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Everything posted by Quip

  1. Four million players and rising, that's why they keep doing all those press releases every weak about the population. No, NO, stop it Quip! You're not helping. All of the level 50s on the OP's server simultaneously rolled alts and went out cron farming. Also prime time has shifted to hours that the OP doesn't play so the server isn't empty, it's just working a different shift. Also the early February break just ended so people gone back to work, it's normal that the servers aren't as busy. Yeah, that's the ticket. TOR is a damn fine game but P2P games don't grow any more.
  2. Not really, now I'm not addressing this in particular but every broad change to a mechanic affects each class differently. Some classes will feel very little change, some classes that a very crit dependant will feel it quite profoundly.
  3. I thought Blizzard got blamed for every single shortcoming in TOR?
  4. Everything should be fully mod-able. The mod system is an awesome concept and needs to be fleshed out more. While I'm dreaming, the ships are awesome too. That system needs to be fleshed out with more ships and kits for interior toys and crap. AND while I'm visiting my home planet, companion kits. I want to have more options for which companion I can take with me. LET ME MAKE BLIZZ HEAL!
  5. Hard to argue with this; picking a mad busy server at launch is MMO-101.
  6. I picked a server with a grievous queue. Queue at launch = comfort later. MMOs don't grow after launch any longer, not P2P ones anyway.
  7. I know you refer to guild chat as silent but I have noticed this trend since EQ. I blame guilds. When EQ was at its peak with 450,000 subs, the community felt the smallest it had since launch. Everyone was in a guild, big guilds, little guilds, everything in between guilds. As a result the actual activity of people just meeting new people in the world was almost eliminated from the game. There's no real solution, people would absolutely soil the bedding if there were restrictions placed on guilds and they had to mix with strangers. I have noticed the trend continuing with each new MMO though, it's kind of depressing.
  8. Honestly though, that's the Bioware "Naughty'n'Nice" dialogue wheel. Sheppard was a prime example, nice guy soldier who avoids killing or psychotic thug. In this game it's even more polar though, since Sheppard at least had options in between "Shoot in face" and "Kiss on cheek".
  9. I hope that with cross server LFG they make the friends and ignore lists cross server, as well a tells and grouping with people on your friends list from other servers. Blizzard hobbled theirs to protect the market for server transfers, I think it was a mistake to do so. I like cross server grouping as a concept, but as always, every previous incarnation can be done better.
  10. I had a bad experience with a PUG once and I have obsessed about it ever since, now I turn chat off and refuse to group with anyone. Mine was before cross server LFG existed though so I want grouping to just stop existing. Everyone else's desire for grouping, let alone easy grouping, is irrelevant.
  11. 60,000 subs remained before NGE "ruined" SWG, and that's what Sony would admit. Who knows how many were still actually using their subscription time. At it's post-free-month peak SWG was almost as successful as the worst failures among theme-park MMOs. I'm sure I played SWG wrong, I'm betting that turning on my computer ruined my SWG game experience. I never found much in there to love, from conception to execution it was a bad product that would never have seen release if it wasn't for "Papa George's Rent-an-IP" being slapped on it. I'm very pleased that developers have been avoiding the line up for the SWG Kool-Aid. That Kool-Aid has done strange things to people. Forget about EVE with its "300K" subs. MMOs don't have 10% online at a time the rule of thumb is 25%, yet EVE only shows 30K average players online. That could mean a few things. The subs are being spun by CCP and they're padding the numbers. Or perhaps the game is so bad and so loaded with cheaters that even people paying for it can't stomach the idea of actually logging in. For the record I like a little bit of sandbox in an MMO, but bad game concepts die for a reason.
  12. It's really not pandas, the pandas are a great idea that the WoW fan base have wanted since the game launched. Actual fans, not the braying and neighing MMO hoppers that have clogged the internet with "LOLZ POKEYMANZ R IN WOWZ" posts. It's the 1,800,000 subs they've shed in the last twelve months. It's really more about age and shrinking content patches coupled with a very crowded MMO market that is seeing more and more quality free to play efforts or conversions. Money just doesn't seem to be reinvested in WoW even remotely proportionally to what it brings in, at least that's how it looks to me. Admittedly I am a layman. I will soften my statement with this: According to their CEO 1.5 million of the subs they have lost were in China, which while a huge market is not high profit for Blizzard since they have to deal with censors and other political nonsense that stalls content and drives up costs.
  13. You people... Activision doesn't need any help from Electronic Arts to kill WoW.
  14. I'd argue that. During the launch quarter for this game they lost a lousy 100K subs. Activision is killing WoW, not Electronic Arts.
  15. The way they keep shrinking their expansions and rehashing content they deserve to lose a lot more.
  16. SWG as well. I know that will get me crucified but SWG had whole professions that just flat out didn't work. Oh and EQ2, Champions Online, DDO, AoC... There's been some serious failure to launch in MMO history. As for comparing Rift and TOR, they aren't even similar. Rift had terrible levelling and is now a completely end game focused product, TOR is all about the levelling. It's far too early to guess which way TOR will go. Rift is a vastly superior MMO to TOR but it isn't a better game than TOR.
  17. There was a quest chain in WoW on the Night Elf island off the coast of Feralas where you went back and forth between two people standing next to each other delivering messages. You could stand near either one and finish the quest chain's last phase without moving.
  18. I would pay good money and grind LS just to turn Khem into a big, Space German sweetheart. Bonus points if I could get a picture of him snuggling a kitten.
  19. That would depend on the bridge and where I would land. I had some fun leaping from bridges as a kid.
  20. PvP gets fast patches because PvPers are used to the endless nerf and buff of life as a third class citizen whatever changes we just handle it and know it will change again. But changing things on a PvEer? Well, you never emergency patch PvE because it's never safe to hurry when you're putting a crystal slipper on a faery princess' foot.
  21. It most certainly is not a "back burner" item. It's behind the stove with the five year old dust-bunnies.
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