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Everything posted by Jacen_Starsolo

  1. I agree as long as it doesn't punish the ones who quit within a certain time. Like I hate always being thrown in Buttball so I leave as soon as the loading screen stops and I can leave. Or let us choose which ones we can queue for.
  2. Agreed. I was duped into clicking one while I am already subbed. I guess Bioware just doesn't care about giving out free coins so they should give 100 per month to those who were referred to. If they are going to screw up, may as well go full throttle on it.
  3. If you are on a limited plan, you should keep a backup copy on a spare harddrive/computer (even an old unused laptop) so when you need to reinstall, you can copy over the files after you do the install with CD to get your machine to know it's installed.
  4. Those should be taken down with the stance of no more class stories though.
  5. They refuse for some reason and added a speeder on the Life Day side of the event that requires them. So badly thought out. But they did it because the grind is strong with them.
  6. I haven't read the rest of the thread but this is false. The highest legacy takes over or if both have a legacy then they get merged on the target server.
  7. And that was what they did last year. But in comparison to what we had here last year which was nothing but items to buy on the CM, every MMO had a better "event" than TOR last year.
  8. How many rooms did you run it to? I did to one then added an old Linksys router to make it a wireless bridge. So depends on the setup but it can be easier.
  9. What I find funny is two of the games I think are the easiest to make money (TOR being one of the two), that they get the most gold farming broadcasts in general chat. I guess that's a sign that people aren't going to websites searching for gold to buy with real money so they have to go in the game to broadcast it.
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=708823 They've been that way at least for 2 days now. And someone in the above thread even said the sub cards were on sale but another poster said he didn't see it when he looked.
  11. Apparently some people then in this thread have less than half a brain because it was disputed it when I said it was more than 100. Unlike some games, we have multiple servers (and it used to be a LOT more servers) so the drop in population we saw at the time of GW2 launch shows a massive number of people left. I'm not saying this game is dead but being here since before launch in beta, I can't deny it's seen better days as far as active player numbers. Also not so good days (when we had to do server merges). I've noticed as many have that population numbers when you do the who search seems down from the early days. Up from the dark days but still not the level it used to be. On a couple of servers (Shadowlands, JC, and Pot5), I used to have to struggle through Black Hole for the clickies because so many were also doing it. Now it's like lucky to see 20 people in the area so it's harder to find a group for the heroic whereas before you announce running it and have to tell people "sorry it's full now" almost instantly. Then that moved over to Section X but not to the same degree. Some can say it's post-50 stuff like Makeb, CZ-198, and Oricon but I no longer have to fight for clickies/kills with other players like before even in those areas. My entire post that started this path was:
  12. From March for one. And we were approaching RotHC release at the time of those articles. A resurgence happened then as already known. But did everyone stay? And the F2P model counts a "user" as an account whether it's used or not. But you already knew that, right? And that still doesn't support the "only 100 people went to GW2" claim that I first said something against. And instead people asking me to prove it's more than 100 but yet accept 100 without proof. Funny how blind faith works for them.
  13. You think only 100 people went to GW2 from this game? Or are you claiming you got them all back when you used that exploit?
  14. Does he have any that support only 100 people went to GW2? And seeing how GW2 is #380-something of best selling games on Amazon while this one is in the 2000-something range, that shows a shift.
  15. The unbalance is strong with this idea. And we know that will be followed by the nerf bat. Then followed by the outrage. Then followed by the unsubbing. Well, Bioware is used to the last one.
  16. As soon as he sends the fact that says it was only 100. I know GUILDS that left this game for GW2. Plus in the short time this game has been out (2 years compared to other MMOs) we all know they lost over 1 million subs in that timeframe by Bioware's own admission. So to think only 100 left to GW2 is just plain stupid.
  17. This game lost more than 100 people at GW2 launch. Only the blind or stupid would think only 100 left for GW2.
  18. Oh noez! The "you will lose a lot of customers" false threat! The "sleaze" has been in the game since beta. And it's taken 2 years to notice? Either a troll post or not a smart one. So 0/10
  19. I am having the hardest time leveling a BH because the first act was just too out there to the point I kept asking myself "What the hell just happened?" Which is the only class I had that problem with. While others aren't as good as the best ones, at least they made sense.
  20. If this is your first alt as you said in the OP and you unlocked Chiss, I'm guessing your only character prior was said Chiss. If so, then go human. Leveling a human to 50 unlocks the presence buff to all your characters and makes all your companions better.
  21. You can only add 10 additional slots (why Bioware won't take more money is beyond me except their limited technology or their know how used for the game). So if you have 14 on a server, you can get a max of 16 slots as a preferred member to even unlock the rest of your characters.
  22. Agreed. Especially since you have to have them for an item in the Life Day event vendor.
  23. Only issue I have with him is he drops that CC on people I already CC'ed and breaks my CC.
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