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Posts posted by Utra

  1. Honestly looking at your rig i think your main problem is RAM, while your card is a little dated a friend of mine was able to play TOR in a very simaler spec machine with some serious slowness but able to play.


    As for your graphics card its more commonly an on-bored chip than an actual card, in witch case you defiantly need to replace it, on-bored GFX is never as good as an isolated card, they tend to also eat into ram to function correctly.


    If you dont have much experience with computer maintenance i would suggest you do some research first or ask help from someone who has, ive seen so many people destroy perfectly good rigs by making minor mistakes even installing something as simple as a new graphics card, also always check your mother bored is able to support a newer card as some older mother bored do not support PCI Express, though from the sounds of your spec you shouldn't have a problem..


    I would also say that TOR currently has some issues with ATI cards, as such that could also be a factor here, i would personally recommend something from NVIDIA the "GTX 550 Ti" a relativity powerful card that shouldn't have any problems playing even the latest released it can currently be bought for around £90-£100.

  2. I can't believe anyone would even ask such an idiotic question as this. Cmon, really? This has to be a joke just to see what crazy responses you will get from people. If someone can't tell the difference between SWTOR and SWG they are both blind and deaf. There is such a Night and Day difference that there is no comparison.......SWG=worst MMO of all time.....SWTOR=best MMO of all time!


    You clearly dont play many MMOs then, Galaxies overall game rating is around 7/10 thats both from users and reviewers, the problem with galaxies was NGE it changed too much to fast, then took too long trying to fix its own mistake.

  3. I miss it too, including the NGE


    So do i but that was because i only got to play after NGE, i miss that crafting system, and the housing system i would spend weeks harvesting, crafting just to make some decrotive battle droids lol. On my ship i had two B1s "guarding" every hall way and door, and a barkeep of course.

  4. Heay this game gives me an idea if they made a empire at war 2 use this eras great glalactic war that would be interesting.


    I worked on a mod that did exactly that lol, it was called Ages of Star Wars, the first mod i ever worked on, see below for link.




    Its based upon the original KOTOR Era designed by Bioware, i thought it was a fitting tribute to a legendary game.


    Some ships we had to design ourselves (lack of refrence but all shown in KOTOR are inlcuded, see http://empireatwar.filefront.com/screenshots/File/80215/4. :)

  5. Umm I'm pretty sure some part of your computer is over heating (Its mostly the graphic card). I'd suggest cleaning your computer


    Ditto, High spec games tend to cause computers with limited case fans / ventelation to overheat and shutdown for there own protection, try playing with the side of the case open with an external fan aimed inside.

  6. I'm a girl!


    I know there are less female players than male player on SWTOR, but I'm disappointed to see that there are way more options of romance for male players than for girls!


    Male player can romance aliens, twi'lek girls, etc, most of them are very beautiful... but girls can only romance humans! (except the Catar for soldiers, maybe)! why that? can't we girls go out with a twi'lek male, a Chiss male, etc? what's wrong with that?


    In ME we girls could only have Kaidan as a male romance, and he was human. THEN they understood that we wanted more aliens for romance and added Thane and Garrus to flirt with for ME2.



    Please Bioware, think about girl players too. Give us more choice! aliens, but also bulky and manly men as well! you know girls like romances and you should try to attract female players like that, too ^^


    just my opinion :p


    I created a Female Agent charicter who had a one night stand with a Zabrek less than 15mins into the story...

  7. sorry but the point is that we have all been wating on it FOREVER so where is is o wate i forgot lucasarts got dum and kicked out all there good workers and got crapy new ones that are giving us all this lego star wars crap


    Lucasarts dont make anything, the Lego Star Wars series is made by Travelers Tails, i know people who worked on them, Lucasarts just licence out the Star Wars/Indiana Jones series to developers who do all of the work then Lucasarts checks it and demands changes as they see fit and takes a large cut of the profits for basicly doing almost nothing.


    SW: Battlefront 3 was in development with a company called Free Radical Design, however the company no longer exists.


    So to sum up,


    Developers = Make Games,


    Publishers = Provide the initial costs of development (more often than not just loan a licence), Manipulate there work, then take most of the profits,


    SW: Battlefront 3 = Dead :(, Unless it does a Duke Nukem: Forever...

  8. Anakin becomes a jedi and then goes back to Tatoine to free all the slaves in a war against the slavers.



    In Episode 1 Anakin says he has a dream where he becomes a Jedi and comes back to free all the slaves. Obviously this was supposed to be foreshadowing but in the lucas decided to change it.


    I think Episode 2 would have been a lot better if Anakin came back and led a rebellion against the slavers. It would have been much better way of showing his character develop and you have sort of a moral gray area.


    You have the slavers who are obviously evil and a Jedi who leads a rebellion which they are not supposed to do. You could also show him at odds with the Jedi council over this.


