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Everything posted by Feskitt

  1. Pretty much everything you say is wrong, or doesn't address the point directly, or is some sort of deflection. Anything can be done 'outside the game,' whatever that even means. Maybe they could have just made TOR a tabletop game. Let everything be 'outside the game.' It's all just numbers and pixels anyhow, eh? It's arrogant to tell people to do something "outside the game." Give people the option to do it in the game. By "ingame alias," you mean... one's name? (I don't get this -- are you trying to say a character's name is somehow trivial, unimportant, or whatever?) So some 'legacy' name is kewl, a character's name is meaningless? 1. If we had the option to make titles, we could 'manually' "tie our characters together" by giving them all the same title name, house name, etc 2. Maybe we don't want many of our characters "tied together." For a million difference reasons. 3. If they give the option to make separate names in char creation, then keep the option to hide the Legacy name, it would solve the problem, and satisfy everyone... (well, except for those miserable types who try to limit how others play) LOL, is that some sort of 'dig?' Throw around the word 'childish' again for some more irony. Again, revealing your agenda and your intellectually dishonest "debating" methodology. One more time, since you use convenient logic and ignore rationale that doesn't support your dogma: 1. If we had the option to make titles, we could 'manually' "tie our characters together" by giving them all the same title name, house name, etc 2. Maybe we don't want many of our characters "tied together." For a million difference reasons. 3. If they give the option to make separate names in char creation, then keep the option to hide the Legacy name, it would solve the problem, and satisfy everyone...
  2. LMAO, I know where you're coming from. Just wait til regular gamers and casuals and non-fanboi-non-zealots experience this. I bet they'll love it! /end sarcasm
  3. See, only took several pages to get an answer. Wonder why?
  4. "Plenty of choices?" Like a last name? Oh...except that? Yeah, "plenty of choices." Oh, and it's none of your concern what others "care about" in regards to how they want to RP, name their char's, etc. Who are you to tell people how to do it, what to/not to "care about?" You want to limit others' options. It's arrogant. Simply give the option in CC to have several names. Problem solved.
  5. sigh Tiresome. So either I don't explain myself well, or some of you are being willfully ignorant of the point. Can. I. Have. Unique. Last. Names. For. Each. Alt. I. Make. ????? Can. I. Do. This. In. Character. Creation. ?????
  6. In other words, you can't address my points or answer my questions? Yeah, that's what I thought. Not being able to make a first/last name in char creation is a step back. Amateur time. By definition it limits choice. It's arrogant. Sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "la la la" don't change that. (unless someone can tell me how to make a unique first and last name, in char creation)
  7. How does it give you "plenty of options?" Can you make a first and last name in char creation? That was one of my original questions, that no one has yet answered. Perhaps I missed it during char creation. Not sure how though. I'd think someone w/ decent gaming experience could figure out how to make a first and last name.
  8. Oh, and to be clear... This is the ONLY way to have a last name, then?
  9. So basically now, wanting to make different characters with their own unique, Star Wars-esque names, each fitting the appropriate class and character theme... ...I can't do that? Because the only way to have a last name... is to have the legacy name as a last name... the same legacy name, on all characters? Someone needs to change seats at BW for his moronic decision. Unbelievable. Amateurish or arrogant, I can't decide.
  10. While I agree with some of the things you listed, not this one. This game is not "too instanced" at all. If anything, there should be more instances! Why the hell should I have to fight with other players to hurry up and kill a spawning enemy, ninja loot, etc. That crap is for kiddies with emotional problems. Instances are good. They let me play separate from you. Cities, spaceports, cantinas.... this is where there should be crowds. Not fighting your way through some stronghold of enemies.
  11. Apparently I'm stupid, or else this naming system is. First off, I couldn't find the option or "slot" for an actual last name during character creation. Why? Why the hell would BW limit our choice in this? So I condensed both names I wanted to use, into one big name. Then I hit a higher level, and am forced to take a "Legacy name" ...? Which better yet, is forced on ALL of my characters? Who's brilliant idea was this? I've surely missed something, cause this seems so utterly stupid if it is as it I've described it. What did I do wrong?
