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Everything posted by MocniSkopac

  1. if thats the guy selling it on gtn, its 40M
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6831222#edit6831222
  3. heres a funny question: do u think u're a better sin then saciela, 1 vs 1 wise?
  4. im not braging, u brought this upon, i was just trying to counter your trolling with some facts, and now you've resorted back to trolling, so, gj man!
  5. if thats what u rate me, so be it. i was pointing out corvin is a biased ****head
  6. how does: a) finishing as a runner up in duel event on voss (moralist was the only one to defeat me) b) always top healer in wzones c) having my name on various sections on records site making me a one of the worst sorcs on tofn? you're just a biased ********
  7. so.much.fail. wheres moralist (sage), the winner of 1 vs 1 duel event in our category, therefore best sage on tofn? wheres corvineus? wheres fluffly? wheres saciela? they're all better than ones u put in their respective cat. furthermore, gosia on 5th place? ***** please. sooo much fail and bias. who are u btw?
  8. bw u mad bro? http://i.imgur.com/BvfHxRS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Pv5d5ek.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hBxLzDL.jpg
  9. thats pretty much the same thing is var_dump(), just without object/var type
  10. okay, but you cant compare a scanner with a human mind. in my experience(which is like 10 years, rip real ife), i would never ever combine mysql_real_escape_string with htmlspecialchars, as it can yield unexpected results. they're essentially very similar functions, so you're creating overhead too, but thats not so important on small scale site like this. and btw print_screen is not a function in php, so im not sure what u meant there
  11. if you're using only mysql_real_escape_string(btw procedural? oob is smoother), i could delete all the contents on ur site in like 1 minute, but then my name would vanish from the records and i'd be a bit sad. what u need to do is prepare input for insertion. if you're using php & mysql, and it seems u are. here's how. i like ur site a lot. if u ever have questions/need help contact me ig. the design is simple and clean, but fix that var_dump() when someone submits a record.
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