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Everything posted by Revenaught

  1. Thats a blatantly absurd thing to say. Weapons in outfitter, change that’s cheered. Multiple fighting styles per character, change that’s cheered. Multiple saved load outs, change that’s cheered. Shared kill credit, change that’s cheered. Just because someone doesn’t like a change that you approve of, it doesn’t mean they hate all change.
  2. Yes, yes I do. There are plenty of ways to make the more difficult content feel rewarding other than gear level. I pay the same amount to play as they do I should be able to attain the same playing power by playing solo content as they do playing group content. Those who mainly play solo content will effectively be barred from the group content once the group players have higher gear then they will never want the lower geared players in groups for the higher difficulty content. I have witnessed this in the past and there is no reason not to expect it to happen again. Now I have no problem if the solo path to top gear is slower so long as in the end I have access to the same level gear and modding capabilities as other players.
  3. Quote: Secondly, risk is rewarded. If a player chooses to complete content on a higher difficulty, they will be rewarded with better gear. Risk?!? What risk? You wanna reward risk with better gear have their gear drop a step if they wipe. That’s a bit of risk for them.
  4. What the actual F… BioWare?!? I was looking forward to this expansion. Weapons in outfitter, ability to pick two fighting styles, load out storage, shared kill credit, ability to save alliance crate armor styles to collections! Man I tell ya I was droolin over the goodies and eagerly awaiting the release. Then I got this kick in the gut. The only change needed in the gearing system, in my opinion, was the removal of the RNG element of it. And while you did remove the RNG, you did so by burning down an otherwise good system and put an open sewage line in its place. Gone are the days of playing my way and having it all be benificial. Now if I step out of my normal play style of solo or 2 to 3 man groups doing conquest related activities mostly it will be useless as I will not be doing the other content enough to be able to upgrade any gear I may get from it. So looks like I’m stuck with only conquest for my gear gain purposes. Next while you left augments in game you have rather effectively barred me from using them. I have no where near the amount of credits needed to continually buy new augments, augment kits, and install said kits every time you decide to up the max gear level. Also with the removal of mods until gear level 334 I can’t even make use of my currently augmented moddable gear. So it looks like only the nicely well off will be bothering with and enjoying the benefits of augments. And lastly the best gear in game is now solely reserved for the high end operations players and everyone else will just have to be happy with whatever scraps we are so graciously allowed. The same holds true for being able to fine tune our gear as we see fit. Only the OPs elite will have access to moddable gear at max level. All other peons need not apply. All in all BioWare, right now despite the initial excitement I’m feeling pretty unwelcome at the 7.0 SWTOR table.
  5. They have fixed the group members area loot bug. Where only the first person to loot a batch of dead npcs would have the area loot function work. Everyone else would have to loot every single corpse separately. This was a major frustration to the group I play with. So I’m much happier these days.
  6. First impressions of the defense lines. B has been pared down too far. I spent way too much time spamming the basic strike waiting for the few meager abilities given to come off cool down. For the supposedly heavier on defense load out I didn’t feel very robust at all. Giving us a lvl one companion that falls over dead after being breathed on doesn’t help that either. A feels more fluid and has far less time waiting for cool downs and as a whole I survived the fights better and felt more robust as a supposed tank. That said the missing abilities still leave gaping holes in the play that might have a detrimental impact in larger more involved combats. On a different topic all together regarding the test server my video is badly jumping and laggy even on low graphics settings while live doesn’t have the same problems even with higher graphics settings.
  7. Good call. 3 of my 6 tanks, two of which were the ones I was trying to buy for, were set on the wrong loot discipline. How that happened I don't know as they were all set right when I was working my way up to 306 in the first place. But now I know to check it before buying. Thanks
  8. The last couple of times I’ve tried to buy defensive gear for my tank from the SOW vendor I have gotten nothing but dips items. I know it’s supposed to be random but blowing all my tech frags should get at least a couple of defensive bits in there. Has anyone else run into this?