  12. I minimized chat the first moment I started playing. And I never open it back up, unless I have a question, or need a group. (I may open specialized tabs to re-read NPC dialogue, check transactions, Companion crafting quest results, etc. But that's not General chat) Experience in other MMO's has taught me life is too short to expose oneself to such 'energies' to be found in MMO chat. There's a lot of bitter and miserable people out there. Let them be miserable. I'll do my own thing.
  13. I have not skipped one moment of dialogue from the start. Currently at lvl 30. Why would I miss the content and the story?
  14. I have no care, concern, or consideration for anyone currently at max lvl (and thus, draw no conclusions yet as to what "it means" for TOR in the long-term). I wouldn't be proud if I were them. If anything, I'd be embarrassed. I'd change my character name to "Darth ADHD." Me, it's Christmas break, been playing since EGA started, playing at least 12hrs every day, still only lvl 30. Anyone who is lvl 50 in the same amount of time almost certainly has emotional problems. (even if they tested a lot and therefore skipped all cut-scenes, it seem utterly ridiculous) Who cares about those types of players? Quite honestly, their opinions don't count in discussions of "too much/too little content."
  15. Yeah, this pretty much sums up my experience as well. TBH, can't believe it isn't: "PvP toggle On" "PvP toggle Off" So you can clearly see the difference. It's too generic and ambiguous as it currently is, at least if you get stuck like we did, and are trying to get it off. The other MMO's I've played, it's usually not a mystery which you're clicking when you do.
  16. The PvP toggle turned off tonight, not sure what I did different that I hadn't tried a half dozen times before. Oh well.
  17. No, PvE server. Also, have tried numerous times all over the map, to turn it off. Also tried typing /pvp followed by /flag. And as the OP describes, the text in the chat window claims it will end in 5 minutes... but it won't. Even sat in the cantina and logged out, and it won't reset. Really messes w/ even PvE in areas with other players; for example, someone already changed their toggle to "On," then ganked me while I was fighting a mob. Fortunately, I rezz'd, caught up with them in the next room, and killed them. Then when they rezz'd, they hid up in a corner behind NPCs and waited for me to leave, LMAO! Still, even though I'm a BH and it kinda fits the RP, I don't feel like constantly altering my gameplay just to deal with this.
  18. I tried that, to no avail. More details in this post. Interestingly, I was in a large temple (no spoilers) on Tatooine, a Republic Commando was there, and was not tagged (I don't think). A few minutes later, he saw me fighting a mob, unloading my big attacks, he must have quickly toggled on his PvP, then attacked me. I still damn-near killed him. (I didn't think you could do that -- quickly toggle on and surprise attack someone already fighting someone else?) Rezz'd myself, caught up to him in the next room, and laid about 10 Tracer Missiles into him, LMAO! Last I saw, after he rezz'd, he was standing up on a pile of rocks, not engaging, just waiting for me to leave; I'll bet his PvP toggle was then stuck to 'On' also, HA HA!
  19. Title says it all. I wandered into a PvP zone on Tatooine, and ever since, my toggle has been stuck to 'on.' I R-click on my portrait, click the toggle, get the music cue, the text in the chat window says PvP is turned off, to not engage in PvP, and it will end in 5 minutes. Doesn't happen. Have re-logged twice, made no difference. Oh, and in chat, others said they've been having the same problems. This needs fixed ASAP.
  20. Sweet irony, I just got a third (or I guess, second) PURPLE item. BTW, my last purple, Boots, lasted from lvl 16-26. Got them towards the end of Dromand Kaas, wore them through Balmorra, Nar Shaada, and into Tatooine. Didn't out-level them fast at all.
  21. Since this thread I turned on auto-loot and noticed it still has a somewhat limited distance range. Almost certain that NPC corpse was too far down. Otherwise you're right, that would be a decent strategy to try and get that loot! Well, time to log back in and see if the PvP tag has been removed, since I have no idea how to remove it (happened by wandering into a PvP zone on Tantooine.)
  22. On an unrelated note, I wandered into a PvP zone on Tanooine, then seem to be permanently tagged for PvP later, after leaving. Not sure how long. Maybe half an hour? Wish I knew how to "un-tag" myself.
  23. It doesn't. The auto-loot still requires you to click on a corpse. That enemy was too far.
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