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Everything posted by needalight

  1. needalight

    2.5 Tweaks

    These are preliminary notes on considered changes. Hell, 2.5 isn't even on the PTS yet so these should not even be considered patch notes. Clearly this list is non-extensive and more changes are likely to come as they continue to observe the results of arenas in 2.4. On another note, defeatists plague all game's forums. They always seem to forget the main reason why we play games in the first place: because they are fun. Balance is a fickle beast to tame; and this has been a prevalent factor to every genre of multiplayer games I've ever played. In my biased and semi-experienced opinion, assuming high prospect games like Wildstar will be absent of imbalances is short sighted and unlikely. This is not to label Wildstar as "un-fun" or a future flop; I intend to play the game as well simply because it looks fun. I think they have some neat mechanics and some flavor to MMOs I haven't seen since SWG. Now I am not an angel to the above subject. Before GW2 released half the threads on this forum were about how GW2 would be the bastion to all MMO players and would cause a mass migration akin to a biblical degree. I was disinclined to agree, however I recognized that one should not have an opinion on a matter before he tries it. So I bought it at release, played it for a month or so, and then after analysis decided the discrepancies between degree of difficulty for each class and the very limited builds/play styles to stay competitive were too significant for me to enjoy the game. However I do not regret my purchase or experience because I found it fun for a bit and made me realize that no game is intrinsically balanced. I still check their patch notes from time to time (Dulfy does a great data mining job) and anticipate future changes that might rekindle a personal interest in the game. TLDR: Don't play a game simply on the basis of balance, play a game simply because it's fun. Angry responses inc.
  2. needalight

