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Everything posted by Chimeran

  1. Was using that site and also vids on youtube. I do not expect it to be right in front of me, I have been at it over 2 hours... that is long enough. I start in the outer edge and work my way clockwise into the middle , so 4 circles all the way round. It is purely just another time sink and not a fun one if you luck out like I have. Up until this point, it was a very fun mission to do.
  2. Not sure I fully understand this mission in the Jedi Temple ruins for the 3rd droid part. I have been searching for over 2 hours now, carefully grid searching and still no droid part. Seriously, I subscribed to do the mission but what is with the Temple ruins? I had obtained 3 way points from other players and also completed a grid search of the temple, still nothing. Why make the mission so ridiculous? Needle in a haystack ..... come on Dev's, some of us are casual players. Also heard the part can even reset if someone else finds it.... yeah logical there. Bored... ready to rage quit.
  3. She reminds me of an ex girlfriend, I like that her personality is out of my control, that she is a freak and is up for some bedtime. ..... but break anything on my ship and your out on your arse !!!!!
  4. Really? Is it random.... that's ridiculous BW please fix this one fast. I think the fact we can actually buy them is awesome, but random... = no thanks.
  5. Awesome thanks, I searched for info but could not find any, none in the FAQ. Great to know. I can stop smashing my head into my keyboard now.
  6. I have been playing since Beta, registered as New Zealand when account when active on 1st day. I have 2 level 50's and a bunch of alts, all created before the 28th February. These characters are not in the transfer list, in fact none of my characters are. I have checked all my information and it is correct and in before the 28th February. Is anyone else having this problem with character transfers?
  7. Asia Pacific servers are 200+ on fleet but that's Australian, New Zealand time. I swapped to this server recently and it has been awesome.
  8. Funny thing is I was ranting about how suckful swtor was until I joined a heavily populated Asia Pacific server. All of a sudden... 200+ on fleet, 60-200 on planets. Ive run so many FP's and heroics lately the game is awesome. I already had 3 level 50's on another server. Rolled a sniper on the Asia Pacific and it has given back my fun game experience all over again. I am in a guild, normally at least 10-30 on when I play. Yeah having a blast, even got into crafting again ( cause with lots players, you can sell stuff ) Seriously, before you write SWTOR off, try a heavily populated server at the time you play most. Server population makes a huge huge difference. I am not really into PvP thats why I play PvE servers.
  9. It is a mindless grind. Crafting sucks Grouping sucks SWTOR is a solo player PvP sucks What other game can I play?
  10. /Agree Game is quite boring once you have run one character to level 50. Servers are ghost towns, trying to run Heroics or FP I don't even bother now. When I look up and see the entire planet has 20 people on it at peek time I just think what a joke.... what other game can I play?
  11. anyway the game sucks at level 50, so no great loss. Better to reroll a new toon and run through the entire grind fest once again. Its awesome. Level 50 in SWTOR reminds me so much of Age of Conan in the early days. SWBOR FTW
  12. any negative posts about swtor get removed. The moderation here is disgusting. Answer: I left because I got bored when I had a lvl 50 and a bunch of level 20's to 40's. I came back, got a new toon to 50 but it was slow and painful due to lack of population. I went from level 30 to 50 unable to get grps for heroics. And again...level 50 and nothing to do. I hope 1.2 breaths some life into this game but I think it is too little too late. I will try and get another toon to 50 but the grind is totally boring now.
  13. It won't make any difference, its the game design itself that causes problems.
  14. That will be the low server populations = no chat
  15. Ive clocked this solo player rpg, now its time to move on.
  16. I cancelled my subscription... does that count? I got bored of logging onto my level 50, and then my alts became just as boring. I need a new game to play
  17. Too little too late. SWTOR soon to be free play
  18. I just cancelled. have fun all, maybe I will come back when this game has some added features.... like real guilds and customized ships etc.
  19. No because: Game after your first level 50 toon is just boring. Nothing for guilds to work towards. Same old mindless grind. Crafting is pointless Grouping is getting harder and not encouraged. ( Balsavis today had a population of less than 12 ) Community seems dead, feels like many have stopped playing. SWTOR forums are too busy covering up any bad press about the game. Not enough was implemented into the game for guilds to do, nothing to work towards. It felt like a solo player all the way to level 50. The game had now become such a chore and does not hold my interest at all.
  20. But such a shame the BH ship is the ugliest piece of rubbish ever created, give BH the choice to steal the ship they want.
  21. Once you hit level 50, you re roll a new toon and prey the game gets better before your will to live is totally sucked dry.
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