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Everything posted by MaskedDriver

  1. Ha.. you better not. I'm not even caught up on Season 2. And then I read the book after I watch the entire season since the book is always much better!
  2. No... My ability to quick travel more than you does not affect my ability to outperform you in PVP or PVE. That is what P2W is. When the people with the most money to waste get better gear, more buffs, etc... just by spending money instead of putting the time and effort in to it. You need to rethink your idea of a good idea and cash perk vs. something that truly throws off the balance of the game, giving the advantage to the people with the most cash. Sure, they can quest faster, but when it comes down to gearing up, they still have to wait in the same load screens as the rest of us for Flashpoints, Ops, and PVP. This would be a great investment for people with lower-end computers that have ridiculous load times, but it will not let them be better than me just because they can spend more on items that let them get from point a to point b faster. You'd probably consider a faster speeder play to win.
  3. http://files.idltg.in/gifs/dance/dance2.gif ^ me waiting for this event to start.
  4. Agreed. I played PWI for a little over 2 years. I spent way more money than is reasonable just so I could go on raids and compete in PvP. A buddy of mine wasn't paying attn... when he looked back, he spent over 15k in that game. It's absolute lunacy. LOTRO has a few "buffs" and stuff you can buy from their Turbine store, but in the grand scheme of things, you don't need them to be competitive. I don't foresee TOR doing even this. They understand the necessity of keeping their subscribers. If they go like PWI, I'm gone. If they go like LOTRO, I'll complain, but I'll probably stick around.
  5. Very Heavy != overpopulated. If you don't like general chat, turn it off. I for one LOVE going to the fleet and lagging like crazy. I mean, I play on average 50-80fps anywhere including warzones. I hop on the fleet I drop to 15-20fps. It means it's busy. It means I never have to wait 3 hours for a queue to pop. It means I never have to spam RDPS LF HM for 2 hours to get into a FP. It's amazing and I'm beyond happy.
  6. Because this problem is such a gamebreaker that they should drop all bug-fixing tasks to fix it? I call it my "shooting from the knees" skill and it makes me laugh. I'll miss it when it's gone.
  7. I do fine in the Recruit gear. I started PVP after I got to 50 on my Mercenary. I was terrible playing against other geared players, and the recruit gear gives me the ability to at least compete in a WZ. That being said, I absolutely LOVE the gear grind. I love doing everything in my power to kick some faces to get as many comms as possible. The grind makes getting the gear that much sweeter when you have it. I only have 3 pieces of BM gear, and it only took me a couple days worth of PvP to get them. Don't change it BW -- People just don't want to EARN anything anymore. If it's not GIVEN to them, they won' t be happy.
  8. One other thing, I know several people who leveled characters to 50 without their advanced class. They did it for the challenge of it. It's not like you lose your talent points. If you learn it at 20, you have 10 points you can attribute. You're not missing out on anything. None of the skills do THAT much for you until later levels anyway.
  9. Are you kidding me? Not knowing where to pick up your AC made you nearly not buy the game? Give me a break. You can throw out a quick "Hey... Where do I learn my Advanced Class?" in general chat on Drummond Kaas or the Fleet, and everyone will tell you where to go. When I first started that's how I figured it out. I left Korriban at level 8 so I was on Drommund Kaas for awhile before learning my AC. Man... In retrospect, my own inability to properly ask a question in chat makes me regret buying this game and leveling several characters to 50. Bioware should hand feed me every quest, come to think of it. There was a mission on Coruscant I missed the first two times around because I didn't spend much time in the senate tower and ran right by it. I think I'm entitled to my money back.
  10. You're fine on Fleet (anything over 60 is invisible to the human eye, anything over 30 is acceptable visually), but Warzones and Ilum are known to have low FPS. Please go to the Customer Service forum and QQ in the "Horrid FPS" thread with everyone else.
