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Everything posted by PiercerPro

  1. Healing advance classes have the ability to rez without a cooldown.
  2. You have to start at the bottom of the skill tree and work your way up.
  3. I'm sure it has been said before, but unfortunately with the forums search option gone at the moment I will just create a quick new post. I have a suggestion for the Archaeology and Slicing Crew Skills (in fact pretty much any gathering Crew Skill). Please make the gather-able items Glow Blue in the same way Lore items do. When items are in dense foliage or underwater they can be almost completely invisible without scrolling your cursor all over the screen in hopes that you find the item. Additionally for slicing in large industrialized areas searching for a small credit case is a pain. I think that by making gather-able items glow blue the people with gathering Crew Skills will have a easier time finding what they need and more fun in doing so, as no one like to hunt around a spot for 1-5 mins trying to get that last bondar crystal. I'm sure other gathering Crew Skills will feel the same way about their gather-ables.
  4. Had this happen to myself and my friend who i am leveling with. Sometimes right clicking on your companions portrait and telling them to sell from there will work. Other times i need to use the crew skills page (default N) and order them to sell that way. In the odd times that neither of those work i found out that if you dismiss your companion and then tell them to sell your junk from the Crew skills page, they will sell your junk without issue. (so far) Hope this helps.
  5. You should report any bugs in-game using the "/" key It will bring up a Report and customer service window. Enter your issue and your done!
  6. It is covered by the "fog of war" when you get there. You have to discover it. For that answer click and you shall recieve!
  7. If your bags are full this sticky in the Customer support forum may help. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=38481
  8. You need to enter the product code from your physical copy of the game. Once you enter that here on the website your items will be mailed to you.
  9. Sith Assassins from knowledge only wear light armor, not medium or heavy. EDIT: Unless they train it up when they choose their AC. Not sure on this tho.
  10. Your answer is Here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=40448
  11. Unfortunatly no, it is just the art of the chest piece. Some chest pieces have hood and some do not.
  12. Try abandoning the quest, and then picking it back up again where you started.
  13. Power affects your primary stat/abilities. Melee = better melee, Blaster = better blaster, force = better force. Basically it helps you do more of what ever it is that you do.
  14. The devs took away the search function a day or so ago (12-15-11 i think) i believe due to some maintence/Improvements on their end. No idea when it will return tho.
  15. No not your class trainer, There is a trainer near all of the professions (at least on Dromund Kass thats where he was) who can reset your talent point for a fee. Need a Republic person to tell you exactly where.
  16. Did you enter your Registration code from your Collector's Edition here on the site? If not that is your problem as you must enter that code for the game to know your entitled to those items.
  17. There is no auto-attack. You must actively use your abilities to do DMG.
  18. Go into your skills page (default P) and click the "General" Tab at the bottom of this window. You should see a button to summon your mouse droid back to you. Imperial/Republic Fleet dock, take the elevators between the bars at the center of the station. The CE vendor is up there. Don't forget to get your VIP bracelet from your mail though, otherwise the bouncer will throw you out.
  19. Touche (sorry brain is fried right now.) The only other place i could think to stash a point, if you were to ditch Suppression would be in Electric Bindings, (for the Immobilization) But since Bioware use immobilization in the non movement sense (but can still attack) it loses its desirability, at least to me. In conclusion I think you have a pretty solid build. Let me know how it turns out in case we ever get Dual Spec. <Runs and Hides from The Bioware gods>
  20. If your looking at a raiding build, I would ditch the point in Suppression and put it in the madness tree for Chain Shock. In a raiding environment odds are you won't have to CC but one time unless a busted pull happens. And the Added DPS from a 2nd Shock (even at 50% normal DMG) can be a big boost. Additionally, and this is just me, I prefer to have my CC time out as my CC resets and comes off CD. This way I know to get ready for it. But what do I know. . . . I'm building a Sorc Healer lol.
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