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Everything posted by Dyvim

  1. Well, as another example to keep it in the jedi realm, guardians and sentinels both have a version of "Dispatch", which is a short range saber throw (10m, I believe) at the target when the target is <30%.
  2. That is why they should have stuck with force push variants (shock waves and pressure differentials) - they came up with TWO DIFFERENT force burst abilities, which are exactly that type of force push variant, and GAVE them to jedi SITH companions...so its not like it was beyond them to come up with something more reasonable and get it into the game. Or Kira's force tremor is a better idea than chunk a clunker. Or for pete's sake, let consulars throw their saber instead of junk. They already have one of the most deadly weapons in the galaxy in their HAND, but they NEVER THROW IT??? But pushing an attacker away from you is inherently more defensive than picking up an object and throwing it at them, temper tantrum style. This isn't some crap generic fantasy MMO. Sorry, you don't get to fudge it and make jedi play like sith and LOOK like sith without problems. It wasn't done in the kotors, or in any other game afaik. There is a reason for that... When sidious zapped yoda in his office, yoda didn't pick up his desk and throw it at him...he used a powerful force push on him. When sidious was throwing senate pod after senate pod at him, Yoda didn't exhibit even more junk throwing than sidious, now did he? According to this game, Yoda would have been in junk chunking heaven... After all they had limitless ammunition....instead, we see yoda stop one pod, and reflect it back - in true jedi fashion. You take the attackers offense and redirect it. You do NOT generate the offense on your own. In other words, jedi are not junk throwing machines...sith, perhaps...but against a skilled jedi (Yoda vs Dooku, Yoda vs. Sidious) junk throwing got them nowhere....and they moved on to force lightning...which again Yoda could reflect or absorb...but mace windu or obi wan could not, without a lightsaber....so it really makes you wonder how effective junk throwing is between force users anyway. It does not take a lot of energy to redirect force (generic term) just enough to make it miss you...
  3. Yep, I understand that sentiment...but here is why I disagree with it. Again, in six movies, not one jedi threw a rock at an enemy. Or junk. Sith did it all the time. It doesn't look right or feel right for jedi, especially light jedi. Then you have the issue of jedi getting rocks and junk as their hallmark...jedi, perhaps the most iconic hero class in all of sci fi...in a game where other classes get lightning, missiles, rail guns, autocannons, flame throwers, orbital strikes, etc. Jedi get...rocks....junk. It is BEYOND stupid. Especially when there is NOTHING in the movies to back it up...its not like EAWare can say, "Hey we are just trying to stay true to the canon"...in fact it is the EXACT opposite. If anything, Sith are the junk throwers. Finally, you have the problems with the actual game engine and the animation's mechanics. Junk throwing, to look right, needs an interactive environment...20 years ago, DF2:Jedi Knight did this BETTER. They recognized that for their SITH DARKSIDE ability, debris throwing, it needed to work by targeting debris already in the world and hurling it. This game is not setup like that, nor can its engine handle it....so it has to cheat with a random junk table and magic conjuring up out of the ground...so you get things like rocks conjured up out of starship decks...again, incredibly STUPID. And again, there is NO REASON FOR IT, since jedi are NOT junk throwers and rock tossers ANYWAY. It is NOT their hallmark, or signature move. If it was, we would have seen it in 12 HOURS of screen time.
  4. Luckily others do: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=718365 I'm pretty sure the devs are split into different teams and the ones handling animations and art assets are separate from the combat balance team, etc...and aesthetics are actual issues, ones EAWare are interested in greatly, as they make a lot of money off of armor skins, weapon skins, color crystals, speeder skins, etc, in the cartel market. Players like choice, and they like the ability to customize the look, feel, and playstyle of their toons. Combat animations are a big part of that issue.
  5. Yeah, Ive seen this argument before...first off from a "overall game design philosophy" point of view, you should be able to tell who is hitting you without a lot of trouble. Lightning is more obvious on that account. Secondly, in addition to the less noticeable "feature", some people actually....for whatever reason...like the junk and pebbles whether they are more "stealthy" or not. That is why I made my proposal for change a cartel market solution where EAWare could instantly see money back, AND players that liked what they currently had would see no change. Also, players that do buy the alternate animations, if they didn't like them, or for whatever reason, could always just choose not to use them and stick with the pebbles and junk whenever they liked....
