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Posts posted by gofortheko

  1. I do great on my marauder and jugg.


    http://i.imgur.com/ey7YBS8.jpg vs a gunslinger team. Wasn't an ideal match up for me, but I was more than viable and that was with annihilation spec (something a lot of people say is useless in pvp now).


    one WZ proves everything right? So tell me how do you stay in melee range when they have two knockbacks, stun, and hedgehog roll? My guess you had decent healers and FF on targets and played bad gunslingers.

  2. Bolster won't stop me from knowing how to play my classes well. I adapt too easily. I can say it would be nice for a fix to all pvp issues but none of them had disrupted my effectiveness in matches.


    So how do you deal with madness sins, and snipers as a vigilance guardian? With healers?

  3. Getting your butt handed to you by a better player? Makes total sense to get rid of a system that is working as intended.


    No excuses on why you are losing Warzones except L2P your class.


    Ok, its a L2P issue, gotcha. Please explain to me how a sniper has 30k hps vs my full WH with 4 pieces of partisan guardian with 25k?

  4. I have to figure out what gear, mods, armorings, and enhancements give me the best Bolster ratings .. Oh, but dont worry, Im paying Credits for each piece I remove and put back in to place ..


    Where else am I supposed to figure out this crazy formula? Bolster only works in a WZ .. So now I have to just sit here and play with my gear .. Sorry for not playing, but Ill be more helpful once I can get back to what I was bolstering at yesterday .. I hope you all understand ..


    These are the mechanics of the game and how we are forced to gear now ..


    Just grind flashpoints and gear up in the best pve gear, BAM now you have the best pvp gear.

  5. sooo .. after todays patch, my gear is now worse than it was yesterday .. this is so confusing ..


    I have the exact same gear on as i did yesterday, but only now, in WZ, i have 300 less expertise ... I know you removed expertise from EWH and this was supposed to help with bolster? It doesnt appear that it does?


    But ts ok, cause its just pvp gear. Imagine if you could just roll your old gear into the hardest flashpoints and finish them, and get a new piece of pve gear only to have it give you less stats.

  6. Yup Im gone too, they had since PTS to fix the issue and they didnt. Makeb is a boring uninteresting add on thats buggy. I only played this long because of the Star Wars theme, had it been just another sci fi title im sure 80% or more of the people playing would have quit a long time ago.
  7. expecting level 50 gear to be even remotely viable at LEVEL 55 is just nuts


    Except level 50 pve campaign gear is now better at 55 than EWH, THATS the issue. Also level 55 campaign gear is better than Partisan pvp gear now too. They made pvpers worse at pve, but pvers better at pvp. If you think having 5k more hps as a pve geared class isnt superior to a pvp geared class then youre delusional.

  8. Well the only way to ensure you have healers is to queue with healers or make one yourself.


    And if everyone did that, we'd have all tanks/healers and no DPS.


    D: Oh lord, the humanity!


    Yes, but not everyone can que with pals. I did play a healer (commando) and did well enough, but queing with a group is hard because I have kids to take care of so after a match or two I go afk for 30 mins or more and thats not considerate to the 4 man group. So I solo pug a lot. If Pvers dont have to grind for pvp gear now, why should I have to automatically lose because the pvp system doesnt put in healers in my PUG?

  9. This seems to be mainly due to the game systems but it seems wrong...


    I've noticed quite often while fighting on Makeb that civilans and droids will flag me for combat.

    This prevents you from using game mechanics such as your heal or interacting with items to advance the quest.


    It also seems very wrong depending on the type of character.


    I'm a Light side Sentinel and in order to activate this computer console in this building, I have to go back outside and cross the courtyard and slaughter three frightened unarmed embassy delegates just to move further in my quest.




    Honestly who cares about Makeb, I found it boring, unimmersive and clunky rush job POS.

  10. HEE, RIGHT HERE is the daft prob. ******* like this that are not pvp centric that want to be tops without any actual work. Lazy anoles are ruining (ruined?) this game. I wish they'd make pvp gear bis for pve, whooee then the real cring would start. Lol



    Also I find it funny they allow pvers to come right in and have superior stats with their pve gear but they get same expertise, while making pvp gear weaker overall for pve.

  11. So you are trying to kill enemy team that has healers tanks and dps's and you have only dps's?


    You ARE going to need healers to win unless the other team has no healers as well... logic.


    If both teams have tanks and healers, its simple. The best team wins.


    More useless threads please.


    Also people should level to 55 and THEN start crying.


    55 is worse, since a lot of people pvp with their pve hardmode gear running around with 30k hps and 68 barrels/hilts, but still have the same expertise. Their system is stupid, these changes are stupid, and anyone who likes it is ....not smart. Also you think its fine if someone automatically loses because the system didnt put any healers in the WZ?

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