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Everything posted by shama

  1. But as you say, no-one should have to do this in the first place. It just isn't acceptable behaviour and may 'save hassle' but long-term the kind of stalker who goes too far needs to know that what they are doing is wrong on so many levels and normal people don't do those things. I don't care if it is cultural, age-related or just retaard-related, education is vital to knowing what is and isn't acceptable. Can you imagine if people had to lie to the question of "Are you black/asian/martian?" just to 'save hassle' from racists? No-one would tolerate that kind of thing, so we shouldn't tolerate it when it comes abuse and stalking of female players. And yes, I often have female characters because if I'm going to be spending hours upon hours looking at their back I'd rather I was looking at something attractive (to me) rather than some muscle-bound male.
  2. Yes. Bound items can be worn by your companions as well as you.
  3. Well as you've said, it is to make money and items. So full potential? Depends on if you want to make money, make money by selling items you've created, or just make items for yourself. Presumably you chose a crafting skill that creates things usable by your class, and if so maybe others will buy them. Put some on the GTN and find out. For example, one of my chars has armstech and can fairly consistently sell barrels ... even lower level barrels. So try things out and see what sells, if that's what you want to do. If you just want stuff for yourself then that is fine. Read the posts in the crafting forum for in-depth information on what people think of each crafting skill. Read the Operations forum. There are a number of different operations, each has their own strategy obviously. Do google searches for info on a particular operation if you're having trouble finding information. In the "New Player Fleet Pass" at the top of this forum is a post about primary stats. It details what every stat is used for. You can then make up your own mind about what you should be looking for, stat wise, in items. Or read the forum for your class/AC and just follow what everyone else does. You mention the words "best" and "properly" a few times, which are very subjective terms rather than absolutes, but if you want to do what everyone else does then you should read the appropriate forums for those topics and follow the herd. Personally I'll read those and make up my own mind about what is best for me. This is probably the reason I don't have slicing OR bioanalysis as crew skills Remember, any temporary imbalances in skills/classes/equipment will change over time as devs rebalance things so just play how you want to play. If you're having problems then by all means look for help and advice, but remember that opinions are like arseholes ... everyone has one, and some stink.
  4. Remember (you were shown this information in one of your early tutorial popups) that an enemy's name is coloured based on how tough it is compared to you (actually just a level difference) as well as the fancy champion/elite/whatever ornamentation they have. With that said, you will gain more XP from killing enemies above your level than you will from killing the same enemy when it is below your level. The items you gain from a higher level enemy will probably be more useful to you at a lower level than a higher level. That doesn't mean you should try and kill every enemy you see though. Some of them you need to come back after you've gained a level or two.
  5. But it's also not a normal single player game, where your position/dexterity/accuracy have a huge effect on combat. For those of us used to MMOs we've grown used to the fact that combat is a strategic affair rather than pure reflexes and coordination. Yes searching, or in fact reading the in game information, would have provided some of these answers BUT this is the new player forum and there are a lot of well, being polite, basic questions. If they bother you too much you should leave and hang around in the more mature, intelligent and hostile forums And leave Canadians oot of it eh?
  6. Yes the number indicates a recommended group size. Heroics are the missions you'll come across on planets. I think you are seeing "Group" indicated on your mission log when you have a flashpoint mission? They can be 2+ or 4+ depending on the flashpoint but afaik don't say it in the description or title.
  7. Just thought you should know, your link goes to a weird place
  8. Just in case you missed it in the reply below this post, if someone starts chatting then your chat log will re-appear. It is only after a period of inactivity (i.e. no one chatting) that it will disappear. If you're concerned your chat isn't working then just type 'hello world' into general chat and maybe someone will reply
  9. But the question really was, why did the author feel fit to invent a christian-style hell when that had never been mentioned before in any other form? Sure he was a bad guy, and "deserved" a penalty, but bringing in something from our own mythology just so people can say "look dear, bad guys have a horrible time after they die so that's why you shouldn't be bad" seems a bit lame. Up until this point did no other 'bad guy' ever do anything that wouldn't be considered evil? Seems unlikely.
  10. I'll second that. Despite others who complain about his harpoon shot it is MY main distance closer. Corso brings me enemies one at a time and I get behind them and unleash the back blasts and blaster whip, while he keeps them occupied in a tanky kind of way.
