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  1. As someone who plays both a Gunnery Commando and a Sentinel, here's the difference - YOU are working your butt off... HE isn't even breaking a sweat. Can you do it? Yes. Is it Balanced? Not even KIND-OF.
  2. I'm not sure what's more infuriating here, the poorly planned and executed nerfS, or defending them based on what the developers "feel"?! This is a game about numbers. Hard and fast mathematics is what makes this thing run - I could care less what the developers "feel" about it. IF it turns out? IF? Are you kidding me? Let's look at the facts: - Healing was reduced. - Concussion Charge had it's cooldown increased (net effect) for those that had it talented. - Critical chances were reduced. - Grav round damage was reduced. - Grav round armor debuff was reduced. - Synergy between 2 or more Commandos using Grav Round was REMOVED. - Expertise was buffed (net effect). - Average time to kill was reduced (net effect of Expertise buff). These changes, all taken together comprise an exponential reduction in PvP utility for Commandos, not a linear one. That, FYI is a NERF, not a rebalance and the fact that this requires explanation to a professional team of developers should be embarrasing. I used to be a serious threat in PvP, now you've put me in a position where I am more of a LIABILITY to my team. Our DPS is inferior, our healing is (even more) inferior (than it used to be) and our utility has been reduced to rediculous proportions. IF? IF?! Are any of you even PLAYING this game? You certainly can't be playing Commando.
  3. So the reduction to healing *particularly when not specced for healing* is painful enough. Couple that with the damage nerf - which affects my WHOLE rotation - as a gunnery commando and the effect is ultimatley exponential. It's a crying shame they did this. I used to have just enough utility to make PvP really fun and competitive. Now... I guess I'm done with PvP. Since that is my end-game activity of choice... well the outlook for continued patronage is looking bleak. Sad too; PvP used to be a blast in this game. It really blows chunks right now.
  4. Sentinel here and... /singed Also - a quick kudos on articulating your point while refraining from sounding whiny. You did a good job of explaining the deficiencies of our class/ mirror without resorting to crying about the other classes abilities. Well done!
  5. Biware has numerous tools at their disposal that provide them with factual statitical data. Hard numbers is what they'll be looking at, not forum whining, so rest easy; those threads crying about things that have no merit will just fade to oibscurity while those that actuall have merit (cough* animation/ mirror balance *cough) will be addressed.
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