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Everything posted by ShadowNessej

  1. As you quest you'll get new gear available as clothes. If you're aiming for a nice looking outfit, look for items labeled in Orange, those can be changed to match your level. You can get gear through Flashpoints, Warzone vendors at level 20 and 40, Storyline missions, Heroics, GTN, Commendation Vendors, it's all over.
  2. Its usually alot quicker and recommended to use your 1-0 keys to use abilties. I myself, with a mouse, usually use my 1-5/6 keys to do my main attacks while clicking buffs, debuffs, CC's, etc. If you can get in the habit of keybinding your best abilities you shouldnt have an issue.
  3. I look at this as something aimed for a younger audience, like Marvel Super Hero Squad did for Marvel, not something to criticize in my opinion.
  4. I think what'd be cool is for imperials to be able to go to Coruscant, and Republic to go to Dromund Kaas. HOWEVER.... I think they should have their own spaceport and designated area, like a PvP Zone on Dromund Kaas for imperials and republic players to fight. However, the players would need incentive to actually go there, so i think there should be some sort of Commendation reward for kills of some sort, just a rough idea but i think it would be fun for PvP events on capital planets.
  5. Title: Huttball Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=356210 Author: ShadowNessej Class of main character: Smuggler (Male)
  6. I see this essentially just being Nar Shaddaa on the premenade. However i do agree that it could use more things to make it end-game like. One other thing id like to see is: - A legacy teleport to the Nar Shaddaa premenade With that said, add that teleport, and the fleet-type things you mentioned i think Nar Shaddaa Premenade would make a good dual-faction area.
  7. Immediately after the words escaped the mouth of Baron Deathmark, his team-mates all rushed by him out of the safety zone. Dacen, off to a slow start, quickly scurries out of the safety zone just in time for the crowd-controlling force field to re-appear behind him. He quickly rushed up the ramp to get a better view of the arena, which upon first glance caught him by surprise he nearly hurled right there on the ramp. Already competitors were slaughtering each other. While most of the team fought near whoever held the ball, some didn't even give it the time of day and picked a person to slaughter. One thing was for certain, the holonet certainly censored most of the gore in these things. As he collected his stomach and prevented his lunch from coming back up, he noticed one of the Rotworm competitors notice him, and began to run towards Dacen. "Oh god, why me?" was the only thing that escaped his lips as he, before he could even think about his next move, instinctively aimed his blaster and shot a round of fire at the competitor barreling towards him. Despite the mans large structure he was quick on his feet, and dived out of the way of his blasts with ease. As the man got closer he drew a lightsaber, waving it in the air like a mad-man as he rushed towards Dacen. "A sith..." Dacen thought, "Kriffin' hell!" escaped his lips as the competitor swung down towards Dacen's skull. Luckily, Dacen was also fast and side-stepped with ease, avoiding the slice. While this man was strong, and fast, he clearly wasn't too good with a lightsaber, and with his swing left his side wide open. Dacen quickly took aim and, with a single squeeze of his finger, sent a blaster bolt through the mans head. The competitor slumped to the floor, dead in an awkward position. With a sigh of relief Dacen turned to face the rest of the arena and get a look at the status. The score was 0 to 2, and the Rotworms were winning. Dacen got worried. One thing most people don't know about Huttball is that, if you lose, and your score is not pleasing to the spectating audience, you will be taken into a private room and executed. With Dacen this far behind and only having one kill, his only hope was to lead the team to victory. But how? "Kriff! This far behind how could we possibly win?" Suddenly, it hit Dacen. He grinned. Having only watched a few games on the holonet, some Sith had the ability to pull off this stunt, But with no training in the force... "Well, this is about to get very interesting." (More coming soon!)
  8. Untrue, actually. EV SM and HM both draw two different types of them, i have both. However i do like them because theyre like landspeeders. However, i try not to use them on the fleet. I dont think they should be taken out, but unable to be used on the fleet makes sense.
  9. For my main, my Bounty Hunter, the name of the ship is the Mandoa's Wrath Mainly because my Bounty Hunter is Mandalorian, and also because ive spent all day the day i came up with the name traveling the galaxy hunting down a pub for revenge.
  10. http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l546/Divadnessej/XavionAwesome.jpg Cool guys dont look at explosions.
  11. Its also announced that they are increasing the level cap though, so he may still be useful yet. Plus, there's open PvP, doing dailies, etc. That they are used for nowadays.
