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Everything posted by Fardarter

  1. This change is going to effect certain classes way more than others. Mara/Sents especially since they are melee and have poor armor and no heals, basically they are going to take damage regardless therefore a healer companion was kinda huge for them. Maybe now would be a good time to increase watchman heals so they they have some way to overcome the loss from companion nuclear fallout? Just sayin. Healer companions were better off pre 4.0. You compounded it with level scaling making these changes EVEN WORSE. honestly *** were you thinking.
  2. No Eric, They don't "Carry their weight" They are worse then they were prior to 4.0 with decent gear. Only now we have to grind 50 levels of influence for them to suck. So let me get the score on 4.0, correct me if I am wrong. Damage across 90% of the skill trees was nerfed. Companion are SEVERELY nerfed. People are now complaining about the changes, surprised? You guys need to play your own game as much as your customers do. Clearly there is too much "our data suggests" going into your decision making process. If you actually played the game for more than a few hours you would have seen the changes made were off base. Only BW could build all this good will with a new expansion and then crap all over it with a change like this. You made the game tedious for many many players by making everything take forever to complete. Companions had no impact on class balance and yet you felt compelled to "nerf" , no nerf is too light "nuke" companions. I can see it now, In 6 months the BW people will be saying of course there was a big spike and then loss of subs after the xpack hit! This happens in all MMOS!! Completely missing the point that you went and caused a ton of it yourselves by this ridiculus nerf lol. 75% really!!!! I know you don't wanna hear about data mined info and you go around threatening people who bring it up but man, 75% truth hurts!
  3. Before you can make PVP a priority BW would need to balance the classes, Since all "ranked" content is 4 man arena they would have a ton of work to do. Simply put some classes suck in arenas. So before you say make pvp a priority you should be saying make class balance a priority.
  4. yes they can die, the heroic 65 kotfe content can kill a companion. They are very tough at low levels though for sure and powerful at the cap. The group content in the game is FPs and OPs everything else can be solo'd. I have no problems with it.
  5. it's a way to get more content into the game quickly without calling in dozens of voice actors. It's a tradeoff for sure.
  6. I have over 40k on one already and its been a few days, really not a big deal although you will have to choose one to focus on.
  7. Everquest in 1999 was very difficult. Especially when higher level toons would give orcs and skeletons in the newbie areas weapons lol. I believe to this day the reason WoW became so popular was because it was and easier version of everquest. in eq you could spend 20 minutes trying to kill a normal mob and have a pretty good chance of dieing in the process. The game was designed for groups of players to do everything, with the exception of a few classes you couldnt solo. Raids were 72 people. I loved it back then but once was enough LOL never again!
  8. For the sake of the queue systems in game please reconsider this. I am sure there are plenty of players who log on for 20 minutes only to sit in queue and then say "screw it" and log off. PVP would be a ton better with 1 pool of players, there could also be some behind the scenes sorting going on to balance the matches. What about Fleet? If the empire and republic have collapsed where will all the players go? What is the new Hub? If you allow the empire and republic to mingle then it is as simple as making a new "Fleet" with all the vendors and service associated right?
  9. I am a huge fan of the spec I have capped toons on both factions. It really needs to be a ground targeted say 15-20m range radius skill like force in balance is. Or even 30m, this allows you to "dot up" on the move while rushing in to melee range to get your upper hand going. This would be a huge QOL upgrade. The dots themselves are so weak compared to sage/shadow that I dont think it will make a huge dps difference.
  10. Plenty has changed since early access and launch but back then I played my Balance Shadow and I am convinced they were the best solo class in the game. The state for assassin/shadow is the closest it;s been to that level of power right now. They were nerfed into the ground shortly after launch but as of 3.0 are in a very good place. It is true though that any class can solo just about anything. I have a blast playing the dot spec operative/scoundrel as well. They are one of the most survivable classes pve in the game IMO, they just don't die, ever. Regardless, the game is much easier now than it was at launch, gear is easier to get, classes have for the most part been buffed over time. The discussion has shifted to raiding and what the optimal classes are so unless you plan to raid hardcore play what you like.