  6. Well written...and before we start feeling too sorry for ranged dps, remember how hard melee dps has it when it comes to getting a spot in a serious grp...you aren't going to see 3 melee and one ranged, compared to the one melee and 3 ranged scenario KN laid out...lol. In other words, yes we could use some tweaks, but I do not see us as an outlier...
  7. Couple of tiny points on the Appearance question...actually ALL the sith threw junk in the movies, more than they did any other ranged attack, including lightning....Vader of course...Dooku vs. Yoda, Maul threw junk to open a door on Naboo, and of course Sidious. Junk throwing is a hallmark of the sith. That is the problem...mirroring the classes is one thing, but then basing the jedi class, appearance wise, on junk throwing....on top of the mirrored functionally (direct damage) ...has always been a sticking point.
  8. lol, thanks Nala. Question looks good, I would just add a few sentences in the background part about how many suitable alternate animations are already in the game, and could be tweaked to get us in better shape...variation of saber throw, Electric Judgment, and then the companion skills...force burst (ashara), force burst (raina), force tremor (kira), etc. So to get something to us, fast, and well done, does not require them to start from scratch...far from it... Or just refer them to the thread in the cartel market forum...lol.
  9. I am fine with a "bonus" appearance question or "why are jedi reduced to looking like earth shaman rejects with rocks, junk, and pebbles" question, when the junk throwers were Sith. You and I have hashed through this, and we agree they mirrored the classes, and they did the sith inqs first. They also designed the class based on a sith model of direct damage, versus a more jedi model of reactive or reflective damage. But keeping in mind that THEY DID mirror the classes, which means they just slapped different animations on top of identical powers in most cases, that also strengthens the case for slapping some new, optional animations on top of project and throw NOW - and with the cartel market in place, EAWare would make money while doing it, with immediate return on their effort.. You know my proposal on this and have read it. I specifically proposed alternates that would move jedi away from rocks, junk, and pebbles (the snicker-trifecta) and into other CANON based options. And, as alternates based in the cartel market, players that like what they have now can keep the junk and pebbles. Furthermore the alternates I talk about are ALREADY ALL in the game in some form and could be pressed into service. Now, for example, with the talk about stat sticks, there is this suggestion as ONE alternate for project (chunk a clunker)... 3) Saber Dance: Replace project with a saber throw on steroids...motion blurred and bad ***....consulars are the ones that can throw things and yet they can’t throw one of the MOST deadly things in the universe, that happens to ALREADY be in THEIR HAND - their lightsaber???? People have long complained that cons/sages use their saber almost NONE. Where here is a chance to change that.... That makes sense...also, a double-bladed throw for shadows would rock. Also, if the devs were worried about distinguishing it from other saber throws, again, this should be more refined....so let them throw the hilt and ignite the blade at impact, or some other such affect of being able to remotely ignite the blade. Would look awesome and distinguish it from other throws. We saw Yoda impale a clone with his saber in ROTS, so imagine a saber throw where the consular ignites the blade as it reaches the target and impales the target with it, then the con pulls the saber back to his hand....nice concept, as lore based as it gets. In fact, it is in this game already, again, as a cut scene in the Esseles, except it is done by the sith end boss that throws and chokes the trooper up against a wall before he throws the saber, ignites it as it strikes the trooper to impale him, then yanks it back...so subtract the choking and sith face paint, and you get the idea. So yeah, keep it as a bonus, but if you look at the number of threads and posts over the years complaining about the junk appearance, the weakness and poor quality of the animations, and the unwanted, non-canon theme it creates for jedi, it definitely deserves to make honorable mention in the bonus section. TWENTY years ago, DF2: Jedi Knight did things better...1) it followed the canon and had junk throwing as a darkside power, and 2) it had an interactive environment where the things you threw actually were in the environment, as opposed to have rocks magically conjured up out of starship decks, etc. If we wanted some junk conjuring earth shaman craptasm (the rocks and pebbles circling shadow tanks still makes me want to wretch every time I see it), we sure shouldn't have to play jedi in a star wars game to have it inflicted on us. The only rock throwing by a jedi in SIX movies was when Luke threw a rock, WITH HIS HAND, to activate the door in the rancor pit.
