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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. thanks i guess although the extra context wasn't really needed. the ability has always sucked.


    Like I said, the ability always sucked, but in the past it used to give you powerful buffs to your other heals which made up for it. Then they nerfed those buffs so it now sucks for no reason. :(

  2. Sorcs/sages need to be able to do some sort of healing on the move for their team. The class functions on the idea that you move around and avoid damage, because when hit, you get hit very hard. But to heal, they are forced to stop and hard cast. I understand they have Static Barrier and Resurgence. But Resurgence is GARBAGE. It heals for barely over 300 per tick without trauma, meanwhile 5-8k attacks are being unloaded onto you and others from multiple damage sources. That is unacceptable.


    Think about this. The only sorc/sage HOT heals for barely 300 per tick and the juggernaut ability Smash hits all the targets around you for upwards of 8k per person it hits, and is the hardest hitting ability in the game and IT IS AN AOE LOL. Does that sound proportionate to you at all in any way?


    Buff Resurgence to heal for more on the initial tick, and more on all subsequent ticks. Make the cooldown longer if you have to but right now, it is a horrible ability. Or, give sorcs and sages another HOT to roll along with Resurgence. The ONLY reason Resurgence is cast is for the initial tick and to buff Innervate/Dark Infusion. It heals for a less than pathetic amount and it is disgraceful that after so long, it remains this way.


    Resurgence's original purpose was to grant Force Bending, through which you could gain access to powerful heals. They couldn't design it properly which allowed double-dipping on the proc and rather than fixing the bug, they decided to change the way Force Bending worked. Now you gain no useful procs from Force Bending other than the one for Innervate (only useful if you need to use Force Consumption, and therefore has no direct benefit to healing output).


    Net result is that Resurgence still does next to no healing, while simultaneously proccing a nearly useless buff. The only reason you even use it now is if you want the armor buff or a "free" Consumption.

  3. Here it is from the sage changes as well...


    "Kinetic Collapse: The Incapacitation effect caused by this skill no longer breaks on damage."


    It is not a stun. Get over yourself.


    Incapacitates that break on damage are called Mezzes and add 100 Resolve per second of duration.

    Incapacitiates that do not break on damage are called Stuns and add 200 Resolve per second of duration.

    Bubble break Incapacitate is currently the only RE in game that violates the rule, strongly suggesting it is an oversight/bug that will be changed.

  4. I'm actually kind of shocked that they went with a stun instead of a root for the change to the bubble.


    As a Sorc, the absolute worst case scenario is facing a full Resolve melee class, the bubble before was simply giving free Resolve to enemies (since it hits incidental players who are close by, as well as players who break a bubble you placed on someone else and broke on damage). The breaking on damage was changed making it less fun for those fighting near a Sorc (not that I really have any pity for them, as a Sorc) and the Resolve will be fixed eventually to match the stun duration meaning everyone is going to be spending a lot more time with full resolve than before.

  5. Stunlocked with full resolve is the Loch Ness Monster of SWTOR.


    You hear claims of it all the time. Yet no one ever has a video of it. You would think someone by now would have got it caught on Fraps or something if it was as common as people make it sound.


    I always thought it was the Bigfoot, but Loch Ness Monster makes more sense since they both smell kind of fishy...

  6. It's this lack of stacking that is the cause of so much frustration.


    For example: Pre 1.4, four instantaneous stuns from different sources would instantly fill resolve, but it at least gave you a fighting chance against numerous opponents if you were any good. Now 4 instantaneous stuns only fills your resolve bar less than half way. As a result you are still vunerable to 1. more stuns 2. knockback with roots or 3. numerous slows. Breaking CC is a futile effort now because you can be immediately stunlocked for 8 - 12 seconds rather than 6 that it was previously. Also there is a steeper decay of resolve than was previously not a slower one.


    All in all, in any given warzone you WILL spend a significantly more period of time either stunned, slowed or being knocked back.


    Again, you will only be spending more time stunned if you previously spent a lot of time facing really bad opponents who all burned their REs on the same guy at the same time. This situation requires your foes to:

    1. Be ignorant of game mechanics

    2. Have the ability to coordinate focus fire


    The two never go hand in hand, meaning the only time you ever benefited from the bug before is when by random chance (or if you are marked as a healer) you were incidentally targeted by multiple foes at the same time AND they all used their REs on you at the same time. The law of averages suggests that such events are possible, but in reality these events do not occur often enough to merit any kind of change in game play.

