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Everything posted by Revenaught

  1. Yeah. It doesn't happen every time but enough that I very seldom try to bring up that account anymore. My main account has a security key and I don't have to hassle with the emailed password on it. I wonder how many F2P or Preferred players have simply quit trying to log on because of it.
  2. But in the OPs situation the flashpoints in question are capable of being run and completed with teams of 4 wearing the exact same level of gear the OP's friend is in. So he is doing nothing immoral at all.
  3. No you don't need the Tionese lvl mods. They only started handing out the free set of Tionese gear because they were handing out free sets of PvP Recruit gear, not because the HMs required it. The initial lvl 50 HMs were and still are capable of being done with blue lvl 50 mods from the planetary commendation vendor with comms earned with Corellia dailies. Mind you I'm not saying it would be easy with such a group. They were a good challenge and much harder than now with much stronger gear so easily available, but they were completable.
  4. There is always a new and more devastating threat just around the corner. Without new possibilities the game is over done with nothing to look forward to. I'm not saying the next threat has to require co-op to beat it but simply that trying to decree that nothing else can arise is foolish. And just because the factions temporarily work together on a single mission in no way means the war is over. As you pointed out the one instance of this happening on Hoth didn't end the war and further collaborations won't do so either. Might I ask tho, if communication between the factions is so pointless why are you so opposed to it?
  5. hmmm...Let me list the reasons for my hatred of Gungans. 1. Jar Jar 2. Jar Jar 3. Jar Jar 4. Boss Nass 5. Amphibian race with club feet completely useless for swimming. 6. Advanced race with high tech force fields and ion weaponry tech using slingshots and catapults. 7. Having a mobile shield large enough to protect all your troops strong enough to block tank canons but leavin it malleable enough that opposing troops can just saunter on through. The race if designed properly had great potential but instead they were designed to be what they were which is a laughing stock of attempted comic relief.
  6. You're right I don't have to buy one and I certainly won't but that doesn't prevent me having to deal with others buying them and having them run all over any area I happen to be in. I do not see Ewoks as a useful companion and I hate and despise Gungans. I feel that both did far more damage to the movies they were in than added anything useful and I would very much prefer it if they didn't get added to this game that I otherwise enjoy playing. It's a shame you dislike my opinion so much but ah well such is life.
  7. Oh crap! There goes the neighborhood! A heavy armor wearing ewok? The Jawa was bad enough. This game is sinking fast. Next thing you know Gungans are gonna show up and then... I can't even think of something worse than that.
  8. The level 50 HMs are doable with the level 50 blue mods purchased at the Correlian commendation vendor. At the start of the game that is how teams full of players geared only that well finished them before acquiring better gear through the flashpoints. More and higher gear is always gonna make it easier but 50 blues are adequate for the job at hand. After all we aren't talking about the new 55HMs just the level 50 ones. That being said there is still no reason here to remove the vote kick feature.
  9. And this is exactly why I doubt there will ever be any new classes added to the game. They have already said they have no plans on expanding and continuing the current class stories. I can't imagine them developing new class stories for the first three acts, which would be required for a new class. And it would have to be two new classes unless the newest class was shared between the factions, but that would really complicate the story.
  10. Look on the GTN most of the black core color crystals are able to be crafted now.
  11. I would far rather expect too much from people and give them goals to strive for than to expect too little of people and let them fall when they could have flown.
  12. So you agree then that nothing in canon decrees that the factions can't communicate with each other and co-operation is possible if a potential enemy to both were to arise?
  13. My main point is that absolutely nothing in any of the established canon prevents communication or even limited co-operation in extreme circumstances between the factions.
  14. It could be argued that the companion HK-51 and vehicles are mere customizations and gives no ability the character didn't already have i.e. a different looking companion to fight with or access to a different looking bit of transportation. The bonus stats are not customization or different appearance but actual game affecting stats that that character has not earned yet.