  9. With all due respect as someone who is a very small guild, you can not expect to match the numbers achieved by the mega guilds. Those guilds were topping the charts before the pvp points were adjusted and will remain there unless those guilds are banned from earning conquest. Which kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it. In short if you want to top the conquest rankings you can do one of two things. One, you can join one of the mega guilds and aid them in staying on top. Two, you can dedicate your gameplay into building a mega guild of active players all your own and go head to head with the big guilds.
  10. Day/night cycles have been asked for since beta. Answer was always the planets looks are as intended and they have no intention in implementing a day/night cycle. After all this time it’s possible that decision could be altered but it would be surprising.
  11. I have to give you credit. I will never again, no matter how much I may dislike a decision made by you, accuse you of never listening to the players. You may not do so as often as I like or come to a decision I like but you have listened to our feedback on the Conquest points this time. Heh, feedback, isn’t that a nice name for the rage fest we’ve seen on this topic? So thank you for listening and we’ll see how it all ends up.
  12. There is no reason to bring the differing levels of game access into a conversation about equal rewards for solo vs group play. There are supposed to be different levels of rewards for the various access levels.
  13. Ok, gotta draw the line there. You wanna bring group play up to par with the totals available for solo play that’s great. But if you want F2P and Premium players given equal access and capabilities as Subs then that’s a hard no.
  14. This is largely irrelevant. Bring group play up to the same level of points achievable per week as the solo play on a single toon each and then it is up to the individual players on how many toons they want to reach goal on per week.
  15. which at 30 plus characters is 270 companions to max out. Sweet! I only have 264 to go. Ok a little more realistically a set of 9 for each crafting set and one for each character that’s just a harvester for running around with or two one melee and one ranged. That’s still around a hundred and ten. And that’s if I accept that you get to determine how many full level companions other players “need”
  16. And this just proves my point. The sheer amount of companions available on a single character leaves me running short of available gifts and creds in short order as my comps are far from the only expense I have. Multiply that amount of companions per character I have over 30 or more characters and no I don’t have all I need to influence my companions. I am not asking to remove any of the other forms of influence, nor do I want combat influence to become the only viable way to level their influence. But I would like the activity I do most with the companions to add to that influence.
  17. i would think giving us the ability to choose the colors on a custom dye piece wouldn’t be too hard to implement and work with the current system. But it won’t happen, the best dyes are on the market and they aren’t gonna give up that cash cow.
  18. Combat is my primary desire on this one. Conversation influence is limited to the original five companions and isn’t even close to sufficient to fully level one, even if you force the dialogue to tailor to your comps preferences. Non crafting missions are a waste of time and money for the rewards they offer both resource and influence wise. Crafting would be nice for so long as you have resources to work with. Combat though, combat is the majority of my game play and my companion is a large part of it. It makes no sense to me that I can’t raise the capability of my companions through the one game activity I have consistent access to.
  19. As the title says, allow us to level our companions by using them. Be it combat, crafting, or missions. Don’t remove the gifting system but allow another way besides it to level our friends.
  20. Gonna jump on this one as I do every time it pops up. The other basic crystal colors like blue and red were done so well I have never grasped why the green was mangled the way it was. Please give us a proper green lightsaber crystal.
  21. Que the complaining about people complaining line. You are really self centered. You do realize no one is unhappy about group content being buffed, right? You do realize no one would fuss at all if group content was buffed all the way up to be on par with solo, right? You do realize you are telling others to be happy with their preferred content rewards being gutted so you can feel like you’re getting a little of what you believe you deserve? Flip it around and how would you feel if group play was losing cq points per activity and only allowed to do 1 war zone Or operation, or gsf map for cq points depending on which invasion your guild picked. There is no way you can honestly tell us you would be ok with that..
  22. So it’s up to you. You can give me reason to continue supporting this game or move on to other fields
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