  7. no it doesn't. the resolve doesn't stack when baddies hit you with multiple stuns at the same time. that would instantly fill resolve. now it does not.


    That was a bug that only happened when you faced really bad players. They fixed the bug so that REs provide the correct duration to Resolve Point ratio at all times.


    it takes 50% longer for resolve to fill. once it fills, it's actually better than before because it won't start ticking until cc ends. unfortunately, many more ppl are dying *before* resolve ever fills because it now fills more slowly. additionally, resolve resets when you respawn, so the cycle tends to repeat itself rather than respawning with a semi-useful full resolve bar (semi-useful cuz by the time you reach any action, that ticker will be nearly gone).


    succinct enough?


    Resolve gains remain unchanged, so it does not take 50% longer for the bar to fill. Stuns still give 200/sec, mezzes still give 100/sec and movement effects still give 400/instance. No change. The real problem is that they added new weapons, increasing overall damage. It feels like Resolve is filling more slowly, but in reality you are just dying faster.


    Resolve IS the issue. You can NOT convince me otherwise. Increase the TTK and you make healers God mode. Great healers are already a pain in the **edit**.


    You even admit that Resolve didn't even kick in, indicating to me that RESOLVE is the ROOT of the problem. 2v1, you SHOULD die!!!


    If Resolve isn't kicking in, then it can't be the problem because it kicks in after 2 REs (3 in some rare cases and 4 due to a bug with the Sorc bubble). If you are dead before 2 REs finish then you are dying far too quickly. Also, healers were never "god mode", even when they were considered OP by the masses. They required player skill to defeat (i.e. actual PvP skill, not a gear advantage in a DPS race) and very, very few SWTOR players have that. I swear, DPSers won't be happy about healers until they can solo 3 of them at once.

  8. I agree. I have never been capped on when I have been mezzed. It is almost impossible to do. You mezz and then try and cap it takes a second delay giving me plenty of time to get off a instant attack when mezz is over.


    It depends on the node. In ACW you can use the node to LOS, so if you get mezzed and the attacker ducks behind the node and caps, you then need to not only eat 8 seconds of mezz time, but also need to run past the node. If the attacker was in the right position and you weren't you are going to lose the node.

  9. No Darth, TTK is not the issue, Resolve is. Given the crap ton of CC's in this game, Resolve is terribly inadequate. TTK in most 1v1 fights is perfectly fine, assuming both people can heal, both can use an escape ability, etc...it's the root, root, stun that is the root of the problem. Resolve sucks!!!


    No one is complaining about Resolve in a 1v1 situation.


    The problem is that 2 or more players can burn you down before Resolve ever kicks in. That isn't a problem with Resolve, that is a problem with DPS being too high or your health pool or armor rating being too low.


    Tier to tier, the percent gain for DPS is much higher than the defensive gains. That is the root of the problem. It is simple math in the back end that causes problems onscreen. Unfortunately, those problems are perceived by players as being with Resolve, which is not the case.

  10. well now that we know that YOU know the facts and the rest of us just suck...


    the problem with RESOLVE is that it allows too many incapacitating effects to stop you from doing anything at all before your bar goes white. using your one breaker only to get hit again then die isnt really helping much. before, you could get the bar filled up faster and have time to heal or hit em back at least.


    if you think playing is JUST cc'ing away then you might not be so great either eh ?


    There is no problem with Resolve. It worked just fine from launch all the way up until now.

    The difference between then and now is that TTK has decreased to the point where 2 players can kill you before your resolve bar fills. The bar still fills at the same rate, so you are factually incorrect in your assessment.

  11. Seriously???? :eek:


    How about you take a look at the MANY threads on the broken resolve issue which was made far worse with the changes put in place in 1.4? It's broken, plain and simple and anyone dropping into a thread like this and saying "your bad" or "you need to L2P" or something similar is trolling or enjoying the broken system in some twisted, power mad way.


    If they don't fix stun wars soon there will be no PVP'ers left to queue. I've already lost 2 more friends to the fiasco that was 1.4... I have no idea why I'm still hanging around other than I'm on a 6 month sub through December.


