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Posts posted by gofortheko

  1. OP doesn't know that has been in the healing talent tree for a long time and a lot of madness sorcs already got it.


    You could focus on so many other things, that utility is basically a taunt with a longer cooldown.


    yes I am aware of this, however now its easily available to all specs, whereas before you would have to give up your top tier ability to get it.

  2. Waste of a Utility point. Doesn't last long enough for a noticable impact on a 4v4 or 8v8 fight.


    It's not even that good in a duel..


    Youre clueless, it lasts for 10 seconds, so you have 4 seconds to free cast, then 10 seconds where your opponent does 25% less damage, (tier 1 skill btw) and you can take a tier 2 skill that gives you a further 25% damage reduction (this one is the wasted skill imho) if you wanted to for 16 seconds of 25% less damage, saying it wouldnt be useful is just being dumb.

  3. Focus and Watchman both got buffed. Can build Juyo and Anni stacks faster, spread dots to all targets hit by your smash if any one of them had one on them. No CD on Rupture, so you can just use it as much as you want on different targets or simply reapply when it drops for single target without waiting for resets. New single target version of Smash that hits harder in Focus and another new ability as well. Both of those specs got better, so if you thought Focus was nerfed, you might need to reevaluate.


    And then you actually play the class and get rooted, stunned, rooted, snared, blown up by sorcerers casting while running away from your slowed ***... etc.

  4. Actually sent/mara was quite OP in pvp. All of you know it, you should know it if you played the class! I have lvl 55 mara as well he is my only lvl 55 imp. guess why? : )


    So please stop act that you had no clue, that the class will put down to balance....


    Sure, God mode class is always welcome, but to qq vs this changes seems not calling for ballance but "mum, mum I want that 1000 dollar star wars ship modell to bring it to the kindergarten for show off to be the boss!"


    Scoundrell/oper healer was op? Yes! It was changed now there are 100 + threads where ppl crying and threatened that they uninstal the game... So actually sents could have there threads as well, but you have to decide: you wanna exploit an op class or your goal is to play challanging pvp?

    By the way, Scoundrell was my favorite rep. class lol


    Youre full of ****, there is no way to maintain your dps on a target because you can be so easily controlled. Probably the best spec in game sadly is combat and thats only when you catch someone unawares and do your full rotation.

  5. I was excited too, till I kept eating stuns with Deflection up. It's not as awesome as you think it is.


    The tool tip says controlling effects stuns etc, but I noticed knockbacks work just fine and so do roots.

  6. They play their game. The Devs just PvE most of the time. Pretty sure classes are well balanced for endgame PvE and that's all they really care about. The Devs just don't give a rip about PvP...mainly because they're so bad at it (see old Musco stream with backpedaling Devs).


    Guardian = straight up Godmode.

  7. BTW compare that to a 12 second immune to CC bubble with Shadow/Sin (who have baseline stealth) and a 5 second bubble that makes you immune to tech and force abilities (pretty much all stuns fall into that category) and you have a class that has just as good burst dps, or dot dps, with permanent stealth, a two cooldowns that make Maras/Sents cooldowns look silly. 17 seconds of complete CC immunity for a class that has amazing burst and stealth, seems legit.
  8. The only melee class that doesnt have any type of anti CC root ability. While Sins/shadows get 17 seconds of CC immunity, Guards/Juggs get anti root snare abilities, and every ranged class gets a mountain of anti root snare abilities.
  9. You completely miss the point, the current system only goes by rating. Why don't try reading what I typed again. :rolleyes:


    If someone got 10 wins they wouldn't get higher than tier 3 reward regardless of rating.



    The purpose of ranked isn't for you to gear up faster. That's what pre-season is for. If ranked becomes just a participation reward then it would be pointless.


    reread it, you basically said what i said, but just attached a different number and added wins. And I dont mind that at all, because you could get those numbers based on participation (assuming most people carrying a 50% win ratio, which isnt unheard of) and at the same time still will get people to que. But I think we both agree that announcing rewards at the end is just stupid.

  10. sorry, i read it but must have missed that part. Anyway your tiers are backwards. BW wants to have participation awards to get people to at least try ranked. I through this up in another thread, but it should be a requirement of wins to get the awards. Tier 3 should be 10 wins. Tier 2 should be 50 and Tier 1 should be 100.


    Making just games played does little to prevent wintrading. Also making people have to play more games for the lowest tier will just prevent people from participating at all.


    thats what they are doing now, hows that working out for ya? No ranked matches played until the very end of the season? People getting 10 wins to get max rating via win trades? They are doing the system, its not working and its broke. My system ensures that Ranked is popping more than once every 5 hours during the season, not just at the end of the season. Try again.


    I dont care about ratings, I just want to play ranked once I fill up on the first teir of pvp, and not having to slog through regs all the time would be a godsend. You need to entice people to pvp, and with all the macro using elites in pvp right now, less "skilled" people tend to quit right away and never que again once they get wrecked by those "elite" teams.

  11. Releasing the rewards at the start of the season is just going to have the opposite effect. People will play early, get a Tier 2 or 3 rating and then just sit on it. The end of the season turns into a ghost town.


    Releasing it later means the people who actually want to play rank can have a season before too many trolls, system abusers, and tier 3 award farmers jump into the q.


    If don't want to be caught trying to play catch up in the last few months of the season q up early and often.


    Again you didnt read my thread, just probably the title. I said announce rewards early, then tie it to games played not rating. Say 100 ranked matches for tier 1, 200 for tier 2, 300 for tier three. Ratings will still be there for those who care about it. But now you have a flood of people playing ranked everyday to get the matches in to get the gear. See simple solution, because yours is to play ranked before announcement but it never pops, ever.

  12. Rewards aren't the problem, matchmaking is. You can't have a 1800 rated team farming a a 1200 rated team. Those 2 teams should never face each other, period. You can't mix in 2200 rated players with 900 rated players in solo either. Forcing bad matchmaking for quicker pops is partly to blame for the downward participation in the long run. No reward is going to fix that. Idk how does wild stars matchmaking work and is it better than this game?


    Here you miss the point, rewards are the sole problem outside of terrible match making. If you have the rewards they have just announced at the beginning of the season, coupled with basically making it guaranteed with say 200 matches played or whatever, you would have a much much better turn out. The guys who do rated for their epeen will still mop the floor with everyone achieving their leaderboard stats, but they will be able to wipe the floor much more often. No one ques for ranked on my server ever, outside of a few teams. I want to do my regs, get my oberon, then move onto ranked, but I am not going to sit in que for over two hours or longer, its stupid.

  13. Macro using Elites -_-


    The only part I agree with you is they should post rewards at the Beginning and good rewards , I disagree with you on many fronts though.


    They should scrap solo ranked and you should only get warzone coms whether ranked or regs if you WIN and a good amount of it. So every win would feel satisfying cause the other team will be actually trying.


    People will be forced to play Group ranked once they grinded their gear by WINNING and play to be the best.


    They did that before, and no one qued for pvp, because most people dont like to lose all the time. And yes there are plenty of macro using players on Harbringer, most even admitting it. You want more people in ranked, then get rid of winning requirement, put in rewards the the beginning of the season, make them good, and tie them into matches played. You guys who give a **** about ratings can ********** in the corner knowing you still will have a high rating.

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