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Everything posted by Tim-ONeil

  1. Put your money where your mouth is. In the court of public opinion everyone is an all-star attorney. Go to bat for real.
  2. It's a quality of life issue. If you play the game a lot being F2P is extremely limiting. Why would I subject myself to that when I'm happy customer? It makes no sense. This isn't a grassroots fight you can win. I'm sorry. Go picket Walmart for closing your mom and pop stores. It will be just as effective.
  3. I'll go play the game now, the forums are officially the domain of the unintelligent. When people that have an agenda and don't know or care how a business works post on here this type of thread happens. You are mad at Bioware. You are willing to post anything at all that makes you feel better. Outlandish claims, completely false statements, and analogies that don't make logical sense are your forte. You will never be satisfied with anything they do. You don't feel 'valued' because the producer didn't ask you directly for your input. You feel you can create a better game if they would just listen to you. You have a chip on your shoulder, a 1 liter bottle of mountain dew, and the night is young. The forums will burn from your rage.
  4. Unlikely you clearly have a vested interest in the game. You are just overreacting to the patch. Maybe a month vacation would make you feel better. Milk and cookies too?
  5. And you'll resub again as soon as you realize how much the free to play sucks. Then you'll understand the value of your sub. You might even appreciate it more.
  6. Double revenue increase since F2P launch = healthy upward trend. /end thread.
  7. I almost spit my drink out reading that. So so so true.
  8. You get exactly what you paid for - and you want more. You pay for access to the game content. Cosmetic fluff is on the CM, has been since the F2P launch. It's not game content. It's not required. AND you get a free amount of coins to spend monthly. All I see if whiny, entitled, people that do not understand how the world works complaining about how they need more. It's sad really. That is why your posts are ridiculous.
  9. And over the course of 2 days. It's getting old. Thankfully most people's attention spans means that by Saturday it will be over.
  10. Quoted for truth. It's to the point now that reading the forum should be required for psychology majors. You can see everything here from inflated sense of self worth as a subscriber aka the I demand everything for my $15 per month syndrome. As well as self delusion that 'promises' were made and broken without any evidence at all to back this up and a little research would easily disprove. Not to mention the posters that are always and I do mean always so negative in their attempts to spin how devastating a cosmetic only patch will be for the future of the game. The only thing that can really be considered unexpected was that the dyes would be RNG. But given the nature of how the community has accepted the cartel market packs with their dollars to this point, the few loud people in opposition are drowned out by the rest that pay for these services. There's nothing in this patch worth of the rage and outrage that a few people are continuing to spew. I feel bad for them really.
  11. I enjoy the game, I find your ranting to be ridiculous - yep I must be an EA employee. It's getting harder to take the rants seriously.
  12. If you really believe this reality is now showing you that you are wrong. I'm sorry. You'll adapt to the new business model like the rest of us. I have the collectors edition, I have spent well over 1k in the cartel shop, and Bioware owes me nothing. I can choose to leave at anytime.
  13. It's a hybrid model now. The only perception that has to change is with you. The subscription gives you unrestricted access to most of the game and the appearance options are going to be cartel. It's exactly like it was before actually. The difference is that people WANT these features and they don't want to pay for them. That's the reality of this model. Accept it, or move on really.
  14. Customization is a huge deal to me. I have deleted characters to get their looks right. I just understand that in a F2P model it's going to have a monetary charge. That's the difference. I understand how the game works and my subscription's place in it. Everyone else will adapt to that, eventually.
  15. There are things I would change as a player. But the truth is that the subscription itself already gives coins and a discount. No game content was kept from us. And because of that the ranting is ridiculous. I always give logical reasons on how I come to my conclusions, and I have not always 100% supported the direction of the game. There are things I don't like. But I can't believe the amount of venom over this patch. It's absurd.
  16. But that's just it TUX. If your POV is that you should get more than you do, you are wrong. There's nothing else that can be said. The sub provides you access to the game without FTP restrictions. That's it man. If you want more you pay for it. Or you complain here but you aren't entitled to it.
  17. Until people are able to accept that playing for the sub gives them unlimited access to the game only as the return the QQ won't stop. That's all it is. Some people paying subs still feel they are an elite gamer to Bioware and should get everything. It's not how this model works and they will whine and eventually figure it out on their own. They won't unsub though because the restrictions for non subs alone make the sub worth it. It's their own self worth they are measuring when they cry about entitlement.
  18. Their perception of those players is based on their in game metrics. What they do, how much they spend, etc. To a point the feedback on these boards is useless to them from subs as well.
  19. It's not game play content. It is cosmetic optional things. You can reroll a character at any time and use the new styles. You can make a brand new cathar if you want. If you complain about applying cosmetic changes to an existing character you are being naive. WoW charges considerably more to change your race. It's just drama for the sake of drama. But whatever, I'm going to play the game today, not the forum. The crying is slowing down now.
  20. It's not content. Period. It's cosmetic fluff. Your argument is invalid.
  21. I have no problem with people that have constructive suggestions and criticisms. I do however have a problem with the mindless moaning and false information I read here all the time from people that are irrational and angry. You have the right to be upset over anything you want. It doesn't mean that it's rational, or justified but hey knock yourself out. When you post on the internet you are inviting debate. A little research would have confirmed that yes you have to unlock then then pay to make the change per character. I feel badly though that you spend all of your weekly entertainment money on this. The good news is that you can play as much as you like for the rest of the week since you are a subscriber. It's still the best deal in entertainment.
  22. I'm not worried about the game. I'm worried about your fragile mental state over this.
  23. Really? Get a grip. SWG made a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE TO THE GAME PLAY. Bioware gave you optional cosmetic enhancements for a fee. And the game is going to close over this. See? When you type it out it sounds even more ridiculous.
  24. And if Joe is more interested in cosmetics than gameplay you'd have a point... and if he's REALLY interested in them he'd pay for them.
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