    So... you can't? You're mad but you can't explain why, yet you think that one of the systems should be changed for reasons unknown.


    Fact is, Resolve is not the problem. TTK is the problem.

    You are not mad that you were stunned, you are mad that you were killed while stunned. Rather than trying to bandaid the problem by changing stuns or Resolve, you should be trying to get Bioware to fix the root problem, which is that you can quite easily be killed during a single stun from incidental focus fire.

  12. I will restate my claim since a few people have some reading comprehension issue's and chose to insult my intelligence. I was stunlocked and I gained a full resolve bar. I then walked a few feet and was stunned again briefly, while looking at my full resolve bar the entire time as i walked that few feet . This happened in huttball. Grats on having me explain it as if i were handling a 2 year old.


    I didn't come to this forum to QQ about stun lock or the resolve system. I am simply pointing something out that is/was not working as intended.


    Try to fraps it. People have been claiming this since day one but no one has ever presented any evidence of it.


    Also, please note that roots prevent you from moving and can be used against you if you have full resolve.

  13. How so? Pre 1.2 2 people FF'ing someone down would do it in 4 seconds. Post 1.2 2 people FF'ing down someone will do it in 4 seconds. There's no change. You can't really cry about a Focus Fire taking you out while you're stunned, you're not going to live through it if you're not stunned anyways, unless you're a marauder then you get 4 seconds of 99% damage reduction which they should be CC'ing you through anyways.


    Look at percent gains from tieir to tier and you will find your answer. Damage output has increased at a faster rate than health and defense have which leads to lower TTK overall.


    Also, bursting pre 1.2 required at least a modicum of thought since you had to activate things.

  14. There are no problems with Resolve. The perceived problem with Resolve is a result of players who use their experiences in game instead of a full mathematical analysis when forming their opinion.


    Fact is, Endurance and Armor rating have lagged behind damage output scaling (something a casual player wouldn't know). Combined with the healing nerfs of 1.2, what you've got is quick hitting spikers being able to kill a player in the duration of a stun or two without any real form of teamwork (outside of incidentally targeting the same enemy that one of your fellow teammates is currently targeting).


    This lowered the TTK (time to kill, or, amount of time it takes for you to be killed) to the point where you can easily be killed prior to the Resolve system offering you any benefit.

  15. Only Issue I have with the system is it filling more slowly due to several stun abilities adding low resolve leading to 3 stun chains...... Immunity seems fine its becoming Immune before death thats the problem.


    Technically speaking, the bar is not filling more slowly, it is filling at the correct speed now. Formerly, multiple stuns would not stack duration but would stack Resolve Points allowing you to fill the bar up but only suffer one stun. They changed it so that the amount of Resolve Points reflects the actual amount of time in a RE.


    You have hit on the head of the real problem though... the Resolve system is meaningless in almost 100% of the cases as a result of you not living long enough to use it.


    Damage has scaled much faster than endurance/armor which is why the entire PvP system is broken.

  16. You could try stacking Defense and Endurance, but Shield*, Absorption, and Accuracy are all going to be a waste. I don't think that you can get any Enhancements or Mods that don't have at least one of those useless stats on them so you won't be able to build a BiS kit.


    * Sorcerers cannot equip off-hand items that can proc shield.

  17. I'll honestly call ******** on that, yeah I don;t fully understand the resolve system - I guess few do, but I have encountered a situation like I described, and once the stun ended there was no more than 6 seconds before my resolve bar started to deplete.


    The absolute minimum amount of RE (Resolve Effect) immunity time is 12 seconds (11.x, rounded up). Prior to 1.4 those 12 seconds would start to decay immediately. Post 1.4 those 12 seconds wait for the RE to end before the decay starts.

  18. Uhm... I dont understand. What Force cost, what CD? How can a lightning sorc have force pool issues and since when we cant spam bubbles anymore? Only pure madness sorcs should think twice whether to throw a bubble on another person. A tele-Sage who doesn't spam bubbles is sabotaging his team!




    Force Cost is 65 (only the AoEs are more expensive)

    CD is 4.5 seconds


    Here is the healer tree skill that impacts cost and CD:



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