  15. What? Nothing in the movies shows that the factions can't speak with each other. Nor do the books, and in the books the two main factions are now rejoined in one big happy Republic. Again nothing here showing the factions can't communicate. No where in the definition of War does it mention communication is made impossible. Nor does it pevent the possibility of a greater evil showing up that will require a joining of forces to defeat. Yuuzhan Vong as an example from the books you mention earlier.
  16. Oh dear sweet lord in heaven please prevent this travesty from coming to pass.
  17. Again they're not my rules, they're the games rules. Just because you can't be bothered to stop at the datacrons again while leveling a new character is no reason to ask the developers to waste time putting a system in to give you free bonus stats.
  18. Dude! At least have the courtesy of wiping those stats off after pulling them out before using them.
  19. Ah but it's not our rule set. It's the games current rule set which you and the OP are wanting changed for purely selfish reasons. The game says if you want the stat bonus's on each character then each character must travel to the datacrons it needs to get them. I see no reason to change this.
  20. There are a whole lot of people on this thread who failed at reading comprehension. No where in the OP did it state it was a high level toon switched over to heals. Then in a later post he directly said it was at level 20. Every single person who made long diatribes about swappin over to healing at max level needs to apologize to the OP now for posting without bothering to learn the topic properly. Next anyone who gets irate because someone dared to join a pug less than perfectly prepared to be the perfect player I say stay out of pug groups. You pug you roll the dice and do your best with what you get. If you can't handle the bad with the good stay out of that situation that might put you in the bad. Oh and incidentally to the person who wanted a perfect group of companions because their queue time was so long by refusing to allow medics to run flashpoints unless they are perfect at it already just limits the number of medics who might learn and get better at it, thereby limiting your future source of group mates causing your queue times to get that much longer. In other words you're shooting yourself in the foot because it didn't move fast enough for you. Last to those who say play solo until you know what your doing. I tell you this now, all the solo play in the world even with companions will not teach you how to properly heal in a group setting. Only by engaging in group settings will you get the experience needed to properly learn what you're doing as a group healer. I say this as a novice healer myself. I have plenty of experience as a tank and dps but my merc healer didn't hit 50 till last week and I am still learning how to be an effective healer and where I learn that is by healing in FP. There is no other way. I can read and study till I'm blue in the face and heal my comps from 1 to 55 but it's only in the FPs that I really learn how group healing works. Anywhere else I'm DPS throwing a couple of heals in between attacks. The FPs along the way are the training grounds for end game play they get harder as you get more skills. Expecting players to be perfect at them or you kick them from the group defeats their primary purpose which is training grounds for group play at higher levels. To the OP I will say this reading your skills as you get them is very important as understanding what they do and how they work together will make you or break you in any role. It may take some effort to really grasp how they all fit together but the info given on them should be enough. All the guides out there are great but even they make mistakes from time to time. Never accept them as gospel or the only way to be effective. Best advice I have to give is, I believe you said you were in a guild, ask your guild mates if any of them have experience healing and have them train you. If none of them do go to your server forums and post asking if any healers on your server of your class or with experience in your class would be willing to help you learn. Good Luck and Good Gaming.
  21. People have been begging for this since Beta. Never a peep in reply to it that I know of.
  22. So you believe you are entitled to AC swaps. I too paid for a CE. I too paid my sub every single month. I however do not believe we are entitled to AC swaps. Now where does that leave us. Will only half the people leave the game if you don't get what you feel you are entitled to because I don't feel you are entitled to it?
  23. I'm talking about the mission window on the right side of the screen where we track our active missions and any item required for the mission is represented by an item icon by the mission that will light up when it can be used. The problem is that all too often we have so many missions active that the one we are working on is not on screen and we can't get to the mission item unless we stop, open our inventory, tab over the mission items, and track down the particular item we need. In other words a real pain in the arse. I propose the ability to scroll the missions in the mission window up and down so we can get to the mission we are working on without having to untrack a potentially large number of active missions. My apologies if this has been brought up before, I must have missed it.
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