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Everything posted by blubomber

  1. Hello all, I was curious if anyone had a link to the SI set bonuses for the Ops gear. I havent been able to find a link. In my case, specifically the healer set.
  2. just because this is a star wars IP does not mean its going to have every aspect of the movies/extended universe. Its not a bad idea for a game in general, but tacking it on to an already established game with a completely different theme is just going to lead to a watered down version of it, much like the space combat as it is in the game.
  3. you want a different game. This is a story driven mmo, not a space combat/resource gathering game.
  4. having instance functionality isnt even close to the same thing as your idea. This is far larger then just casually adding it in. Just a few things that would need to be worked out: space controls ship "gear" or addons graphics server to host all of the additional instances gameplay and objectives enemies "space mining" nodes eve online open area Its not even close to a casual addon, and frankly it adds NOTHING to the core experience
  5. your suggestion is to create a game within a game. yo dawg, i head you like games so....
  6. Im now going back at 50 to finish up Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Hoth, and belvaris because of the left over content i had on those planets. There are PLENTY of quests as long as you do the bonus objectives available in almost every area. Dont skip mobs and kill things as you run by.
  7. Are you reverse engineering the blue stuff and making the artifact (purple) level stuff? Ive seen lots of high end stuff on the AH thats very very good compared to commendation gear, especially at level cap. I also am a synthweaver and had the same thoughts as you. When i hit 50, i checked the artifact patterns i could make and compared them to the tier 1/hard mode drops i could obtain. Both patterns are superior to the hard mode dropped gear, only dwarfed by t2/raid gear. Long story short, stick with it, at cap it works out. I also saw some implants selling for like 100k.
  8. If you spent 1k on an SSD and you pay 250 bucks for an MMO, you clearly are just throwing money at something you dont know about. I also pay that for internet, but it in no way improves MMO performance. The bandwidth these games use is not effected at all by a 100mb plus line. As for the SSD, the $150 would have accomplished the same thing, you chose to buy either a super high end one that puts the bottle neck on other system components, or an unnecessarily large capacity one that again wasnt purchased just for this game. In both scenarios you wasted your money thinking "If i spend more, it must be better". Dont blame bioware for your ignorance
  9. Wait until you get to Alderaan. I spent more time running around then any planet before it
  10. your machine is below the minimum requirements. thats certainly not the manufacturers fault
  11. Actually it was that bad. My wow account is over 6 years old. I played through naxx 40 and raided most raids minus sunwell after that. We constantly had to stop and port people to a city, have them respec, do their bars and UI over completely, and then summon them back in order to have them fill a necessary role. this was OBSURD. Our MT was also a Grand Marshal PVPer. He spent 150g a day (ALOT of gold at the time) going from Raid tank spec ->PVP-> back to raid tank for the raid-> pvp spec after the raid so they could grind some more. All he wanted to do was experience both sides of the game blizzard had put out there for him to do. He was the minority in that he could afford to do this. Most players cannot because respecs were simply to expensive. This will be the exact same situation end game SWToR should they not be implemented. long story short, prohibited costs on respecs cause people to not play certain aspects of the game because very simply: Grinding for respec money IS NOT FUN
  12. You are assuming that these things cause each other, which is false. Bad players are bad. having dual specs =/= more bad players. bad players are a constant. This is simple a quality of life adjustment that will only benefit the community in the long run and hurt NO ONE.
  13. What backing do you have that choices need to be permanent? What purpose does it serve other then to satisfy some kind of "pure gaming" theory you subscribe to? Dual speccing helps those that want it, and is not mandatory for those who do not. It is artificial because your saying "I feel we should be limited and if im going to do it you should too" where im saying give me the choice and you can choose not to use it if you dont want to. Asking someone to stay in 1 role or make it unnecessarily difficult (like the current end game respecs costs areand the time it takes) is a good way to get people to stop playing
  14. no, the armor RATING was still 25. the rating number corresponds to a value based on armor class.
  15. running content twice is several full 24 days of my life. That is outrageous to expect someone to do. reallocating skills is just a very small part of dual spec. Bar configuration, key binds, and UI are just some of the things that need to be adjusted when you casually run to a city to respec. Im sure the group is happy to wait while i redo my entire interface. All it does is allow a simple solution to a common problem of say, a healer has to leave for whatever reason. Rather then spam for an hour for a new healer, i can just respec, grab a dps, and continue on. It does not hurt ANYONE to have it, and it only stands to help. There has not been 1 valid reason to not have it besides peoples artificial thought that choices need to be permanent.
  16. that doesnt make sense because not only can you already respec, but choosing either advanced classes does not alter the story one bit.
  17. PVE healers will never take dps talents to be able to solo once they hit endgame. That is completely false
  18. It only takes 100+ hours to try a different spec. That makes sense to just do that instead of respeccing.
  19. So your suggesting i never pvp because i chose a spec for PVE raiding that i also enjoy? There is nothing to be lost with dual specs and a ton to gain. If you think you want to pick one playstyle and never change, then do so. My ability to fill a couple roles i enjoy playing does not need to effect you
  20. Being reliant on others and dual speccing are 2 different concepts. What if they want a pvp dps spec, and a pve healing spec? All not having one does limit people from playing different roles they may enjoy. SWToR particularly will benefit from this because of the length of time and redundancy of rerolling a new toon that share the same story line
  21. So your not level 50, yet you are commenting on the time it takes to get there being to fast? you must be an expert
  22. a fully functional inventory and AH system is not an exclusively wow feature and should be standard in any game that utilizes either.
  23. The only Bug ive seen so far with bonus quests is that in some places if you finish the man objective before finishing the bonus quest you automatically drop the bonus quest and get nothing for it.
  24. You should not have to take a crew skill to afford basic things in the game. If i want to craft why should i have to take slicing to do anything else?
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