to get there.


    To say it simply, grind doesn't necessary equals better pvper, but it definitely is a reflection of the heart of the player and the willingness to endure the bad times to get good, and that by all indication gives the quality to make a good player.

  18. The main problem with tactics is it's 31 talent.


    Fire Pulse really needs a lot of improvement. If it was to have such crappy damage it better has a healing debuff effect or something.


    And High Energy Cells really needs a snare effect on proc like ion in Shields and Plasma in Assault (maybe 100% proc by Gut or HiB). Otherwise Tactics will always be lacking.

  19. I actually prefer 0/10/31 for Assault spec myself:




    Reduce Harpoon and cryo grenade cooldown kings any damage increase in pvp, imo.


    Harpoon is so crucial on Huttball for defensive play (falling-harpoon is the best way to prevent someone from getting to the goal line) and cryo grenade + stun surge is the only thing that will save u if you got ambushed by operatives.


    Also both of those abilities can be used as interrupt in some situations.


    Increasing a few percent of base damage on some abilities pales in comparison to the improve utility. The only thing I care about that are passive stat increases are the flat crit or proc chance increases because crit is king for bursters.

  20. And the same thing happens if you substitute SG for AP, less a bit of damage on 1 ability...


    AP lovers treat the debate like 'is more burst good' or 'does AP do more than SG'. That's not the question. The question 'is having AP better than 6-7 points elsewhere'? The answer to that is debateable.


    I previously had AP. I found it didn't change my overall damage production by a decisive amount. Yes, it was more.


    I think you are missing a few points of going AP right there. Yes going down tactics tree CAN give you potentially higher overall damage, BUT the problem is you are less mobile in using it (even though u have HTL, but that's mobility, not mobility of attack, which is different).


    AP can be fired at 30m range, AP is also fire-and-forget.


    Going down Tactics grants you pulse generator. Ion pulse stacking and pulse cannon (and stock refresh and HiB crit) CAN get you more damage over time but all that has to be done within 10m range aside from HiB. Also, unleashing pulse generator requires you to be standing still.


    You can't dodge and weave with deep tactics and maintain a high burst capability.


    That's why AP, imo, is more suitable if you are going for more aggressive style of pvp.


    tbh the question for this thread should have been "AP essential for offensive pvp?"


    If your goal is to rack up kills, and cap turrets/doors then APs burst potential is very important.


    If however you prefer to defend caps, keep healers/dps alive, and score regularly in huttball then the survivability/utility from a shield or tactics spec is more important.


    I roll tactics and no I dont cap often and yes sorc healers are my bane BUT I can hold a door/turret by myself against 3/4 of the enemy team for the crucial amount of time for my team to cap or respond. And I'm practically a huttball god.


    APs usefulness is really a question of playstyle.


    AP doesn't necessary makes less suitable for playing defensive. I can defend just as well and keep healer alive juse as well because I can change target quick and take down opps who are threatening to the healer (or at least hurt them enough so they have to change to self-preservation ahead of killing their intended target). What tactics to employ is a personal thing.


    AP does however make you less able to passively protect your healers.


    So it is just a question of playstyle, as you said, at the end of the day. Either path is viable.


    In fact, the only sad 31 point talent is Fire Pulse. It does no more damage than Ion Pulse when I tried it, and it has a very crap animation. I don't know why it exists :(


    They should really make Fire Pulse into something that has a point, like 50% healing debuff or something.

  21. AP for Assault is absolutely essential if you build your stats base on burst and quick finish from my experience.


    Ion pulse, HiB and Stockstrike alone just isn't bursty enough and if your job is to target a healer there is no way you can get ahead on them healing themselves without running out of ammo, even if you manage to interrupt 80% of their heals.


    AP timing it's explosion with stockstrike or HiB is an absolute killer. You can easily cause over 7k of damage in that 1 combo if you time it properly (pop 25% crit increase, pop pvp relic, AP lands for 3k+, Stockstrike lands for 2.7k, HiB lands for maybe around 2k). After that, 2 more ion pulse (because your crits are still in effect) or 1 ion cannon will probably finish them off (since they would already have DoTs on them as well because you would've started with Incendiary Rounds).


    I tried moving specs around to without AP, can't achieve the same effect at all if your stats are focused on having high crit % and crit damage.


    If your stats are focused on survivability, then I guess AP will be more pointless for you.

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