  10. Hundreds if not thousands of players have made the same observation. The animations are lackluster, weak, require an interactive environment that the engine cant support, and are more in line with what a Sith would do than a jedi. In SIX MOVIES not ONE JEDI threw a rock or pebbles. NOT ONCE. Yet in this game it is somehow the hallmark, pair of jedi signature moves. That is unacceptable, and has been since they were rolled out in beta, where players complained about them as soon as they saw the light of day. Since this is the thread now, seems right to put specific proposals under the devs eyes, again. Realizing that some people like junk and pebbles, and they have been in the game a while, I have made this proposal, which I will excerpt with the specific options below the link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=718365 This proposal is for alternate animations, purchasable with Cartel Coins, for two consular skills, project and telekinetic throw. The underlying functions and stats for these skills would remain UNCHANGED. With the mirror design paradigm of this game in mind, where identical or like powers simply had new animations slapped on top of them in order to mirror classes, the concept of alternate animations seems entrenched into this game already. Project and Throw currently have snicker-worthy junk, rocks and pebbles animations that strike many as thoroughly un-jedi like and unpowerful. Moreover, in contrast with the lightning on the sith side, the coolness factor gap is huge. There have been complaints and dissatisfaction with these junk animations and the theme it creates for jedi consular's since the earliest days of beta. With all the alternate animations for things like out-of combat rejuvenation, the cartel market is the perfect place to allow players to customize the look and feel of their jedi AWAY from a junk tossing, pebble throwing fred flintsone, WoW-ish earth shaman reject. Also, people that are happy with the current animations could keep them. While there are MANY possibilities, I have limited my proposed replacements to ani’s that are already in the game, in some way, shape or form. I am also trying to focus on canon abilities that are more light side oriented than junk throwing, which we saw every sith do in the movies, much more than jedi, and more than sith lightning even. The proposed replacements: Project: 1) Force Burst: The Inquisitor companion, Ashara Zavros, a fallen padawan, has a skill called Force Burst. It is the best mirror animation for Shock I have seen in the game. It is instant, has a quick hand gesture, and has no projectile...the target is hit with force energy...almost exactly like what shock does....it is described in the tooltip as "A powerful burst of force energy that deals kinetic damage...". Here is a photo that compares the two, Force Burst and Shock, side by side: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/8731/forceburstvsshock.jpg 2) Electric Judgment (aka Emerald Fire) - green, more concentrated sparcs or arcs of lightning would be very cool, and are canon (but rare) for jedi. Nice analog for Shock. Picture a more concentrated arc...more focused. A green colored version of the Trooper's Ion Pulse, for example. Canon reference to it for info… http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment "A Jedi sufficiently strong in the Force can be trained to produce a facsimile, but not true Sith lightning." ―Darth Plagueis Concept for what it could look like as an arc: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/EmeraldArc.jpg"]http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/EmeraldArc.jpg[/url] 3) Saber Dance: Replace project with a saber throw on steroids...motion blurred and bad ***....consulars are the ones that can throw things and yet they can’t throw one of the MOST deadly things in the universe, that happens to ALREADY be in THEIR HAND - their lightsaber???? People have long complained that cons/sages use their saber almost NONE. Where here is a chance to change that.... That makes sense...also, a double-bladed throw for shadows would rock. Also, if the devs were worried about distinguishing it from other saber throws, again, this should be more refined....so let them throw the hilt and ignite the blade at impact, or some other such affect of being able to remotely ignite the blade. Would look awesome and distinguish it from other throws. 4) FORCE TREMOR: I knew there was a reason I liked the name Force Tremor...it is ALREADY in the GAME....AGAIN. This time Kira has it, and it looks very good. I think it is a PBAoE, but the animation itself would be AWESOME as a retooled Project replacement. Kira makes a very cool Hand motion, with force effects, where she reaches up into the air, then slams her hand down...and then the ground quakes and splits as the affected target has particles around him....here is a pic of the start and the end to refresh people's memories: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/ForceTremor.jpg"]http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/ForceTremor.jpg[/url] Telekinetic Throw (pebblestorm): 1) Force (Burst) Throw: It turns out that the sith side is full of all the good jedi ani's...the Agent has a companion