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Everything posted by yellowledbetter

  1. You failed to use your heals to get that 75k healing medal. Fail.
  2. List of grievances: 1. Sorc/Sage shield is too strong. I am one and I think it's too strong. 2. Operative/Smuggler burst too high. It's way too high and it is not okay. If it weren't for my overtuned shield, I would be dead every single time even with near full champ gear. Please don't blame light armor either. I see heavy armor units go down just as laughably fast. My friend the 50 operative has a blast melting troopers like butter. 3. Grav round/tracer missile damage is too high. It shouldn't do as much damage as it does for being spammable while applying a stacking debuff. Lower the damage but keep the utility. General pvp grievances: 1. Rakata medpacks are too strong. Also, they should not count for the healing medals. 2. The medal system is terrible. It promotes selfish gameplay over objective gameplay.
  3. I will concede and say that maybe our shields are a little overtuned. But then again, without that shield an operative/smuggler would be able to kill me in one stun every single time.
  4. If you're 40 and rank 20, you won't be rank 60 by the time you hit 50. I suggest you buy 2 champ bags, one for your inventory and one for your bank. Then cap out mercenary and warzone marks (1000 each). This way, when you hit 50 you'll be able to open up 7 bags. If you're luck sucks like mine, you'll get nothing but centurion junk tokens. But you might also get champ gear which you will need to keep your santy once the level 50 bracket hits.
  5. Somebody has to be top on the warzone. On my server, it's always merc/commando and operative/smuggler.
  6. yellowledbetter


    Because you can't have everything. How are you failing as a trooper? Step 1. Find a corner. Step 2. Spam grav rounds. If you get interrupted, stand there for 4 seconds then go back to spamming grav rounds. Step 3. Top warzone.
  7. Trinket refers to the ability everybody gets to break cc since it does the same thing as WoW pvp trinkets. When you see people talking about junk or garbage, they are probably talking about the actual pvp relics which are terrible.
  8. That's strange, all I see are BH/trooper spamming tracer missiles and grav rounds all day long.
  9. I'll give you one good reason why cross-server needs to be implemented: So premades are forced to fight other premades and only other premades.
  10. Everybody knows that they are too powerful at the current gear level. Most will admit it too. Most, that is, except for the players that play them.
  11. I would respond to this thread, but a scoundrel just killed me in 2 gcds =(
  12. And yet, an operative/smuggler can sap me and then knock me down and kill me before I get back up again. I'm so broken.
  13. You're having a serious case of denial if you don't think Ops/smug aren't going to get hit hard.
  14. Do: immediately leave the warzone as soon as you see it's huttball. Don't: put any faith in your teams ability to pass the ball and support the carrier because they will only let you down.
  15. Yeah, PvP in wow was so much better when it was same server. Trading wins to boost rank. So awesome.
  16. This literally has nothing to do with anything. How does a random pug counter a bunch of people in vent? Typing harder? Familiar with the enemy? What does this even mean?
  17. Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein That's what this server exclusive pvp is. Until we can open up cross server, you will be playing huttball 80% of the time because it allows for same faction pvp and you will be forced to fight that same level 50 pre-made over and over again until they either quit for the night or you decide to call it quits. Stop saying that keeping it same server is good for the community. You're wrong. People will stop queuing up and warzone queue times will rise. It is inevitable. The solution is simple. Create battle groups. A group of 5-6 servers that cross over for pvp purposes. You will still see the same names and you can still get your false sense of unity. It's all there except huttball games go down and they can pit pre-mades exclusively against other pre-mades. Until that time, expect to suffer and see these forums loaded with the same complaints.
  18. They can fill 4 different rolls. Obviously they are popular.
  19. I'm not giving out my vent info to random people in warzones and I can only type "PASS THE BALL" so hard. What does being anti social have to do with anything? I protect my interests by not passing out guild vent info like candy and forming an army of level 11 snipers is pretty much a waste of time anyway. Open cross server and make the pre mades fight each other. Queue times drop also. It's win win. If you're so desperate for a connection, then YOU invite xxxjedikillaxxx the level 13 marauder into your vent and have a blast. As for me, I would like to queue solo and know I have a chance at winning.
  20. Yeah, I love being tossed against the same level 50 pre-made and getting crushed 7 games in a row. If they open up cross server, they could make it so pre mades only fight other pre mades. I can imagine no greater blessing for swtor pvp. And no, I will not be inviting every random I see in a warzone in to my vent server.
  21. The tooltip doesn't update to factor in your force power either. It's just something they will have to patch.
  22. If you don't grasp the importance of extra range on your abilities or what polarity shift does, then you probably shouldn't be commenting on builds and telling people they are wrong.
  23. I like how you provide such convincing evidence. Thank you for your valuable input.
  24. I would take the 3 points out of seeping darkness and finish off forked lightning and conduction. Also, why only 2/3 for Chain Shock? All or none.
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