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Everything posted by Listerman

  1. The problem with this statement being is that it doesn't speak for 100% of the community. Some people actually like the Cathar, and the hint that they would be a playable race could be seen from a mile away about as far back as February. The way I look at it, if it's already in the game, and it's not playable now, with the exception of the Yodarians, as I am calling them now, WILL be playable in the future at some point in the games development. Cathar just got it first, no big deal.
  2. Well congratulations, my friend, let this thread stand in testament to the moment in time, you outed yourself as a troll. Good day sir, we will not speak again.
  3. Well if all you want is attention...Because lord knows you'll never get the kind you want.
  4. So now you're admitting to being a jack ***
  5. If there's hope for me having a sense of humor, then maybe there's hope you can post an idea and take criticism without being insulting and egotistical.
  6. So you think just resorting to being an *** will have a more positive effect? Two wrongs don't make a right, kemosabe. The way you're headed now, you're just going to get labeled a forum troll, and no one will take you seriously ever again. I suggest seriously rethinking your approach, unto a more accepting, civil manner.
  7. Doesn't matter if it's the internet, a presentation, a board meeting, or a conversation. If you want to get your points across, your delivery is key. If you just come off as a jerk and all "I know more than you", then people are going to detect in on that and move without giving your presented ideas a second thought. We're talking about good social skills. Do you want people to take you to heart or not? Because if I was a developer and I saw your threads, and the way you dictated them, pass. I'd just assume you were just another forum grub really full of themselves looking for attention, and get back to my job, which is not dictated by the forum.
  8. I can't really take the content seriously when you sound like such a pompous sack. Delivery is one of the most important things they teach you in Public Speaking courses in college.
  9. I prefer to think of the F2P model as more or less saying "Alright, we didn't beat down WoW, but we're not giving up." It's an unwillingness to surrender and admit defeat, and that I respect.
  10. The in-game store will probably be just a pop up screen rather than an NPC you talk to. That's how it's typically done. Or you use the website.
  11. @Psythos Typically, premium player get a stipend every month in F2P models. So it's not really double dipping.
  12. Oh look, another classic delivery... "For those of you who are capable of sentient thought, bo ho ho ho, listen to me or be considered DUMB!" ...Dear lord, are we really supposed to take this to heart...? Good gravy, if you're like this in real life away from the comforting anonymity of the internet, how is it no one has slapped you silly with a nail-studded 2x4?
  13. I'm a Sith Juggernaut...I've caused countless tragedies in my story... ...I forced a female commander to watch as I strangled her lover right in front of her... ...I broke a Jedi Padawan to the Dark Side by systematically bringing harm and suffering to those she cared about... ...I slaughtered a Sith upstarts mother in front of him before in turn slaughtering him... I'm a walking Shakespearean plot device.
  14. Can't view the video from where I am at the moment, but I applaud your ingenuity.
  15. Am I the only one not surprised they went with Cathar as the first new race? I mean, you rarely ever see a Trandoshan...You rarely see a Duros that's not some civilian NPC...You hardly ever see a Kel Dor... But by the Maker, you see Cathar. It's like, "Hey these are Cathar, look at the Cathar. Did you see the Cathar?" I just kind of assumed we would get them as a race. And they are probably going to stick to their guns by this.
  16. As long as it doesn't become P2W or a complete cluster [censored] like a certain Real Money Auction House, I'm actually quite excited to see what they will roll out.
  17. From the start off, we probably won't see Gungans unlockable for...400 Cartel Coins, sure, but I would not say that it's an impossibility as the model progresses. If anything, it gives the developers room and an excuse to add entertaining and fun things to the game, which I whole heartedly approve of.
  18. Well, I've played enough games with a F2P model to have an inkling... ...Vanity vehicles... ...Potenitally Orange Gear ...Costume pieces (I swear I saw a screen shot of a Darth Nihilis mask) ...Minor powers ...Character Customization options ...Potentially unlockable races (jawa jawa jawa) All that really come to mind.
  19. Well, you take the good you take the bad, you take them all, and there you have, The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.
  20. You get your Legacy depending on when you complete Chapter 1, usually around 30.
  21. Mod muling...how oddly practical. I went with the speeder, personally. Sort of a "Well these all suck, but if I had a gun to my head and had to pick..." situation.
  22. Video Games are a business, they are a product, and we are consumers. This is the base line behind everything. I don't really care for EA either and think they've enforced some pretty bad decisions in favor of profit, but they are also the one's, as the producing company, that gives the developers the money they need to achieve their goals. And free-to-play isn't death. If anything, it's the stubbornness to keep going, to which I applaud. And a lot of games flourish under the model.
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