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Everything posted by zootzoot

  1. Do you understand the difference between AoE healing or damage and Single Target healing or damage? That's all your chart shows. That multiple healing targets equates to more overall healing done than any player doing single target damage. AoE anything will always outperform single target anything. An Op is like a Druid healer in WOW. We blanket HoT's on people and our one AoE heal is a HoT as well. Neither will really save a player being focused (and they shouldn't) but they look great on charts since so much healing is going out all the time. A better comparison would be to somehow get a log of a healer single target healing a player while a single DPS attacks that player.
  2. A system that requires a Buff or Debuff of any kind is broken. How is that not clear? Are you saying that Bioware is unable to balance PVE encounters and PVP matches so the healing requirements are the same? Let's say the Trauma effect was baseline. Bioware has such bad encounter designers they can't balance the damage that Bosses put out with that level of healing in mind? The idea that Trauma is meant to offset the superhuman healing needed for PVE is ludicrous.
  3. Showing us your pre-made stats doesn't really have anything to do with the discussion of the need for a perma MS. If I go in with my Guild my healer partner and I can rock the house as well from a chart stand point. Your chart is also meaningless out of context because as an Op healer (same as your healer)I can keep rolling HoT's and RN on our group to top the list as well. Those HoT's are nice for padding. I'm not saying your group isn't good or that he's not a great WZ healer just that your post doesn't really add anything to the discussion.
  4. I fail to see the issue. Are you that obtuse? One has nothing to do with the other. PVP is a team game. If a DPS faces a healer 1v1 for whatever reason the only way they should be able to down the healer is because they start at an advantage like an Op from Stealth or they surprise the healer and push them into a bad decision. If both see each other coming and decide to fight alone for whatever reason it should be a stalemate as long as both are equally skilled and geared. The DPS should be unable to burn through the heals and the Healer should be unable to put out enough pressure because of their low damage.
  5. How is a Healer with Guard going against a DPS a 1v1 scenario? How is a Tank plus Healer vs DPS relevant to the discussion? ...and screw you with "a Healer SHOULD lose to a DPS 1v1". LMAO are you kidding me? Equally skilled players of any role should create a stalemate 1v1 if both play perfectly. It's called balance which you seem to have forgotten. In a balanced PVP scenario a Healer vs DPS should have the DPS unable to out damage the healing and the Healer should be unable to put out enough damage to threaten the DPS class. Victory should come because on of the players messed up somehow not because you think DPS should rule the roost. What a joke.
  6. Where did I say I wanted to kill a DPS 1v1? It should be a stalemate. They shouldn't be able to kill me and I shouldn't be able to kill them 1v1 as long as both are equally skilled. That's balance. The issue is the Trauma effect. It needs to go. That's what this thread is about.
  7. Not really. It's the same philosophy in PVE Raiding where it's better to bring fewer healers and more DPS for Hard Mode fights. In essence if a DPS always has an advantage over a healer 1v1 than why bring healers. Just zerg via focus fire.
  8. The reason I say a DPS should never be able to beat a healer 1v1 is for a few reasons... 1) PVP is a team game. The devs should never promote Rambo tactics. 2) If a DPS can beat a Healer 1v1 then it promotes full DPS teams. Basically why bring a healer if all their heals are gimped and they can be taken down by a single player. 3) With the Healing reduction a Healer can't heal through the damage from a DPS player yet they can't match the damage output to pressure that player enough. Basically Trauma plus gimpy damage means healers will always start out at a disadvantage against a damage dealer. If anything lose the Trauma effect for self healing to compensate.
  9. Sorry... my WOWisms are showing. MS was Mortal Strike in WOW and MS became the generic term for healing reductions in PVP. I get what you're saying but I could argue that the damage needed to kill a Boss in PVE is excessive compared to the damage needed to kill a player. (Players have 15K health compared to a Raid Boss with 400K for example). I'm fine with strategic reduction effects that need to be applied (at the expense of a more damaging ability) I just find it offensive that healing is already cumbersome in this game because of the UI and lack of modern MMO mechanics like Mouseover. I guess I'll go back to my Concealment spec for WZ's until things are better. My philosophy in PVP has always been that 1v1 no DPS should be able to kill a healer.
