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Everything posted by Jerro

  1. I can make up my mind I am running 4/6/31 and lose the aim boost I have run 8/2/31 and seem my dps is less but kill faster for rail shot I run 7/3/31 pretty succesfully around 1550 aim (buffed) is good after that go for more Power or crit. crit should be around 30% buffed (i have the eliminator armorings set so i have 45% crit on hib). Also have 1371 expertise I had a guildy tell me anything over 1200 is a waste? I thought you always stack expertise well not really i have 1306 expertise but is only because of that you could use the ewh shieldgenerator armoring in any slot so i put those in my remoddable waist and wrist. but look if you can change anything for more Power or Aim anything over 1100 expertise is good. Is that true , has anyone actually tested these theories? Let set the record straight PS I hate Operative and Sorcerers
  2. well tbh, on my server with a very low pvp population my main is somewhat known. and people Always try to kill me after the game ends, and they sometimes succeed. It is VERY annoying when that happens, but when they hunt me down during the game ill get frustrated as well as taking it as compliment.
  3. Class -> Gear -> Luck -> Skill, skill was long gone after patch 1.2
  4. old topic but... we know that bioware have the Tech to do it, but why cant we get a paid character transfer. there is two options to pay now, or actually just one. but cartel coins and real cash wich whatever they prefer. my guess why it havnt been implented yet is that bioware dont want to see mass transfers to one server, but with really low number of servers that shouldnt be to much of an issue? it would be nice it be implented in the cartel shop tho. not to cheap maybe 600 cartel coins or so. so subscribers get a 'free' transfer every 3rd month. was a bit dissapointed when it wasnt even mentioned in 1.6 patchnotes, i thought bioware would start to Think about it by now when free to play is done.
  5. did BW deploy a patch or something? i downloaded something.
  6. I really like your post, but would like to add an option to not participate in training grounds.
  7. Im very bored with "dungeon crawling/raiding" in general i feel it is an old concept. i had such big hopes for the fourth pillar, your character story but your story is meaningless at endlevel to.
  8. if you Think you would like and enjoy playing a operative i Think that would be the best class for you. skip all the fotm crap and play what you would like to play that is most important.
  9. Jerro

    War Hero Vendor.

    didnt they change all relics in 1.3? instead of procs and use they all have static stats instead?
  10. If this is true it is very bad design! expertise should Always be in use when it is player vs player! and basically should be fixed with a emergency patch!
  11. yea that have been stated several times allready, that isnt what this thread is about. im mostly wondering about the "metrics" bioware using. small errors like that build up over time how long is it between they look at numbers and what numbers do they get?
  12. well all your comments make it sound like their metrics are even more inaccurate than i thought
  13. this is very possible, but the question remains how accurate are the metrics? they monitor the scorecard or the numbers during the game?
  14. In a voidstar game earlier this evening i got killed "defeated by <player> with smash (6279 damage)" while the same players biggest hit on the scorecard was 5929. the difference is only 350 maybe doesnt sound like much but over time that will build up. now i dont know how bioware use ther metrics or how the monitoring works but it looks like it isnt a exact monitoring? screenie: http://postimage.org/image/gp76sfk0j/full/
  15. it was just an update for the client, no maintance or anything it didnt affect the servers.
  16. i dont like the new resolve either, but it isnt just stuns that bother me. i also feel like im Always flying in one or other direction, kb's and pulls everywhere. and my resolve bar never fill upp
  17. really would like to see this one!
  18. try to get social Points when the you only do pvp, i level thru pvp only do my classquests.
  19. just build a litterbox trap!
  20. well some of of us have had that one for some time now. but that isnt the worst one. the worst problem i have is all the ghostcooldowns,and abilities not firing but triggering the global cooldown, also some times trigger the cooldown of the ability without firing it. those are real problem in pvp for me. in the early stages of this game on the old forums there was a lot of talk about the bad synchronisation/communication between client and server i Think that is still going on.
  21. he maybe doesnt consider Money is a problem, but value time invested more?
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