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Everything posted by lELADRIN

  1. You are DEAD *** WRONG HERE this is not a JOB competition this is a game WE ALL PAY TO PLAY. Your entire method of thinking on this is wrong. If we both buy the same make and model of car 3 months apart and the first car perform's better has better gas milage ect than the same model purchased 3 months later would you not complain and demand it be fixed to be on par with the earlier one? That is what were looking at here people who have played this game longer are getting an unfair advantage, before even if you got rolled and lost you still got rewards so you could get better gear and NOT get rolled so easily. Now the new 50 and under-geared fighting against the full BM/War Hero's get NOTHING. WAKE THE **** UP AND QUIT BEING A "I GOT MINE SO WHO CARES ABOUT YOU" ***.
  2. In the end it boils down to this : I PAY BIOWARE to play this game. If i'm not enjoying my play time then I'll leave. Bioware has to keep this in mind, all of you L2P asses out there must remember that. People complained about afk'ers and quitters which is why we got these changes to pvp. Am I happy about the changes? Not fully, If i get stuck on a team with a bunch of looser's, quitters, afk'ers I get penalized with little to no rewards. I can pull down 15 medals but if my team still looses 6-0 I get nothing. Against some premade's you can't even get 1 medal let alone the 8 to get full bonus, and you get nothing. For new pvp'ers and even some older ones like myself who are solo pvp'ers were getting screwed by this new rewards system most of the time. 3-8 starts, 2, 4 man teams vs 3-8 solo's ect ect is killing us. Without the Ranked WZ's the new system is punishing the solo players. This need's to be addressed asap. Either get the ranked wz's in or increase the rewards for a loss. The facerolling of decent players because of a 3-8 start of 2 premade teams vs 3 solo's has to stop NOW, not next week or the week after by then it will be too late and people will have unsubed and the situation will be even worse. What most of you supporting the change's are forgetting is that without reward for you time in the game there is no reason to play. Put yourselves in the "new 50's shoes", first 50 wz vs 8 war hero's fully geared, no chance for medals, no chance at wining and get no rewards. WHY WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THAT KIND OF ABUSE? I thankfully am not in their shoes but even though i am wining 75 - 80% of my wz's I have lost a few and seen what a really bad loss gives. Bioware needs to fix this so if you try, participate, and give it your best shot even though early on it's appearent you WILL loose you still get some rewards. Kill the valor gain or comms or credits but NOT ALL THREE. Hell Kill the XP even, as 50's we don't even need it atm. But give those who try even against insurmountable odds something instead of big fat goose egg's.
  3. Ok ran a few WZ's so far today and the BIG *********** PROBLEM is total lack of rewards for a loss. I've completed wz's with 10+medals but ended with a loss, rewards = garbage. WAY TO KILL PVP BIOWARE, worst loss was 0's across the broad (came in late got 2 medals) best was with 10 medals, 1500 valor, exp, credits. Yesterday a loss with 10 Medals would have given me 3k valor 10k exp 10k cred. This patch makes the strong stronger does nothing for the weak or late starter, and the average player gets rewards cut by 85%. You've just reversed any fix to people leaving warzone's, and the penalty for leaving WON'T deter people. if we get NOTHING for being rolled why stay? So what I can't queue for 5 min who F***ing cares if i'm going to spend 15 min to get NOTHING. So the avarage player (not a hard core pvp whore) is totally screwed. Welcome to the latest list of MMO's that failed, I for one will NOT re-sub unless this is changed before my re-sub date. God gave you all brains USE THEM !!
  4. With the new PvP gear we know that Centurion, Champion, & Battlemaster commendations will no longer be in game, the question I have is what will happen with those we already have?

    Is resolve broken?

    I believe it is, I was keeping close track today on my resolve bar and noticed many times my bar would be full and still get knocked back, or stunned. Yet other players it would work for. I'm going to fraps a few matches the go through the video to PROVE it's broken and we'll see if Bioware does anything about it. (6 months from now at the rate some bugs get fixed)
  6. The new indicator for GCD with the flashy stuff needs to go now. AS IN SHUT DOWN THE SERVERS ROLL BACK THE PATCH AND GO BACK TO THE OLD NOW !!!!! Reasoning: my son is Epileptic (controlled by meds normally) but this morning he tried to play a little SWTOR and guess what HE HAD A *********** SEIZURE YOU DUMB ******ES. Fix now!!!!
  7. **** Kill this new BS with the skill's icons I can't tell them apart I feel like a total noob while playing now this is the WORST gcd indicator I"VE EVER SEEN IN ANY MMO!!! roll back the patch now or fix before the 20th or I won't resub I can't play the game with this ********. As for the rest of the patch meh, wz's still don't count and I really could care less on everything else.
  8. Title says it all. 4 matches in a row and still no advance on my daily. God Bioware can't you even fix this right ? It was supposedly fixed but NO IT ISN'T. If i had credit for all the matches I've won i'd have at least 5 more daily's done and 5 more bags. Please fix this asap. I'ts bad enough with server imbalances to get the wins but to not have them count when you do really pisses people off.
  9. So before I start I do not advocate NERFS this early in the release of a game. The primary balance issues in this game come from what is and isn't stopped by armor and shields for force users and "tech" users. Primary example Sage/Sorcerer static barrier stops ALL forms of attack yet the powertech/vanguard shield does NOT. Armor reduces damage from melee/ranged attacks but is ignored by force/tech attacks. Put simply sages/sorcerers can "Bubble up" someone (including themselves) and make them immune to damage for a short period of time. But a Powertech/vanguard cannot use their shield to resist a sorc/sages force based ranged attacks. This is at the heart of the problem with the operative/scoundrel also, their big backstab/scattergun attacks are TECH based attacks which IGNORE armor. I propose this to Bioware Don't go through with your proposed nerf of the scoundrel/operative and the sure to be coming sorcerer/sage. Instead allow armor and shields to resist ALL forms of attack but internal. It's a simple change and will make tanks into tanks sorcerer/sages into glass cannons and DPS types into their perspective roles. Making something complicated is not always a good thing. At current I can understand why you don't have a combat log in game all the different calculations needed to figure out if x attack is resisted by y defense would make them a nightmare. Something a very wise man once said K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple STUPID!!!!!
  10. Yep still happening twice today so far, it's getting really annoying to win on your 3rd of daily and 8th of weekly only to have it not count.
  11. Well I hate to say it but your probably wrong there. LotRO had a stat called Raidence for 3 years effectively making it so you had to have the gear to raid. They took it out after 3 years because it broke game mechanics sort of like Expertise gear does. In the end it will be who complains the loudest who will win that fight.
  12. TBH I don't have a big problem with the premade groups where I have an issue is with lv 50 with expertise gear queuing up with lv 10-49. They need their own bracket yesterday not "sometime in the month of January" as BW has stated. When 4 people can pound on one of theses 50's with expertise gear and accomplish next to nothing there is something seriously BROKEN in the system and it's called EXPERTISE GEAR. Separate the levels NOW and then we'll talk about further balancing but that is the #1 issue atm.
  13. You my friend are what is traditionally called a NINJA LOOTER and yes you deserved to be kicked from the group. Most people will feel this way so either learn to "play nice" or be tagged as such and quickly learn that you won't get party invites because you have been tagged as a "Loot Ninja". Yes I think they Need a "master looter" and a /roll system in game because of people like you.
  14. Well If I get in in the next wave my character will be named Minsc and say "Don't teach my Hamster to suck eggs"
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