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Everything posted by Honelith

  1. Damn. Over an hour and a half to log into Tomb of Freedon Nadd, screw that, all the EU servers are hitting max capacity, so I'll hop on over to the quieter US servers and play on Iron Citadel...Well, I enjoyed the Low/medium pop for the past 2 days, now I have to queue for over 30mins to get into it. Can see that getting higher and higher after tomorrow. Subscribing to a queued game isn't going to go down well.
  2. A good move, EVERYONE needs to remember this good gesture the next time you're going to post trash about Bioware. tbh.
  3. Welcome to the biggest MMO in years.
  4. ALOT of players are exploiting the warzones and getting free experience, such a shame that the start of SWTOR has been ruined on the PVP servers or for PVP centric characters.
  5. Alot of the servers have 2 x more Empire. PROBLEM.
  6. Definately Empire Strikes Back, I felt with Return of the Jedi that the actors seemed a bit bored?
  7. It's their facebook page, not yours.
  8. Mmm, a cup of tea. Great idea!
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