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Everything posted by Senga_J

  1. When patch 1.2 gets here and tier 2 raid gear comes out, will it be easier to get the older tier gear, or will we have to raid through the old content before we attempt the new stuff?
  2. So apparently if you roll, say, a sith inquisitor and then reroll a bounty hunter, they can use like force lightning or something. But what about if your main is a bounty hunter, and you want to reroll a force class? Is there anything cool at all that a force wielder couldn't do themselves?
  3. Your opinion about the design of the fleet is your own, but personally, I would not want to deal with the other faction camping an entrance while at the same time trying to get the guild together. It would be terrible.
  4. As a dps, my high damage attack on my powertech is flamethrower. To do the most damage, I need to stack up 5 heat blasts before using it. Then I stand in place and torch everything 10m in front of me, that is, until the tank decides to knock everything back and I just wasted all that heat and my flamethrower is on 15 sec cooldown... /facedesk
  5. Hello everyone, my guild is switching over to republic for a change when 1.2 gets here, and I'm going to roll a trooper commando with the legacy bonus and whatnot. My question is, what is the best trooper build for dealing maximum damage during raids? Any help with that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I hope they fix raid looting soon, I got a columi offhand assigned to me as a powertech, and it was bound, so I could only sell it and it was like for 15k I bet the mercs in the group were pretty ticked about it too, but it's not like we rolled for it...
  7. When will you implement pazaak, and will there be collectible/tradeable/rare cards that you can build a sidedeck from? What about tournaments or incentive for playing? And finally, will we be able to wager our ship when we inevitably run out of credits?
  8. Ahhhhh metric, it hurts my brain. Ok, so you're around 5'11'' and 121 lbs... Wow, if I didn't mess that up, you must be like skin and bone...
  9. I live close to Baltimore, WHY DID YOU MENTION ORIOLES AND NO RAVENS?!?!
  10. What about a game like headquarters where there are several points around the map, but only one is active at a time, and you get points for the amount of time you keep it. I know it's from CoD, but this wouldn't play the same way and there would be longer more competitive fights over the HQ's.
  11. Yeah, I only use my healer companion because the tanks are really bad in combat...
  12. I disagree, I think it means if you have grade 3 upgrades, you can complete the mission (with a bit of skill) without a problem. The biggest help for me was not using the mouse to steer, use wasd to move and the mouse to aim. While you're shooting at stuff just use the keys to fly in a constant circle around the screen. This will save you a lot more health than any grade 5 shield would, seriously... Its impossible to do the last few space missions even with grade 5 stuff if you aren't good at dodging the lasers coming at you. Your shields are there just in case you don't dodge them all, but are not meant to take ALL the incoming damage.
  13. Ok, most of my guild was switching over to pubs, so I just wanted to make sure I didnt roll my lightside main before some substantial bonus became available... I guess for now I'll keep doing endgame stuff since my guild hasn't officially switched yet.
  14. I'll at least give him creativity points for coming up with a funny name, it was a well done troll imo...
  15. Pretty sure he was trolling us, lol. But I'm more interested in exactly what 'merits' come with re-rolling off your legacy. Is there anything special now?
  16. Does anyone know what out incentive is as far as the legacy system goes to re-roll a new character after patch 1.2? I was thinking about making an alt, but I couldn't decide whether or not to wait...
  17. But sometimes it's nice to have some of the powertechs abilities even if you're dps. I use the advanced prototype, and while I'm primarily dps, I have a lot of useful options when I get into a fight.
  18. This is not bioware's fault, nobody decided that there would be a population imbalance in favor of the imperials, it just happened. You have not suggested anything to fix the problem, you have only whined and complained about it. What's bioware supposed to do? nerf the imperials? I'd say that would start more forum fires than it would put out. Edit: and going along with denpic's post, all the skilled imperials will eventually get tired of 'easy mode' and reroll on republic side, resulting in a more skilled player base
  19. Would you people please be patient?! Just because the game has a few issues now doesn't mean they wont be fixed in the future. If you're going to complain, please post something constructive instead of telling Bioware how terrible they are... /rant
  20. Ahh, ok, I guess I see how that would be appealing. How much more defense we talking?
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