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Everything posted by TheGhostwalker

  1. And why should I have a PVP-Gear then if the PVE-Set is as good in PVP, but noticeable better by quite a margin on PVE? Then from a Min-Max perspective my time is better invested in doing PVE if I want to have a good PVP set. This is flawed. Either we keep things like they are now and people like me who want to PVP can get a set only capable of end game PVP and mediocre in PVE or we make both sets equal in both things. If we don't make them equal PVE-player have to accept the fact that you need to PVP to get a set for PVP. I can live with both options.
  2. That is a bad suggestion, because following your argumentation there would be no reason for PVP-Gear to perform any worse in PVE then. To achieve that you would only have to get rid of expertise and make it one set only which you can acquire either via PVE or via PVE. I do almost exclusively PVP with full Brutalizer on my main char now, but my PVE-set is already worse than my PVP-set. So I could live with having only one set
  3. It has been a year now since this thread has been started and it isn't even the only thread about this topic. It is just the lasted of the ones the forum search came up with. So I thought it might be good to ask about it again. Maybe a Dev could give this thread a late birthday present and give it an answer? I'm actually in the situation that I started on a US-Server when this game came out to play with friends from USA and EU. However I'm left alone now and even if I found a new guild it doesn't help me much. There is nobody left who is playing in my time zone and finding people who regularly play in that timezone is quite hard. So I would really welcome a cross continent transfer. Any chance we will ever get it? You see that the demand for it is there when you start a forum search and people are actually willing to pay for it.
  4. Way to necro a thread. Bublestun is a thing of the past. I guess you didn't play PVP at that time if you seriously think that the stun break made a difference back then. However it is gone now so no point to discuss it any further.
  5. TheGhostwalker


    And what for? Sadly valor is totally useless once you hit 40. They should rather give us a reward for having a high valor rank.
  6. There was also a cybertech item for it, but every trace of that is gone now apart from this thread : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=134468
  7. If this is true I will probably unsubscribe. I can't really do the full game content with the time zone problem I have and waited for a NA to EU transfer for quite a while. I'm subed since early access and still like the game, but if they gave such transfers to people on day one without notifying people and then stopping it without giving a reason then it is something which makes me reconsider if it is worth staying subbed.
  8. This info is already outdated. Check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=650326
  9. I'm really disappointed. Not only that you ignore the high demand for EU <> NA transfers which became clear in this thread, but you also ignore all user asking for a valid reason. Furthermore the problem I talked about in my first post got extended to all user now. The double exp weekends are starting and people will make new characters. So you can either pick to level a char on the server you would like to transfer on without your hard earned legacy unlocks or you make your situation worse and level it with the unlocks on your current server and pay 1.800 cartel coins for it. Both options doesn't sound good for me.
  10. Could you elaborate a bit more about the reason behind this? I was really looking forward to the paid transfers, because I started with friends from USA and EU. We joined on a US-East PVP Server when the game came out. Sadly I'm the only one left playing. As you can imagine my Timezone is less than ideal for a US-Server, because I'm from Europe. It was no big deal as long as enough of my friends from EU were playing, but now I got a very hard time finding groups. Basically I'm forced to solo play and can only group play during the weekends. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one with similar problems and the upcoming double exp weekends will make the problem even bigger. Currently I got 5 Chars to transfer and plan to have all 8 Advanced Classes in the end. However I got no intention to level the missing chars on a different server without my hard earned legacy bonus. So if your plans don't change before the double exp weekends you will either force player to level without the bonus they worked for or to pay a lot more money in the end when you finally decided to change this restriction. I would really like to stay in this game, but if I keep missing out on group content I don't know how long I can still enjoy the game. The solo content is limited after all.
  11. Never played on a pve server so far, because I would hate to see the enemy nation around without the chance to attack them. However as far as I know it should simply be impossible, because it won't flag you for pvp. On a pvp server every planet is a pvp area and it will flag you. I wouldn't worry about a ban, because red = dead. As long as the enemy is flag it is a valid target, but I would say that on a pve server you simply don't get flagged.
  12. Even more for Focus and Combat because of the guaranteed crit procs in those specs. Watchman might in theory benefit of crits with the focus refund for critical hits on a burning target, but that advantage is minimal due to the high amount of critical rating you would need to feel a diffenrence. Currently I play with zero crit rating as watchman and doesn't feel focus starved.
  13. I agree with you on the part that it depends on the encounter, but I don't think that movement is the limiting factor. Watchman got the tools to really stick to a target with the lower cool down and no minimum range on force leap. The factor would rather be aoe/spike dmg phases in which you need to run away from the boss to engage it again once it is over. In that time your merciless slash buff will fall off and you got the ramp up time again.
  14. I can't confirm the problem regarding Europe. I know that a transatlantic connection is a bottleneck, but currently I play on POT5, because when the game came out I started with some friends from USA. Even with the transatlantic connection my ping usually is between 100 and 200. And that with a 2mbit connection.
  15. I think it isn't really favorism, but rather bad map design. However some people seem to enjoy it a lot to abuse this position for hours once they found it. Last weekend I was levelling an imperial alt and saw some complains about a shadow pulling people near gravity hook taxi down the edge. I then went to watch some movies and came back 4 hours later and saw the same complains about the very same shadow. Even if I consider this funny, I wonder what motivates people to do this for such long periods of time.
  16. Why couldn't you simply let this thread rest in peace? You necroed a thread which is 11 month old. Can you imagine that the classes maybe changed within that time frame and that people got better in making use of their class? No need to revive this outdated thread.
  17. That isn't true. During Gree event they removed bolster on some parts of ilum, because it was abused to level low level alts. I'm pretty sure they didn't activate bolster again in that area.
  18. What you seem to forget is that if you don't get help it is very hard to kill a healer. So if the rest of your team ignores the marked healer and rather beat on the tank who is healed by him you will reach high dps while keeping the healer busy. Keeping the healer busy is also often better than killing the healer, because either way you take the healer out. Losing one dps doesn't matter that much in a wz, but losing a healer can make the difference.
  19. You can always extract the armoring and put it in a medium armour shell.
  20. That can't be the case, because they are talking about Zen charges. You got 6 Zen charges and every attack will consume one of them. This means you get the bonus for 6 attacks. If you thought about a focus reduction then you misunderstood it.
  21. No it won't work. That is what this whole thread is about. The offhand hilt is same as the armorings now. You can only put in the slot where you ripped it from. Same goes for all offhands btw not only sabers, but also generators and shields.
  22. Das kann nicht wirklich ernst gemeint gewesen sein oder? Machtnutzer tragen Rüstungen die über Synth-Fertigung hergestellt werden. Und dafür braucht man Archäologie. Was sich sehr lohnt für Eigenbedarf ist Biochemie, da ich immer mit einem Stim aktiv rumlaufe. Können aber auch von einem Alt hergestellt werden. Vorteil bei Biochemie auf dem Main ist, dass sich die Stims die man dann nutzen kann nicht verbrauchen. Die brauchen alle Biochemie zum nutzen. So sparst du auf lange Sicht Geld. Wenn du aktiv raidest und Glück mit dem lernen von Bauplänen hast lohnen sich auch Kunstfertigkeit und Cybertech. Die Level 26 / 27 Teile bringen recht viel sind aber nicht so leicht zu lernen.
  23. Trust me about it. You notice it. I respecced from Combat to Watchman and I notice that I am significant slower now once I am engaged in a fight. The bonus is noticeable during fights.
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