    Then at the end when the Slavers obviously kill his mother he could go a little dark.


    He does exacly that when he falls to the dark side, its in one of the Comics/Books Vader frees the slaves.

  9. Being able to use lighting, doesn't make you or not make you a sith. Reason why Vader can't is because if he tried he would have fried his life support suit and killed himself. He is a sith lord, so he can't use lighting who cares? Force lighting DOESN'T determine wiether someone is a sith lord or not.


    Infact Sidious was suppose to be the ONLY force user ever able to use lighting.


    You forgot about Count Dooku lol.

  10. SWG did the space game ok and the resource system was second to none, the rest was bad, class balance? do you not remember combat medics? or TK's at the start.


    then the game got worse and worse and then they did the NGE


    I agree, The resource and crafting system was amazing, the ability to build and create your own ships, droids, outfits and weapons from scratch was something i loved and am going to miss, i think if SWTOR were to implement a simaler crafting system, and allow space missions (other than pre-defined tunnel sequences) TOR would be amazing.


    I hated the combat and Quest systems in Galaxies, but i would spend days building droids and ships.


    I loved the open worlds and the ability to create your own city/community as players saw fit.


    I also miss the ability to manually fly from world to world, thats the only thing about KOTOR i hated, to fly across the galaxy you just click a button and watch a loading screen and done, why is space systems in games almost always ether overlooked or poorly implemented?

  11. from a NA perspective it is not worthwhile to improve the maintenance slot for EU.


    I also would not mind to put the maintenance time during 1am-7am CET (7pm-1am EST)


    From an EU perspective its not worth loosing almost a full days play, that we are PAYING for...


    Why dosent TOR do what most MMOS do and update only a few select servers at once then move to the next set and so on, this way theres always servers active.

  12. Telstra works if you go over your limit it goes down to 50kbps and it is really really really slow and every plan has the same bandwidth speed you cant pay for faster because everyone gets the same.


    Even at 50kbs you could download again, just take a while, my 240kbs connection downloaded the game in less than a day... so what 3-4 days max, might sound like a lot but better than nothing.

  13. Do you play swtor on your cellphone? I've never heard of a dataplan for regular internet.


    Atualy alot of company's do this to make you pay extra for unlimited or improved bandwidth, my ISP does, however ive only ever once gone over the 150gb limit before i upgraded, but seriously 150gb you would have to be watching a downloaded movie a night to brake a limit like that, besides even if your limit is hit you can still download, ignore the warnings they send you i never got charged any extra.



    yeah unlimted cost $300 a month for us which is $3600 a year waste of money Telstra are the bigest rip off. -_-


    I think your exaggerating there as unlimited bandwidth on a 30mb connection is only about £25 a month in the UK, i doubt any ISP would charge those costs, unless your living in the middle of nowhere.

  14. Im no super nerd, but i could have sworn i heard from a few super nerds, that acts 7 8 and 9 are about luke and leia starting a new jedi order, and discovering that the emporer cloned himself, like 1000 times??? supposedly he had just figured out how to clone force sensitive clones, and they were 'incubating' in some super secret facility when he died...


    i could be wrong though.. this is purely speculation on a conversation that probably took place very High.





    Thats Kinda accurate, the emperor had setup a stash of cloned bodies for himself to transfer into in the case of his death (simaler to the force ghost ability), and had hidden them all over the galaxy, this is also around the same time that the Imperial Remnant (the remaining imperial fleet/army) attacked Coruscant lead by Admiral Thrawn. Then theres the Extra-Galactic Invasion, and the Fall of Jacen Solo ect...



    Lets just say in Star Wars no one learns there lessons History is dommed to repeat itself, kinda makes the whole prophecy pointless...

  15. its not the monitor that is the problem, its the resolution you have set in windows that is.

    to find out your resolution you can right click on empty part of desktop and choose "screen resoultion" or the Nvidia / ATI control panel.


    From here you can change the resolution to something that will work, enter the game, find out what resolutions there are, then come out the game and readjust the windows screen res to the one that works with swtor.


    That only applies if he cannot see his desktop, 90% of modern games change the screen resolution and settings as they launch, the desktop options do not change the games.

  16. 1) Do you honestly want Bioware to not use data that they are collecting to help adjust the flow of people comming in? That would be bad.


    2) I would give them an A. The servers are up and running, smoothly. There weren't any crashes when I was playing the game, and no lag.



    And have you thought that a ton of people are actually very happy with Bioware, but they are currently playing the game? It's not like they just let in a few thousand people on the first wave.


    I agree, i think bioware did a great job last night, they even addressing the issue of postage being Christmas time by adding the grace period and to help prevent lag they introduced several new servers, as well as giving 95% of pre-orders assess, i dont mind waiting and considering some launches ive seen, i would say this early assess even went better than most.

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