  10. ......because I just don't get it. Healing in WZ's is already a chore unless you go in with your Guild since most players have no clue how to peel a DPS off the healer (or even that they should). The UI is cumbersome and more of a hindrance then anything else and to top it off we're the only role that has our power permanently diminished. I can see some classes having a tactical MS but having it as a permanent feature just makes an already thankless and annoying chore worse.
  11. What research? If they add a macro system you make them yourself based on personal need. I'd like Macros to chain Non-GCD skills with GCD Skills. Like using a Relic plus something like Acid Blade/Hidden Strike. I'd like Conditional Macros based on state. Like use Hidden Strike if Stealthed or Backstab if not. I'd like modifier Macros like adding SHIFT, ALT, CTRL conditionals. All of the above make for a cleaner UI since you need less Hot Bar space.
  12. Well Lethality also has more Utility and more PVP tricks in the Tree. It's less a one trick pony (Acid Blade/Hidden Strike + Knockdown) and more of a well rounded Tree IMO.
  13. You miss the point. The LFD tool in WOW became a necessity because of Badges. That meant running Dungeons became a daily requirement to keep up and LFD was needed for efficiency especially for players with less time. TOR is more like Vanilla WOW. Running FP's is just one of many equally viable ways to spend your time.
  14. If you're talking leveling who really cares? I did FP's on occasion but the main story is so much better. This isn't WOW where you keep queueing for dungeons to level. The FP's aren't even tied to the main or side stories in any way. Now at end game I just do FP's with my Guild. If we need a slot we ask in General and get a whisper in like 5 minutes. Again this isn't WOW where doing FP's are a job to get done on a daily basis.
  15. EPGP was superior in every way. For progression Guilds having something like EPGP would be amazing especially if there was a way to track it in game.
  16. He's describing a Conditional. That's very different than the chain Macros of Rift. It saves a Hot Key space. That's it. Why are you more pro because you have another Keybind?
  17. What argument? I was talking about all our abilities in general. Any modeling needs to take into account the regen break points to determine the true power of any given ability. It's easy to use pure HPS as a guideline with any ability when we're at 100% Energy.
  18. Are you talking PVP or PVE? In PVE Acid Blade wil always be useful because you will always be able to Backstab. In PVP it takes practice but as the poster above says it gets easier to get behind players the more you PVP. I think both specs will be viable in the end.
  19. I think the issue is our regen. Modeling any of our abilities is not as straight forward as calculating HPS. There's a big difference between casting RN at 100% Energy compared to casting it at 80% Energy for example since the latter will put us into the next regen threshold.
  20. I use a Naga. My Heals are all bound to the easiest to reach thumb key. Kolto Infusion is not one of those heals since I replaced it with Surgical Probe. The farther thumb buttons are for PVP. Flash Bang, Debilitate, Distraction, Cloaking Screen. Then I use Keyboard binds close to my left hand for damage skills.
  21. For a Raid healing spec I always wind up with a free point and it seems like a no brainer to put that point into RN. PVP specs are different beats entirely. The highest I've gone into Medic for PVP was to get Med Shield but I've also stopped at Surgical Precision to get more points into one of the other Trees. For Normal FP's I see no reason to take it. Same for leveling.
  22. Do you have Font Scaling enabled? Make sure your Fonts are set to Small (100%) then after the restart try running TOR in WIndowed mode again.
  23. a) You obviously don't PVP so how about you stop posting about the subject. b) Why is the idea of a stored Dual Spec so upsetting when we can respec when we like right now but it's cumbersome? Explain how Dual Spec would make the game less fun for you please. No one seems to answer this simple question.
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