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Everything posted by Jerro

  1. If you like me playing a vanguard ....
  2. I didnt read all the posts, but i saw something about his rig isnt high end etc etc. He plays on Tomb Of Freedon Nadd where we have 3-4 instances 300 ppl in each on rep fleet maybe more on imp fleet. There is the problem, yesterday we had 30+ sec delay on chat messages in warzones. It is whatever hardware and software that BW is using that isnt up to date. Bad coding i guess, I think i saw a HERO Engine blogg post about that HERO cant help due to the all the rewriting Bioware did with their engine.
  3. Any good guild or guild leader try members out and give them a fair chance to proe themselves! There is no idea to show up in such mentioned guild. raiding groups are set, and if someone of the regular raiders cant come the opration is probably cancelled. so yea i feel for op and my advice is leave in a fashionly manner. talk to the gm first i dont think you have to explain anything just tell him this isnt the guild for you.
  4. i would be really happy with some reports on the state of pvp on TP? Wz's pop reguarly at 50? somewhat balanced factions? 50/50 winratio would be really nice as well. dont like when one faction have the advantage. RWZ happens?
  5. Prolly monday evening, Bioware havnt been on their toes over the weekends. Ye i have a real problem myself, i really like the guild im in. but i really dislike the server. cant say i have really decided yet :S
  6. Well i guess that their channels for communication isnt working as intended. If we go back a bit the descicions that Joveth have posted earlier are taken from Bioware HQ in Austin. I dont think any customer support that didnt read the pm's yesterday morning have much to argue with. Direct him to the forums and Joveths yellow text he maybe change his mind on what can be done at this time
  7. Well the yellow post clearly states that you are able to move to TP maybe it will take a bit longer but im sure they will make it happen
  8. it is the other way around as i understand it, razer are selling their products with the SWTOR branding. The keyboard and Naga mouse comes with a 3rd party software that allow you to make macros. And Bioware dont have to make their own macro system http://www.razerzone.com/swtor And you even get a unique ingame colored crystal if you buy any of those products
  9. I am so happy for all you guys, and i will probably come after as well. Just gonna check out the pvp and stuff if there are warzones up most of the day and a RWZ team that want a full modified WH geared vanguard ill go as well and now i can resub!!
  10. Somehow this line sounds promising? Atleast for you guys that stayed on the RP-PVP servers.
  11. according to info ingame about ranked solo queing it will start at the same time as cross server ques, and season one. the ranked crap thats going on now i guess is mostly there to help ppl gear up and maybe let BW check their metrics once more.
  12. Can i come back? well actually instead of rolling an alt on TOFN i rolled one on TP it is so much more relaxing gameplay, and a good thing that i can have general chat on.
  13. nothing to worry about yet, it is preseason 1 and all u achieve in rwz gonna get reset anyway. so just try and go get some team practice in rwz's and run normal and keep gearing up. and you will be in shape when/if season start. cos BW have to get the cross server que before the season start, optimistic here end of august.
  14. more or less in the same boat as you. this performance optimazitation dunno what it is? on planets it works slightly better, but in warzones i have constant loading lag and stuttering. and is there any way to undo it? gonna try to delete the client_setting.ini and see if it helps.
  15. Oh for me there was no difference at all, or actually it was. I have more loading lag! But since i play only one character, and do flashpoints, ops etc with guildies this patch is mostly useless to me. This Legacy Crap is just such a obvious timesink so i really cant care less about it, and as i said i dont spend time on leveling alts. Ill give it a weak 2 only cos i can craft augment kits now.
  16. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes I currently play on a mid end comp, while deciding if i will continue to play SWTOR. But anyway what are those secret optimizations that have been implented? And the only difference from yesterday is, i have more "loading lag" else than that nothing. Oh the game told me it did som recalibrating when ilogged in, can i reset that or undo it?
  17. i just remembered something from when i was playing RIFT. Didnt TRION talk something about one free character transfer once a week? That would be something to aim for
  18. where did the performance gain go, i know the game did something but i have no clue what? no new setting or anything. i was really hoping for something that reduces particle effect but nope.
  19. It happens all the time for me, dunno how many kb's i missed cos of that. I really hope this "initial phase" soon is over so we maybe atleast can get paid transfer. even thos i wish and hope for the brave souls that still hang in there also get a free transfer!
  20. i hate it in voidstar when people call left or right, some are refering to the minimap and other direction from spawndoor. what is so hard with east or west?
  21. Dunno what gonna happen but i guess for now im waiting for paid transfers, even if it was lonely on LC the atmosphere was so much better there. So i would also like an answer if they going for LC->TOFN->TP or maybe an eta on paid transfers? I made a bad choice and regret it, if i have to pay to correct it so be it. I really hope we can get back together soon again, old friends and make some new friends as well. Maybe the inhabitants of TP will be happier to
  22. this is the sad truth (for now atleast) but if the transfers will be available to the RP-PVE srver im there even if my guild doesnt move.
  23. Star Wars The Old Republic, going free to play. Might be good, might be bad. My concern is seeing EA milking their brands is that it will not only be free to play, but also pay to win! The latter will ofc generate a lot of money, cos that is what people general do, follow the easiest path to victory. I would rather see something in lines with sub to play and free expansions or something like that.
  24. Ok we can run in circles and spam a button, that isnt mobility. I have no escape, hmm gapcloser none, i can snare someone with 30% but im often slowed more than that so it doesnt matter, no "Oh Crap!" ability. Im just saying nerf our damage, but we need something in exchange. Just if neural surge had the same duration as force scream/blade storm maybe is enough?
  25. I understand why BW pushing content, almost everywhere on the forums people are screaming for it. But for once JUST ONCE! Why not release something that is ready and polished? This trend with rushing content all the time whats up with that? I actually dont care about new content, not until the old stuff is fixed.
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