  11. Shift + Left click to link in chat. Right click opens the modification panel.
  12. This is a general suggestion to allow us to view our characters with their gear (and the upgrades in the gear) from the website. Often times when I get a quest reward that is an enhancement or a mod, I have to go through every piece of armor/weapon I have on my toon to see whether it's better than what I currently have or if I should just take the commendations. This means, since we can only have 2 windows open at a time, it shows and hides a bunch of windows over and over and over again before I can properly make my mind up. I resorted to creating a excel spreadsheet that I put the current upgrades in my gear in. Naturally, I forget to update this, then using it as a reference, I pick an upgrade having forgotten that I had just upgraded my equipment. I know, it's kinda QQ, but I think it would be beneficial to many people. I have two monitors, so I always have my browser open on my secondary monitor. Being able to view all of my characters with their gear and upgrades, I'd be able to just hover over a piece of gear to know what my guy currently has. I understand it might take a couple hours for the site to be upgraded with that information. I don't know, maybe LOTRO spoiled me with that capability. I know other MMOs do not have this functionality, but I thought it was extremely useful.
  13. Ditto.. I have to turn my mouse DPI down on my R.A.T.7 and camera rotation speed and mouse sensitivity are set really low... Works fine for me. Moving the mouse in Windows is painful with the lower DPI though, but luckily my mouse has a button to raise or lower DPI right on it, so I just swap it around.
  14. You'd be surprised how much trouble a dual-core processor will have in an MMO. My girlfriend's computer has a new Radeon 6850, but she still can't run at the highest settings because even at mid settings, her CPU is running at 98% constant. MMOs require a lot more processing power than your standard single-player games and more often then not, you're going to run in to a CPU bottleneck. Though yes.. the Nvidia 6150se is a terrible card. I wouldn't run this thing with anything less than a 9800gtx or Radeon 4850.
  15. Try going to: C:\Users\{yourname}\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings This may be different based on your install.. It's possible that the swtor above is retailclient or something like that. Open client_settings.ini in Notepad or Wordpad Change the following lines to: NativeHeight = 1080 NativeWidth = 1920 This should help. You could also change: Fullscreen = false This will load the game in windowed mode then you can modify your screen resolution in game after that.
  16. Like I said in the OP, I didn't have any kind of queue at all.. I didn't have any crashes... It went super smoothly. This was an East coast PVE server.
  17. It might be that I just picked bad servers for both of my betas lol. First beta I was in, it went down for about an hour and a half, then the stress test, it went down a couple times, but for shorter durations. And I'm not sure if you're trying to disagree with me or agree with me, either way, I agree with your sentiments on server launches
  18. There are tons of issues with vertical sync when running games in windowed mode. The biggest being "tearing" issues. Vsync only works well when the game is the only thing visible on that particular monitor. Clicking in and out of games with Vsync can also cause a lot of other undesirable effects to your gameplay. One would be, you click out of game, you get a black screen, then it stays black when you click back in so you have to force close and open back up.
  19. I too would like an Android app.
  20. You know, from the way servers were crashing left and right during the last stress-test beta run, I was seriously afraid for the launch. I'm still afraid for the 20th when people who don't preorder get in, but I'm not nearly as afraid as I was. I got my invitation for early access yesterday morning, but couldn't do anything about it until the evening. I logged on for the first time to Sith Meditation Sphere at ~7:00pm. This is pretty much the "prime time" of MMOs from my experience. The server was at "Standard" capacity and I had NO LAG... NO QUEUE... NO PROBLEMS! Completely shocked and very pleasantly surprised. The people who are complaining about how you're doing this launch must not have been at the launch of any other MMOs that were just like, "Here you go everybody... start playing right now." Staggering it like this is brilliant. The complainers just need to look in the mirror and say, "If I want FREE early access... you know... early, I should preorder sooner." I ordered on the 26th and I wasn't upset that it took until Wednesday to get my invitation... A little shocked and excited that that many people preordered within the first week of preorders. Things have been greatly refined since the last beta too. Well played BioWare. Ignore the haters cause they're going to hate. It's not your fault they can't read good[sic]! Entitlement is a dish best served to the dog. See you all in game!
  21. I was curious about the same thing. I played beta, but never looked for one (fail).
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