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Everything posted by AelixVII

  1. Another tip (apologies if you know this one already) once you get tank companions (melee dps can work just as well, the main thing is keeping your companion well geared) the best thing to do is send them into battle first so you can let them soak up the aggro, sit back and keep mobs off you. Makes it less stressful than having them gang up on you, forcing you to move and fend them off.
  2. Naw, next is walkers: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/SWTOR_WalkerMount_02.jpg
  3. I kinda burned myself out on Wildstar already. Played a lot of the beta and was really into it. Got all my characters and classes and names sorted etc... then I finally played, did everything in the first few zones now I'm level 17 in Auroria feeling like it's just a grind. I know there's plenty to do but I just can't get back into it. Maybe I just need a break...
  4. I got my casino Rancor yesterday so, after the patch. Got the black speeder before the patch on the first day of the event. Perhaps they increased the odds? Dulfy reported them to be 0.7% without buff and 0.9% with. Seeing more rancors around but maybe that's just because it's been out for longer. Maybe by August everyone will have one lol
  5. My Imperial Agent Quinnton. I can't decide whether he's reflecting on the highs and lows of galaxy-wide espionage or trying to guess what the ship droid is preparing for dinner... https://24.media.tumblr.com/45dcd324178531a0d70476d716525418/tumblr_n6tdf87yZz1rj1dumo6_1280.jpg
  6. Thing I don't get is, surely those guys that flirt with girl avatars must know, they surely must know that they're talking to a dude 95% of the time, yet they still do it... I've tried playing both female and male characters and I do get treated pretty differently, nothing major, but it's there. Too bad players can't just treat other players like they would want to be treated themselves.
  7. That's what we told ourselves back in spring 2012 when it hit Tatooine for the first version of the event! And I was dumb enough not to sell my green-black hawkeye crystal sooner thinking they would sell a different color if the event game back...
  8. Come on, you've already made a thread about how much you hate this character, why go necro this one! Of all the hated characters (that are purposely designed to be hated) you're picking this one? Madness. Does she look like an ex of yours or something lol
  9. Worst part of all this is I probably will end up checking... Well now that it's out... sign me up! That jacket may not work on Vector but it looks sweet on Quinton: http://s30.postimg.org/juvvpke69/top1.jpg So of course he's going to be a little flirt about it http://s14.postimg.org/yvy02fgc1/top2.jpg Success! no one can resist... http://s9.postimg.org/qfpn65i1b/top3.jpg
  10. lol! I can only imagine... Aha! the culprit reveals himself (Cole here btw, if you didn't guess ) And you're right, I should see your Quinn...
  11. lol that Torian... Naughty Ixum! xD Don't worry though, the mods apparently only mod the General section, unless Musco's a fan of this thread and frequently lurks it...
  12. Tanks/healers that accept the queue pop, load the flashpoint then decide to leave without saying anything.
  13. I think it's more to do with them being cheaper, or at least players believe they are.
  14. 60 million on my main, 6 million on the character I'm leveling and I don't know how much on my alts, probably between 200k-1million. This is pretty low considering I've been playing since day 1 but I keep spending it and never bother to do any crafting. Probably planning to blow it all on player housing though lol because I have all the cartel items I want already.
  15. I like the new Imp Korrealis. So far I've only seen the Rep one and managed to get it on my Bounty Hunter. As soon as I start running that fp with my Gunslinger chances are I'll end up getting (or at least seeing) the Imp one. I wish they were bind on legacy instead...
  16. Oh my goodness, we've found him... the only bisexual man in swtor
  17. THIS. These were my exact thoughts when I got that 'surprise flirt' (surprise yes, after all those female flirts - thanks for throwing us a bone I guess?) At this stage I think the only way the story could redeem itself after that for me is if... Edit: Just tried the start of the mission with a female char and can confirm you can flirt with Beniko: http://s28.postimg.org/amcv8bk1p/fl1.jpg Not sure about the rest of the conversations after the fist flashpoint though. I'm curious to see if female characters also get that rebuffed flirt too. I'm going to go with no and that they've made the female npc bisexual and not the male. Again.
  18. So many... little boxes... D; they haunt my dreams still since that summer...
  19. Sure, but what's the reason for that? you haven't exactly explained why there 'needs to be an ops with a high difficulty stuck in the level 50 range'. Is it just a challenge that guilds like to come back to just to get it done? do they do it for the mounts? My point is, it just feels like it's out of place, stuck there in the classic ops weekly where no one bothers touching it. I agree NIM should be left but I already said in my first post it was about tacts and not gear? This isn't about me personally lol I know all the tactics and used to raid this one all the time when it was new. But these days my job makes it impossible to stick to a weekly schedule for raiding and I'm much happier pugging groups. On my server pugging works out surprisingly well for every other raid in the game except EC, so taking away some of the necessary tactics for SM/HM would be worth considering, if anything just for some variety.
  20. As it stands currently, I believe it's just as hard to get this done now than it was back in the days when 50 was cap and it was first introduced. It's easier to pug Dread Palace than it is to get past the 2nd boss in EC... I know there are exceptions, some groups will be able to fly through it but generally speaking it's all about the tactics over how well your group is geared. So what is the purpose of this and should anything be done? Should it be left as it is with better rewards introduced or should some of the tactics be removed such as double destruction duties/less offensive system shields on the second boss to make it easier for groups? Personally, I just want to get those damn Vehicle achievements done and out of my mission log and a little more variety in my classic ops weekly choices, because it's only ever KP or EV that people feel like it's worth doing for those Ult comms...
  21. It's not just outfits that are stopping potential cc coin sales... The thing that bugs me most is that you can only use some faces on human/cyborg/chiss characters (the ones I actually play, must be the same with the other races). Half the Chiss faces are ugly as balls, yet we can use all the human hair styles on them...? Then, we get 2 new hair styles available for cc purchase but for human only? I understand hair color restrictions but why restrict the hair styles? If they add Theron Shan's clearly brand new hair style to the cc market for cyborg only, that would just grind my gears. I would reeeeeallly like that for one of my Chiss. Bottom line is: I would have spent more money unlocking these options for each race. Hint hint.
  22. Yet I've seen several people in general chat on my server and multiple posts here asking "When's the new pack coming?". People love buying new stuff, shocker. The people who hate the packs and refuse to buy them are going to have a skewed perception of their frequency just as much as the people who like them.
  23. There's this magical thing called the Swtor In-game events page and it currently reads: Feel free to use it.
  24. Had a guy in one of my early fp's that had a colorful mix of pretty much every type of gear. His reasoning behind it was that he 'needed each kind to be strong and more armor is better'. Things like this don't just happen with low level ones either. Yesterday, was in a HM Hammer station and the Tank afk'd on the first big group so he was kicked by the dps leader. I abstained from the vote not knowing what his situation was (could have just been called away for a few mins) and knowing tanks were scarce at that time of night. Sure enough we had to run the entire FP without a tank. It was fun at first downing the bosses but disaster struck when we reached the final one. Couldn't manage it and wiped twice. It was at this point I noticed the dps leader had stopped queuing because he wanted to feel big and strong downing the boss with just the 3 of us. (He'd spent the whole time saying how proud he was about being able to do it) So in chat I asked if we could perhaps queue for a tank again given that we were losing. Next thing I know, the healer randomly kicks me with the reason 'lalalalalal'. I was going to whisper him asking why but decided that whatever response I'd get would be utter *****, like that run.
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