named Raina Temple...and she is force sensitive...and she ALSO has a power called Force Burst...with ANOTHER animation, different from Ashara's. And this animation is exactly what some people had envisioned when suggesting a pebblestorm, err Throw, replacement...it needs to be looped to pulse as a channeled effect, right now it is instant. The particles in the animation could also stand to be more substantial, or beefed up.... http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/1658/forceburst.jpg 2) Emerald Fire: (version of Electric Judgment) There is some variance in the idea of what EJ could look like….Plo Kloon’s was yellow…Luke Skywalker's was green…so anyway, it would be easy enough to have a Throw replacement that was more Emerald Fire Lightning like, and would like like this: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/EmeraldFire.jpg"]http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/EmeraldFire.jpg[/url] 3) FORCE TREMOR (channeled): From Ultimas, an idea I'll label Force Tremor: "I say a good replacement for Telekinetic Throw would be a mini-Force Quake that targets a single enemy, Channeled damage and a more bad*** animation. I'm all in on the project replacement. EDIT: I added Kira's Force Tremor above as another option for a project replacement, but this would be a great channeled ani, too, as I see it as a combination of Force Quake and Force Tremor.... How it would work: Here is a simple, dirty mockup of what the "p" Abilities window would look like with Emerald Fire (Electric Judgment) and Saber Dance on the Consular tab - they could just as easily be on the Legacy tab: http://imageshack.com/a/img585/8482/m4im.jpg I referenced Emerald Fire/Electric Judgment above and linked to canon info about it - EF is an obvious alternate for Throw/pebblestorm. Saber Dance would be an alternate for Project. As the consular version of a saber throw, its hallmark would be MORE elegance and control than the knight versions, who are not as adept at telekinetics. These alternative animations would be slottable on your toolbars, like any other skill. You could even put an alternate right next to its original. It would be the same things as putting two copies of the same skills next to each other...they share the same cooldown, etc. They are functionally identical, they just LOOK different because they have a different animation. For example, Project has the upheaval talent, where you get a chance to pull up a second piece of magical junk for additional damage...Saber Dance would handle this with a quick boomerang second hit, after its first hit on the target. Without the second hit proc, it would just return normally. With Force Burst as a Project alternate, the double hit would look like a "double pump", just like Shock does now. Electric Judgment would handle it with a second arc of force power. And again, these are OPTIONAL, PURCHASABLE...win win win. And there is no reason you couldn't provide players with multiple options...the game is aging, we have all seen the same ani's a BILLION times....why not give players some choice and a VERY cool way to customize their toons a bit? And why not start with the most lackluster ani's?
  11. That isn't pebblestorm....the first shot is either force push or disturbance, the second one is definitely telekinetic wave....look at the hand motions and the shockwave projectiles....the first attack is sent with one hand, clearly Disturbance...the second has a longer activation time, and is sent with two hands, the exact same hand motions used by Telekinetic Wave. The rocks are purely incidental, falling around that Cliffside, as the stone is fractured from the force burst style projectiles.... Unfortunately, pebblestorm is indeed only palatable if you are going for some comic relief or humorous aspect. Not what many jedi players are looking for....
  12. Well, again, companions have better force ani's in some cases than player classes (at least on the pub side)....here is another one that would be a GREAT project replacement, and fits into the current scheme of consular abilities as well....and again, ITS ALREADY IN THE GAME: I know there was a reason I liked the name Force Tremor...it is already in the game....again. This time Kira has it, and it looks very good. I think it is a PBAoE, but the animation itself would be AWESOME as a retooled Project replacement. Kira makes a very cool Hand motion, with force effects, where she reaches up into the air, then slams her hand down...and then the ground quakes and splits as the affected target has particles around him....here is a pic of the start and the end to refresh people's memories: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/ForceTremor.jpg"]http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/knox1709/ForceTremor.jpg[/url] P.S., edited original post to include this idea...
  13. Yes, it is encouraging. I really hope they take our money with this...I also hope they take housing beyond the instance lotro model...which was better than nothing, but didn't synergize the game and bring into it some of the community and social aspects that TOR really needs to start delivering on....but yes, big steps forward. Ya got me...can't think of it...where is it from?