  11. Just some random tips: - Use your kick interrupts - Make sure you use backblast a lot, if you can't get behind your opponents (because they are always targeting you) then either use a tank companion or use your 'surrender' to drop aggro - Sucker punch/pistol whip/KO are also high damage so make sure you use them whenever available, if they rely on upper hand then ensure you're getting it - Remember your heal abilities, as medpacks will have a long cooldown
  12. Yeah the class PvP vendors have the lower level PvP gear. Remember the 3:1 exchange rate on WZ into merc commendations though, it does mean you can accumulate, over time, 4000 WZ commendations without having to spend them just by converting 3000 WZ into 1000 merc. It will delay your need to 'use them or lose them' for a little while at least
  13. Well you can either follow the first part of the guide and save up your commendations. Keep playing until you are close to 1000 WZ commendations and then change some up at the rate of 3:1 into mercenary commendations. By the time you get to 50 maybe you'll be close to 1000 of each, and/or you'll have already bought a bag for 200 of each in preparation for being 50. Or you'll have just bought the level 20/40 PvP instead with your commendations.
  14. I agree - the current system is a bit more convoluted than most people would expect, and isn't clearly detailed in the game manual or 'official' literature. There are a number of guides/posts elsewhere though, and the one you linked to is as good as any other I've seen. Yes, it does. Don't worry too much though the person you responded to spelt their name wrong, unless they purposefully wanted "sheild" rather than "shield" FWIW, in your sig you want to change "no" to "know"
  15. It is just normal orange armour/clothing. It is ranked as light-armour, so if your character normally wears medium or heavy then you probably only want to use it for role-playing and looking cool. Light armour wearers could use it though as their main armour by keeping the mods up to date. Social gear requires you to have reached a certain social rank before you can purchase it, and you'll increase in social ranks by playing quests/flashpoints grouped with other players and engaging in the conversation-choice mechanic.
  16. Ok, I guess a one word answer wasn't good enough. Here's the answer again, specifically with regards to your actual question. No, there is not a way to zoom out really far, like around 50 metres. As others have said though, there is a way to change your default max-zoom distance within your preferences. This will take the distance out to around 15 metres if you're lucky.
  17. Sure it will have an origin and an end ... the origin is the Sith creating it and the end is their target. So, obviously, the mechanics of a Sith Lightning bolt are not 100% the same as our universe - otherwise it would hit random conductors in the area rather than your target ("Damn it Luke, can you hold this metal pole while I try and fry you? It keeps arcing over to the antenna ..."). So they aren't just creating a positive charge at their fingertips and pointing in roughly the right direction. Which implies that the process of getting a bolt from here to there must in some way involve creating a large negative charge at the target point and a large positive charge on their fingertips. That being the case, that Sith are using the force to create a charge difference between two distinct points, then sure ... they can create lightning in space.
  18. But your connection with the force is through a biological living thing, midi-chlorians, but by some unknown and unexplained process. They (and so 'your' force) will be returned back to the universe. Actually there are things in space. Sure not an atmosphere, but most of space is actually far from being a pure vacuum. Energy moves through space, and so to answer your question it depends on whether force lightning is achieved through the stimulation of elements within an atmosphere or just a force phenomena in its own right (like plasma).
  19. The person you are quoting said that heaven and hell are principles of a (particular) religion and that religion doesn't exist here ... not that no religion exists here.
  20. I think you're thinking of social gear (which is orange) and currently only has a light-armour version. 1.2 (I believe) is adding medium/heavy to the mix.
  21. Those shuttles have two options: travel to republic fleet or orbital station. If you have your ship already then for a stupid reason you can't travel directly to the fleet, you have to go to the orbital station and board your ship (and then fly to the fleet). Or you can just use your fleet pass as the other guy said
  22. Pretty much means the same as our real-world - where dead living things 'become one with the world'. All your constituent bits are reduced to their most basic form of matter and will be reused by the world. Your carbon might engage in the global carbon cycle, your fat molecules will be used by other living things and your calcium might end up in the shells of snails. So no, not just floating there or depressed because those are concepts only relevant to living things - if you don't have active nerve cells and a working brain then you can't be depressed And yes, it means Sith might shoot atoms that used to be 'you' out of their fingertips and molecules/atoms that used to be 'you' might pass through the body of a jedi. But then in our real world the things that currently make up 'you' also used to belong to other things - every atom that you call 'you' came from somewhere else originally (and will move on somewhere else even before you die).
  23. But there are a lot of details posted in the forums on this site. For information on your class, use the class forums for your class. Lists of companions, when you get them and what they like/dislike are definitely in posts here. Use the advanced search function, and restricting your search to particular forums to get more specific information can help.
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