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Posts posted by Utra

  1. As a Nov 29'r, I'm holding out hope for one more wave today.


    If not, so be it... but Bioware, how about a heads-up on whether waves are done?


    They did the last two nights, i doubt this is the last, im just starting to doubt that December will get in tonight, the trend of wave 1-3 was was around 8 days on average, if that keped going we would be in the first week of December by now, alas that dident happen.

  2. Started with Pong (yep, truly)


    Then had a son so bought him Atari, and decided to bond with him by playing the odd game or 5 with him.


    Then got him Nintendo, N64, XBox (yes, spoilt son), then Playstation, then a laptop and subscription to WOW.


    Then I subscribed to Wow

    Then Rift


    and now I am here.



    Add the chance meeting of current husband online in wow (he was in CA, me in Aust) and you have my gaming history.


    There is no such thing as too old for games :p


    Hey my dads in his 70s and he still plays 20+ year old DOS games, daily lol

  3. for the 1000th time, no that is not correct. It is an additional fee beyond the game price - they both show up as separate line items. $5, and then $75 (for the digital deluxe; other prices for other versions). It IS a separate fee and it is NOT coming off the game price (confirmed by a friend who was charged after getting into the pre-order).


    Yup kinda my point, another one i would like to make is that there not charging the same price per region (based on conversion rates) as most companys do there just changing the currency so $5 becomes £5 when it should be £3.23 and €3.85.


    So basicly Americans pay:


    $5 = £3.23 = €3.85


    The English pay:


    $7.73 = £5 = €5.95


    and the Europeans pay:


    $6.49 = £4.1 = €5



    I love how that adds up, Those in the UK and Europe pay more for no reason and get nothing extra.


    This is the same thing EVE Online used to do, and its the main reason why i boycotted them for so long, i dident see why i being in the UK had to pay more to get the same service as everyone else in the world.

  4. omg... really? i'm not getting my way so i'm gonna take my ball and go home! qq geez o' pete! THEY are doing A LOT of people an extra favor by allowing people in earlier than the 15th. quit acting like children. oh wait... you prob are 12. either case... patience young jedi. the force will allow you in.


    I would like to make the point where those that pre-ordered the game during the later dates (im unsure on the earlier dates) were charged £5 for early game assess people do have a right to complain when there money has already been taken (like mine has), not that im complaining lol i couldn't play it if i had it now or tomorrow (working), i just want to state a fact.

  5. The exact same thing happened to me .. to a T..

    gamestop told me the codes where only a limited time thing .. so I canceled my preorder and went through Origin ... Dec 3rd


    So .. is gamestop hording these codes? or are they just a bunch of idiots?


    hey all, i was in the other december thread lol,


    Simaler thing happened to me but with Zavvi, took me over a week to get my code of them, thanks to them im on the 6th of december instead of november :(.


    A friend of mine ordered from play months back, he still to this day hasent been given his code, WTFs going on, it could just be retailers have to buy the codes from EA and most are cheeping out or somthing.

  6. I put 3 pre-orders in (2 were Christmas presents), Oddly enough Origin have taken the cash for one but not the other, one was bought though Zavvi (they took a week to give me my code).


    I would have pre-ordered in September but I had just got made redundant, only managed to find a new job at the end of October, soon as I had the cash pre-ordered.


    06/12/11 - Two on


    13/12/11 – BAD!

  7. Hi all heres my view,


    Empire is by far my favourite, mainly because its the only film in the series that doesn’t conclude something lol, set in the middle of the GCW leaving an ending open to interpretation (within reason). By far empire was the best written and directed.




    My second favourite would be Attack of the Clones, i know, i know... Its my second favourite because its the first star wars that i saw in the cinema (i was about 14 at time of release), with the exception of the supposed love scenes with padme and anikin as there no way anyone on any planet would marry someone they met (ignoring there prior meeting where they were both too young) without insane amounts of alcohol and a quickie divorce.


    Ive always thought that attack of the clones portrayed the star wars universe well, showing the galaxy during the height of the republic, leading up to the clone wars.




    Shockingly ROTJ is my least favourite, and also the first of the originals i ever saw when i was around 13 (my parents were anti-sci-fi shocker i grew up a geek lol), at the time i didn’t get how this massive military force with literately thousands of mile long warships, and millions of troops could be beaten so utterly in 1 battle like that especially with the Ewoks leading the charge on the ground. (if you read the books or the comics you learn that the the empire wasn't destroyed simply crippled, the empire was just pushed out of power with no political leaders and a large chunk of its fleet crippled).




    While i can clearly understand why many people dislike the prequels i would like to make the point that without the narrative and setting from them KOTOR and TOR would not have such a rich background story as the galaxies political systems and Jedi ranks were clearly defined in the prequel series, if anything those films did help to define what the galaxy is truly like lol.

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