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Everything posted by MemphisIX

  1. This. We don't want any whiners down here...
  2. Oh... 40 minutes then... I can hardly wait! Even though I'm most likely getting in on the last wave today...
  3. If that many people were online, then we wouldn't be here smashing our F5 buttons..
  4. So anyways.. I thought the first wave would roll around 8 AM EST? WHERE'S MAH WAVE BIOWARE?!
  5. Discipline before conviction folks. You can play for hours on end, and still hit the gym every day...
  6. At the current pace, you're getting in tomorrow.
  7. This is the crux of the problem in my view. What's with the slowly ramping up nonsense? In a week, about a million people (if not more) will flood the servers and then what? How does a small portion of the people who'll be around on launch day give an idea of how the systems are faring? If anything this might give the wrong signal, getting Bioware to think everything's fine only to have servers crashing on launch day. You might as well let everyone in, and work from there. See if THEN you have any issues, because that's the only scenario they'll be dealing with 7 days from today. Just my two cents, and mind you, I honestly don't care when I get, I'm just glad I'll probably get to play this weekend.
  8. That number as a standalone gets you nowhere. You need to know how those preorders are distributed. That we don't know. So maybe 200k preordered in July, not 600k. Do the math...
  9. If only there was some way of knowing if those numbers are correct... As it stands, you change that, you change the conclusion...
  10. The amount of people that can be allocated in a server is much much larger than the number of people that can be playing there at any given time. So I wouldn't worry too much about this ; )
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