    2.5 Tweaks

    Summed up my sentiments verbatim; I also really appreciate their explanations to each change.
  3. I'll keep it short n sweet. Suggestion for next warzone: Capture the Huttball (CTF variant) Two teams, frog dogs and rotworms. Two balls at each teams base. capture and return the opposing teams ball to your base with your team's ball intact and you get a point. First to three points wins. In other words: bring a glorified WSG to Swtor. Incoming hate and qq inc.
  4. I'm sure this suggestion has been made before, however perhaps it is worth bringing up again. I would personally love to see my operative's vibroknife sheathed at his hip. With that in mind It would also be very cool to see a scoundrel's scattergun sheathed on his back. Granted this is a minuscule addition to the game, but it would certainly add a bit of flavor to both ACs!
  5. I'm sure this suggestion has been made before, however perhaps it is worth bringing up again. I would personally love to see my operative's vibroknife sheathed at his hip. With that in mind It would also be very cool to see a scoundrel's scattergun sheathed on his back. Granted this is a minuscule addition to the game, but it would certainly add a bit of flavor to both ACs!
  6. As noted by the title; currently the Conq vendor does not sell professional MH or OH. With this in mind the Obroan vendor does sell professional MH and OH. Bug?
  7. I'll keep it short and sweet: Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution (225 to main stat for 12 sec, 40 sec CD ) vs Conq Relic of the Cerulean Nova ( 300 or so additional tech damage on 4.5 sec CD). I see advantages to both, suggestions?
  8. As I am the GS of subject I can say with complete sincerity: a lot is a huge understatement.
  9. He's a sorc so at least you won't have to worry about him specifically
  10. slick shooter talent gives 4% inc crit chance to speed shot and aim high talent gives 15% inc crit to speed shot. On top of a base 26.5% crit chance on average it is common to at least have 4-5 crits per channel. 6 is not that far from the bell curve.
  11. Lol this guy reported me too. Allow me to give you some insight on how I destroyed you every time: Open each fight with flourish shot to reduce armor by 20%, roll into cover with 3 seconds of hunker down to neutralize stun, instant cast charged burst from snap shot talent, wait for dot stack and use dodge to remove, apply shield prob for damage absorption, speed shot, trick shot, burst volley, speed shot, trick shot. In between interrupting force lightning. When you would bubble I would loiter for a sec then hard cast an aimed shot when you had about 2 seconds left. It is worth noting I never saw you use a WZ med pack or adrenal. Here is how you should have fought me: dot up and LOS. This is the way to counter a SS GS. If you try to go open field cast for cast you're fighting a real uphill battle. edit: just realized I didn't even have my stim on. Hashtag Thanks for the flattery though!
  12. IMO use 168 barrels. We can skip a piece or two with respect to pvp gear and still have on par survivability to someone in a full pvp set. Picking up two pve items is great for that extra bit of killing power and you also get some bolster from them. With that in mind, a clear go to are the weapons because the damage and stats are definitely superior. Not to mention pvp weapons are really *********** expensive comm wise. So if you have the credits, buy 31 barrels, mods, and enhancement. If you decide to do this though, remember not to mix pve and pvp modifications on the same item.
  13. Well its clear there's no problem with being able to QQ to full. In 1.0 Sorc/Sage would say how they were fine and the rest of us should L2P. Tables have turned. HASHTAG DEAL WITH IT
  14. If you don't like the gear grind, play GW2. BTW if you haven't played GW2 i'll spill the beans for ya: equal levels of gear demonstrates outrageous class imbalances. GW2 release was frankly unplayable unless you were a guardian, Mesmer, thief, or played very restrictive builds. Sure you can say, devs should balance the game brah, but the fact of the matter is that they didn't. I haven't played it for a bit but from reading their forums and patch notes it appears that imbalances are still there. In my completely biased opinion, gear grind is a good thing in mmos. It acts as a buffer between class imbalances and class hard counters, it allows customization for the player, and it provides end game replay value by giving the player a means of character progression which is the general theme of mmos.
  15. Awesome job. You took an undervalued build and made it look easy. Hats off to you. link your build plz, id like to try it on my op.
  16. Face it, if you expect total balance throughout classes, you're in the wrong game genre. Trying to balance every spec vs every spec in an MMO is like a fat chick wanting a pony (it just ain't happening).
  17. If I was on the other side of a WZ against my guild, I was take this golden opportunity to focus on that one D bag in your guild who thinks he's better than everyone else. Every guild has one. Come to think about it, I'm probably that guy in my guild...
  18. my favorite part of PvP in this game is to come onto the forums to read everyone ************ about it. hashtag deal with it
  19. It is worth noting that mechanic wise, there is a small difference between GS and Sniper: the Sniper uses one weapon while the GS uses 2 (duh). However with that obvious statement in mind, the gross damage output of a single mirror move shot from both classes is usually not identical. The GS MH could hit and OH could miss which would result in producing slightly less damage than the sniper's Hit. Respectively the MH and OH could both crit which would result in slightly more damage than a sniper crit. Though the differential is minute, the nature of the situation is still there. Obviously this doesn't apply to moves such as sab charge / explosive probe, grenade, bleeds, and similar tech attacks. Hope this helps.
  20. Guys Guys Guys.... lets not get ahead of ourselves. First of all, why are you asking for a dev/CS/HR/whatever to post something on these forums? If you haven't noticed, they only time they post on the PvP forums is when its a useless dead end thread, need to close something inappropriate, or respond so ambiguously that it causes more damage than heals. If you want to pry a response from these guys you need to go to their houses and create human barricades in their drive ways while singing kumbaya. In addition, don't you guys remember 1.2? (first response in this thread summed it up well). Last time they gave us detailed information on their "plans" they only demonstrated how bad they are at following through with them. If you don't want to be disappointing with what ever cut-rate feature comes out, leave it to be a surprise. Finally, as demonstrated with the majority of their patches, if we want any sort of attention WRT a new patch w/ pvp content, we need to petition for the feature to be on the cartel market. If we can get them to make some sort of PvP package/patch/whatever that can be bought for 9999 cartel coins, I bet they will implement it mighty quick. until then we just gotta hashtag dealwithit
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