  12. You've said that twice now, and it wasn't funny either time.
  13. Being the Mandalorian fan i am, mine would have to be "Vode An"
  14. Pazaak is pretty easy, its like Blackjack You have a big deck you draw from and you just start drawing, and each card you draw adds up. Your goal is to reach 20 and stop there. If you go over you get no points and its the other persons turn. However, you also start with a deck of about 5 cards and, say, if one of those cards is -1 (which some do say on pazaak cards) it would decrease the number. So, if you reached 21, and used your -1, you would go back to 20 and be able to leave it at that. Once you reach 20 or go over its the other persons turn. If they get 20 it becomes a tie since you both got a score of 20. If one goes over or stops their deck at 19 or below, the person with the 20 wins the match and gets a point. First person to 3 points wins! (Sorry if this wasnt helpful i tried my best to explain it)
  15. Little info for you: They have individual teams that, while one team would be fixing bugs like you suggest, another can do creative things like this for the community's enjoyment. Honestly, quit whining.
  16. When i looked at the title i thought, "Well, obviously, have you not seen the movies or read the books etc?" But honestly i think this thread was well thought out (Except for the using lightning part, that didn't make much sense to me) but he provided lots of facts mixed with opinions and i think it was well done. So kudos to you OP
  17. The roars off the distant crowd awoke Dacen Grano, who grew a splitting headache as soon as he woke up. The first thing he did was try to recall the last thing he remembered. The Hutts contacted him about his due payment... Threatening to enslave him... The knock on his apartment room on Coruscant... That was it, he was kidnapped by the hutts, but where was he? That was when he heard it, the all-too familiar booming voice of Baron Deathmark, "Listen up! These are the rules of Huttball!" "Oh no." Dacen thought, "Not Huttball, anything but Huttball!" Huttball was one of the most popular sports in the galaxy, which, as Baron Deathmark went on to explain, involved two teams known as the Frogdogs and Rotworms. A ball sat in the middle of the arena and each team must try and get it, and run to the enemy goal to score a point. first to 6 points wins. However, it was a fight to the death and there were always some sort of traps scattered around the arena for the enjoyment of the audience. Judging by the Yellow colors around the room he was in, he guessed he was on the Frog-dog team. Suddenly he remembered what he heard about how competitors that did not leave the safe zone after two minutes of the game starting were executed, and the games always began after Baron Deathmark finished with his usual joke of how Hutts do not have feet, which he began now. Dacen scurried to his feet, feeling his side for his blaster. "Of course." he thought, "I need something to use if they want me to entertain the audience." Dacen drew his blaster, running down the hall he was blinded with the lights of the stadium next to him, the holographic wall keeping the competitors within the safe-zone stood as usual, and other competitors surrounded him. Some brought as slaves, and others, he assumed, there for the thrill of the battle. And then it all began with the all-too well known words. "Lets play Huttball!" Immediately after the words escaped the mouth of Baron Deathmark, his team-mates all rushed by him out of the safety zone. Dacen, off to a slow start, quickly scurries out of the safety zone just in time for the crowd-controlling force field to re-appear behind him. He quickly rushed up the ramp to get a better view of the arena, which upon first glance caught him by surprise he nearly hurled right there on the ramp. Already competitors were slaughtering each other. While most of the team fought near whoever held the ball, some didn't even give it the time of day and picked a person to slaughter. One thing was for certain, the holonet certainly censored most of the gore in these things. As he collected his stomach and prevented his lunch from coming back up, he noticed one of the Rotworm competitors notice him, and began to run towards Dacen. "Oh god, why me?" he muttered to himself as he, before he could even think about his next move, instinctively aimed his blaster and shot a round of fire at the competitor barreling towards him. Despite the mans large structure he was quick on his feet, and dived out of the way of his blasts with ease. As the man got closer he drew a lightsaber, waving it in the air like a mad-man as he rushed towards Dacen. "A sith..." Dacen thought, "Kriffin' hell!" was all that escaped his lips as the competitor swung down towards Dacen's skull. Luckily, Dacen was also fast and side-stepped with ease, avoiding the slice. While this man was strong, and fast, he clearly wasn't too good with a lightsaber, and with his swing left his side wide open. Dacen quickly took aim and, with a single squeeze of his finger, sent a blaster bolt through the side of the man's head. The competitor slumped to the floor, dead in an awkward position. With a sigh of relief Dacen turned to face the rest of the arena and get a look at the status. The score was 0 to 2, and the Rotworms were winning. Dacen became worried. One thing most people don't know about Huttball is that, if you lose, and your score is not pleasing to the spectating audience, you will be taken into a private room and executed. With Dacen this far behind and only having one kill, his only hope was to lead the team to victory. But how? "Kriff! This far behind how could we possibly win?" Suddenly, it hit Dacen. He grinned. Having only watched a few games on the holonet, some Sith had the ability to pull off this stunt, But with no training in the force... "Well, this is about to get very interesting." (More coming soon!)
  18. Yet you still look at the forums and complain about things you never get to experience... I rest my case.
  19. *Waves arms frantically* XP'z!!!!
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