  11. One way to get around the whole "having to create new cutscenes and voice acting from 1-cap" would be to make a new class something that any existing max level class can spec into. You would lose all your old skills and gain a new set of abilities in a quest chain on a new planet or area specifically designed for the new class. This is basically what Death Knights were in WoW. You create 1 new area to tell the story of the new class then after that you can dump them into the general game world with everyone else. It is worth mentioning that this has been done before and worked well. Can Bioware execute as well as Blizzard? That is really the question, i think they can it is a matter of are they willing to dedicate the resources to do so. Story-wise I think you would have to come up with something better than amnesia. Anyway, making it so a new class is only available for max level characters eliminates the need to redo everything. Do I think its a good idea, I don;t know. I am always in favor of games trying new things though.
  12. I use G700s. I own a naga but for me it is very uncomfortable because my hands are too big for it. I recommend the 700 if you have big hands.
  13. My point is simply planetary comms have ZERO VALUE to a 55. I don't see how anyone can stand here and argue they do. I just find it incredibly short sighted to offer NEW CONTENT which offers nothing for top level players, by the way the largest group of players in the game = TOP LEVEL. Oh and the Speeder offered at the rep vender is GINORMOUS can't wait to see fleet clogged with them lol
  14. Title says it all why is Kuat dropping planetary coms for 55's? Also where are the drops? I see rep Items and some build kits? I don't see anything remotely interesting at the rep vendor. I like that it is something different but how does doing it make my character better? Planetary Comms?!
  15. I Dont think I know what I am going to do with planetary coms on a level 55, Where are the drops? Whats the point? Grind for some ugly set of armor? I don't know it seems like a way to level toons but offers next to nothing for a max level character. I like the idea but it doesn't feel finished to me, kinda par for the course with this game unfortunately.
  16. It isn't worth getting bent over either way. It is very easy to solo the FP and you can farm to your hearts content. Even if the zone no longer offers exp for kills it is worth farming for modable gear if you dont have acces to any other gear.
  17. Bump. Cross server queue would be the single best QOL improvement they could make to the game. They should also introduce a "Team" based battleground that allows empire and republic players to be on the same team. Introduce a new "threat" forcing empire and republic forces to cooperate. I like what they are doing on the PVE side, 4 person groups creates a DPS logjam for the queue.
  18. I don't think the 2 are really compatible. You can never create enough content to keep people happy. They should have just made more KOTOR games. The rails kill this game. There is never a reason to go back any area of the game besides daily quests and the occasional "event" which is just more dailies. Ever notice that it is always daytime and the weather never changes? The "Static" galaxy does not do Star Wars justice. The whole game revolves around what is in your quest tracker, it is a huge step backwards. I blame WoW for dumbing down MMOs more than anything else, now we just get new treadmills every few months, the genre is essentially dead creatively. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the game I just think it could be a ton better. I hope Disney licenses another developer to create another MMO. Bioware is a gutted shell of what it once was in terms of personnel and EA is consistently voted the worst company in the world LOL. A little competition is always a good thing.
  19. Velious for EQ was the best expansion for an MMO I have ever been a part of. Mentioning WoW expansion isn't really fair because they have been on a 2 year cycle, no other game can get away with a 2 year cycle, WoW is the only exception there. Moria for lotro was outstanding also but that game has not launched anything close to it in the years since. EQ expansion are formulaic at this point but after 14+ years you can't really blame them. I think much of the problems that many games are having stems from the fact that you can't out-blizzard blizzard. SWTOR is pretty much WoW in space, raids, instanced pvp, daily quests, sound familiar. The story aspect of the game is a one time thing. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the game, but I am certainly going to check out wildstar in a few months and in a couple years when EQNext launches I am gonna try that one also.
  20. NEVER HAPPEN EA will not eliminate subs, what company gives money away? More plausible would be to offer accounts unlocks based on what they spend in the store.
  21. EQ is 15 years old and eq2 is 10, I don't think you can say smed drives players away. vanguard was not developed by SOE they bought it from Brad McQuaids company years ago after the worst MMO lauch I have ever experienced. If I had to guess I would think they would use some resources from planetside and make it into a MMO, but that is based on absolutely nothing. As for the game being fantasy, why? They will have EQ EQ2 and EQN out, the last thing they need is another fantasy title.
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