  14. I think we can all agree, that given other items for sale, $50 would be at the high end of the spectrum. But I would still pay it if it was account wide. But, reasonably it would need to be lower to fall in line with other products. My biggest fear is that they would be put in a set of random packs, as you mentioned earlier, and then you could end up paying much more than $50 if the RNG gods were frowning. As far as complaining, since its optional, meh, people will always complain...but if these replacements were done, and done well...I'd pay. If EAWare is listening, here is a way I would pay $50 per account without a grumble....make a PACK of alternate ani's PER CLASS....starting with consulars. If that pack included 4 or 5 alternate ani's, like the suggestions in this thread, that would be awesome, and worth the money. Otherwise, I would like to see them try for the sweet spot of $10 or 1000 cartel coins per ani. Each class would benefit from this....some more than others, IMO, as consular is easily in the worst shape, appearance and lore wise. But practically, it would make sense to keep it to two or three replacements, with an effective cost of $5-$10, or 500-1000 cartel coins each. Just my opinion as a gamer. I'm sure EAWare has its own internal metrics and pricing guidelines for such things. Sell them for 750 coins each or 2500 for a pack of 4 (say Force Burst, Force Burst (Throw), Saber Dance, & Electric Judgment). Heck, there are a number a ways they could do it, but they like bundles, and it would make a lot of sense to bundle the alternate anis for a given class.... But like I was telling you before Nala, people want this, and are willing to pay for it. A lot of fans take the look and feel of their jedi very seriously, and rocks, junk and pebbles don't cut it.
  15. The business case? How do weapon skins, armor skins, and color crystals do? How do alternate rejuvenation animations do? The case is there and clear.
  16. Ah, my favorite naysayer...lol. Why would EAWare stop....lol. They continue, they continue to make money. The criteria for consular is easy...they have made a jedi class based on sith powers. That is a no brainer. The rest, they can basically listen to customer feedback *gasp*... I know, shocking concept. They provide alternates for what will be the most popular and generate the most revenue based on feedback from the playerbase...kind of like any other business that stays in business by meeting the needs of its customers...lol.
  17. Oh, I agree completely. EAWare could basically print their own money with this...and I'm not talking cartel coins...lol. But yes, start with consulars...and start with the two most disliked or complained about animations in the game...with a TWO YEAR PLUS history, extensive history, of player complaints against them. But they could basically roll out a couple of alternate animations for a different class each month...red lightning for inqs, etc. An alternate to lightning strike would also probably be pretty popular...Shock and lightning are great, but I understand people that say BW went back to the lightning theme one or two times too many.... Exactly, there are plenty of possibilities.
  18. As far as shadows and sins, what would make more sense to ask for is one blade ignited on the dbl saber, like we saw Maul use in his first fight with Qui Gon on tatooine. That would be awesome. Then with the double bladed only animations, have it toggle the second blade on and off as needed...that would be sweet.
  19. Yeah, he basically admitted he hasn't played all the classes, and doesn't know about those differences. His idea cannot work, basically. Merc's have two pistols, mandos have a autocannon....slingers have two pistols, snipers have the rifle and a knife. Scoundrels have a shotgun, agents have a knife....BHs build heat, troopers use ammo....so all those examples are mirrors, but with difference that make copying and pasting abilities like the OP suggested impossible without massive work, and you really DO NOT want what he is suggesting anyway...basically, you would have to strip the mirrors of the little bit of customization they have...for no really good reason. It is incredibly obvious why classes need their own distinct look...first so they look and feel different when you are playing the different classes, otherwise, why have other classes? And so you can distinguish them by their difference so you know what you are up against in pvp, and everything doesn't look the same... In other words, there is no way this would ever happen.
  20. There is probably no bigger advocate for cartel market alternate animations, particularly for consular, than me. But, your proposal is problematic. PvP would be a nightmare. Classes need to keep their distinct looks and feels to a certain extent....whereas this would throw that out the window....then what about mirrored classed that have different weapons (smuggler shotguns/agents knives) or different resources mechanics (BHs CREATE heat, Troopers USE ammo)....there would be a legion of issues to deal with, and it would really, in the end, just serve to muddy the crap out of the look and feel of most of the classes. A more targeted, pick a few anis for alternates per class, approach seems more logical and doable.
