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Everything posted by MoobooMagoo

  1. This. Our guild has a republic and imperial guild so it would be nice to be able to talk to everyone at once. And OP, for RP reasons you can't talk to the other faction because you don't have access to their communication channels. While your concerns over /e not working are valid, you shouldn't be able to talk to the other faction through any other methods than /say or /yell. Even during same faction PvP it is, lore wise, a training exercise. Since you wouldn't be able to contact the other side normally that communication is not allowed during training.
  2. I'm way too lazy to read the whole thread, but I do like the idea of having a legacy unlock to keep my class buff up through death. I sometimes forget when I'm in a Warzone. Better yet you could just make the buff not run out, like just make it permanently on. I don't like the idea about the datacrons, though.
  3. It is true that certain Stage 2 quests require particular combinations of Stage 1 quests to become available. I don't know if everything has been figured out yet or not, but you could try checking Dulfy's site. If anyone would know it would be her. I guess you are just supposed to experiment and try different combinations that logically go together. Like on Republic side there are a couple that have to do with mining and stability, and if you do those two you unlock a particular Stage 2 mission (I forget the names at the moment).
  4. That is a better progression of faces for increasing dramatic tension via visual cues. No I don't have anything better to do, thank you for wondering.
  5. I THINK I remember hearing that they would try to respect EU content as much as possible. I might have just imagined that, though, because I don't remember where, so take it with a grain of salt. ON TOPIC: I've been wondering when the report was going to happen. I know the server I'm on is really healthy but I didn't know about the others, so it is good to hear the game is going well.
  6. Maybe, I hadn't thought of that. I'm on the Republic side. Although it is unlikely, this could also possibly be a server problem. I'm on Prophecy of the Five.
  7. I dunno if someone mentioned this or not, but... That is owned by Disney. In any event, it actually makes sense for Disney to make kid friendly Star Wars stuff as well as adult oriented stuff. Most Star Wars fans are either long time fans, in which case they want the adult oriented stuff, or kids because lightsabers and blasters are cool. By making kid friendly stuff their parents will allow them to see / play AND adult stuff, it gets kids doubly hooked. You give them stuff that has Jedi and lightsabers and other cool stuff, but then there is this whole other world of games and movies that they want to see (because its Star Wars) but can't see (because they aren't old enough), which only drives them to want to see even more, which further cements the idea that everything Star Wars is awesome. That is a really potent one-two punch of psychological marketing, and you can't do it with many IPs. I see no reason why Disney wouldn't take advantage of this, unless they hate making money.
  8. Why would EA, the publisher of SWTOR, getting exclusive rights to making Star Wars games, kill SWTOR, a Star Wars game? Like...I'm really curious as to your thought process on that one.
  9. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it is a bug. They are probably erroneously marked as being harvest able in the game's code or something.
  10. This same thing happened to me. I think it is a bug. Chances are we won't get the achievement until after they fix it, at which point our achievements will update automatically.
  11. Although I think it would definitely be cool, it would take such a colossal amount of work I doubt it would ever happen.
  12. It is just a pun. It's the same reason March 14th is pie day.
  13. Well yes, anything that fits your description IS a humanoid, by definition, meaning they are basically humans with a few differences. But I do see your point. It would be nice if you had different animations, but we don't. However, that has far more to do with the game and the engine than the race. Every character model in the game moves the same way regardless of their race. I mean how would you even animate them differently? I guess you could give a call to the Ministry of Silly Walks and get their input But seriously, I get that people would like to see some variety in player races, but the game doesn't really support that. Everything is going to animate the same way, whether it is a Cathar, Kel Dor, or Rodian. While I do admit Ithorians are more alien than most MMO race choices, they are still just hunchbacked humans with four throats, a weird shaped face, and messed up hands and feet.
  14. There is probably a primary / secondary color going on there. The coat only shows one of the colors and the pants show the other one or something.
  15. Fact: You can use any number of punctuation marks to end a sentence, such as an exclamation mark, question mark, or even an ellipsis. That said... WHY GOD?! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do you end everything in double periods? That is such awful writing. You realize what a period actually is, right? It means 'full stop'. What you are doing is telling us to make a full stop twice in a row which is just wrong. You can use three periods in a row because that is actually an ellipsis. You can even use a long string of periods to indicate a longer pause which is technically wrong but could be viewed as a style choice. Your writing? No. That is not style, that is a blight on the English language. It is hard to read and just plain awful. You might be fancying yourself some kind of funky, New Age English pro, but you're just a douche intentionally butchering a language because you think it makes you cool. Pro Tip: Stylistic choices are almost exclusively reserved for poetry and fall under that category of 'poetic license'. Prose, which forum posts are closer to, does not generally have this same freedom. Now I may not have much to say on the topic at hand, but I do know that, while you are free to write with whatever 'style' choices you want, it is frankly disgusting to look at and I really wish you would stop. ON TOPIC: It could be argued that customization options are, in fact, quality of life for some people. Roleplayers might want their character to get a haircut, or maybe they want to roleplay that their character is infiltrating the enemy by disguising themselves as a different race or something, I don't know. It is also entirely possible that this is just the most exciting thing they are adding with the update and all the bug fixes and quality of life stuff hasn't been announced yet.
  16. TOR IS cartoony. The devs even said they were going for a stylized look which I think they have done rather well. One of the biggest complaints back before the game launched was 'this looks too much like the Clone Wars show, I'll never play something so cartoony derp derp'
  17. Last I knew, the devs said they have 0 plans to ever implement flying mounts. They just wouldn't work with the way the game is designed.
  18. My money is on pink people, actually. Zeltron, to be more exact. But what I REALLY want to know is what kind of race would you create that WASN'T some kind of different colored human? Wookies? Bear people. Rodians? Bug people. Hutts? Slug people. Every race in every MMO that has EVER BEEN MADE EVER HAS HAD NOTHING BUT RECOLORED OR RECONFIGURED HUMANS OR ANTHROPOMORPHIC ANIMALS AS AN OPTION. People complaining about this are so annoying. Show me one example of how I'm wrong. I dare you. EDIT: Oh, and monster play in LotRO doesn't count. I'm talking race choice at character creation, not minigames. EDIT AGAIN: I did find one game, Istaria, which lets you play as a Dragon. I guess I was wrong because there is a single, barely known MMO that lets you play as a non-human. I'm curious if anyone can find anything else, though, because as far as I can tell every other MMO only has humans as a race.
  19. That is the only iteration of player housing I've heard of that I actually like.
  20. Azrael is the archangel of retribution and death. True story.
  21. Comparing accuracy to cunning isn't really fair. You should say that all of you agents need to stack main stat, which everyone does. I am a healer as well and I love the new change. It makes me feel like more of a healer. I think it is a good change to role distinction; DPS are the best CCers now because they have the accuracy for it, which is how it should be (DPS are for taking care of the enemies).
  22. I like the artwork. It reminds me of the cover art for the old Star Wars movies, which is what I think the artist was going for. The only problem I have is that the woman in the art looks a LOT like a person I went to high school with, especially the eye makeup. Every time I boot up the game I feel like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afe2seRtQuY&t=2m53s
  23. C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER (I didn't quote anyone, in case you are wondering). I support this insofar as I support proper grammar. I don't really care either way, though.
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