  21. Perhaps you saw my very similar suggestion thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=718365 With suggestions and a little more detail for the consular side of things. Ever since beta, countless threads have been started with endless player requests for something other than junk, rocks, and pebbles as the signature abilitites of the games jedi force using class (consular/sage/shadow). While lightning is no where near as unpopular, some players think it is overused. Not only is the kick the huttball animation in the game, as you mention, but we also have numerous alternate animations now for the out of combat regen....bacta tanks, carbon freezing, imp meditation chamber, imp medical bed, gree device, etc. Also, even more fundamentally, this game was built by making identical skills and slapping different animations on top of them, in order to mirror the classes. So it seems obvious that such flexibility with animations has been built into the game from the very beginning...also, we have the legacy heroic moment skills, again with animations being re-used or used flexibly. This should be doable, relatively easily, and it should make EAWare a lot of money, when you consider how other cosmetic options, like weapon skins, lightsaber color crystals, etc., are very popular. Final note, if a jedi is shooting something like lightning, it should be green and is known as Electric Judgment...look at my thread above for a SW wiki link and further discussion about it. Thx. Oh yeah, and BW, in case you are keeping track, this is like thread # 3,567,813 since beta, from your customers asking for something different for consulars/sages...lol.
  22. You might want to look at my proposal, for alternate animations for consular junk and pebbles here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=718365 In that thread we talk about how EAWare could easily roll out alternate animations, including different colored lightning, as optional, purchaseable cartel items, a few for each class. They have done things like "Kick the Hutt Ball", which is a case where the same skill gets a different look, for the cartel market already. In addition, remember this game was built on the idea of making identical skill and then slapping different animations on top of them in order to mirror the classes and reduce BWs work load and balance problems. So it just seems to make sense that alternate animations, or adding them, is kind of already inherent in the games design. Most of the animations in the game are very good, but some are just inappropriate and poor (like the junk and pebbles) and some are considered as overused (lightning) by others. The green lightning however, has a VERY specific place in SW lore, as it is known as Electric Judgment or Emerald Fire. It is a JEDI version of lightning, or facsimile, but it is NOT sith lightning...it is considered different, fundamentally. There is a precedent for red, as Darth Nihilus used it I believe. Black would be too hard to see in things like pvp, I would imagine...the other colors I am not sure about. Check out the SW wiki if you want more info on Electric Judgment . Again, check out my other proposal thread, we can do better than rocks, junk and pebbles Well, those all would fit into the craptasm of earth shaman WoW kiddie reject that the current junk, rocks, and pebbles immediately bring to mind, and frankly, is an excellent commentary on the joke, pathetic nature of those animations and the image they are providing for what should be the PREMIER sci fi hero class of Jedi that any MMO has ever seen....but instead we are stuck with the junk, rocks and pebbles as a very lame joke in terrible taste. Hence my proposal for alternate animations
  23. I agree, it should be a toggle option....mute companion.
  24. I'm not sure I follow. Again, this game was designed by taking identical skills and slapping different animations on top of them in order to mirror classes. Then you have more current examples of the "kick the huttball" cartel market ability...which clearly puts a new animation on top of the basic throw skill...or the many many new out of combat rejuvenation abilities/animations they have released that ALL do the same thing with just a different animation.... Also, keep in mind how they have done all the legacy abilities....for use during heroic moment....force sweep, lightning storm, project....so there is OBVIOUSLY some built in flexibility with assigning animations and tinkering with different, situational version of abilities....so again, I don't follow ya. Its ashame the game isn't open to client side modding, but I imagine that the animations are kept in separate files and called by the engine...so it shouldn't be that big a deal to copy the instance of project, then give it a new icon and have it call a new ani.... or who knows, maybe it would be the hardest damn thing ever, but given the nature of the game, I doubt it. ty, ty very much ty ty. I know, right? how could the sith companions get better jedi animations than the actual jedi....its mind boggling. We used to call that "force blow up an object" and it was kicked around before as a possible project replacement, except it just didn't seem substantial enough....then I found force burst....lol I agree about the extension, but lets get the premier force using jedi class fixed, themewise, in a star wars MMO as a necessary first step. If you cant get jedi right in a star wars MMO where you have spent 100s of millions, its a somewhat more than an oversight...and jedi ARE NOT RIGHT. They are NOT rock, junk and pebble throwers. Its laughable. Going forward, though, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason EAWare couldn't go to town on this, and make a lot of money...look how people will spend millions of credits and alot of cartel coins on things like light saber colors, or a new weapon skin....how much more so for choice appearance of abilities that can really impact the look and feel of your class....the possibilities are there for EVERY class. They could take the two most hated animations from every class and offer cartel market alternates. Red lightning, Nihilus style for sorc's, etc. Most of the animations in this game are very good, but there are the ones that aren't popular, or some would say overused, like lightning...
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