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Everything posted by randalthorr

  1. Geeez Ive said it a million times like many others have and do everyday..... But how far have Bioware fallen in regards to the way they used to respect their fans. Yet another deadline they have missed. The more they do this, the more certain it looks like f2p is a final money grab before they close the game. This may not be the case, but could you really run a business in a worse possible way.
  2. I played SWTOR and massively enjoyed it to begin with, when everything was new and fresh. it has begun to feel less and less like an mmo with a lack of guidance and attention from the devs to the game. So, results in more frustration and less fun for the players. GW2 on the other hand, I'm not necessarily a fan of. I enjoy tor's combat mechanics and pvp way more, and I really mean, way more than gw2. But the reason I keep playing gw2 from time to time is because its gets the social and convenience aspects of an mmo very right, that it smoothes over pretty much any dissatisfaction that may arise in other departments. I guess that answers your question in a way.
  3. Im telling you, listening to the moron commentator when getting owned is the most frustrating event ever!! SO THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!!!
  4. Yeah I was absolutely flabbergasted that someone had actually come up with this idea when they were brainstorming and someone went ahead and approved this nonsense. I mean seriously ***!! Initially I thought I was either missing the obvious or maybe it was an attempt to simulate some part of the expanded universe canon... but its just horrible. Makes me wanna punch the announcer and tear his gums apart and just.. just..... BUT, after a match of that, when this comes on, it feels like THE MOST EPIC **** EVER!!..... "THIS IS DARTH MARR OF THE DARK COUNCIL" **** yeah, now thats the stuff.
  5. Yeah I always enjoy bullying dps and tanks when on my healer, especially those that pissed the crap outta me when I was on my dps toon.
  6. Cannot charge [Warriors and Powertechs] Cannot intercede Cannot force run Cannot Pull Cannot go invisible near enemy spawn Cannot go invisible near mid ball respawn Fire hurts... get rid of it Acid pits are pve.. get rid of it ..... heard em all
  7. Yeah i was opposed to merging pvp servers with pve previously. But I suppose with the way bioware ignores world pvp, it doesn't really matter. I mean, if your a world pvp fan, you have already left or close to unsubbing or unsubbed with a few days of forum privilege like me.
  8. Not to mention the new tier of pvp gear on the way. We'll see TTK drop further. Unless they made endurance a base stat for all pvp gear and boosted the crap out of it.
  9. EAWARE rep - * Whats this.... a thread voicing APAC concerns..... skip skip skip That is how it has been since before the game was launched.
  10. geez you guys are offended by digital spit??! lool Give the losers some room to vent.
  11. They know this. Bioware of before would never have said absolute BS like that to players. Now that it is Eaware, we get cart fulls of the most vile stinking BS such as their stated reasons for f2p.
  12. Was running about in Black Hole one day and this guy jumps me when I'm fighting some eight trash mobs. He gets me and then does a little dance over my dead body. I res, look for him, see him in the distance, he probably thought I sucked even while I'm not trying to fight as many mobs as I possibly can, rushes in........ about 40 seconds later hes dead and I have 3/4th health. He absolutely ignored my companion who got him down hard. I then /spit him a few times
  13. This guy trusts Eaware interviews and information... hahahah
  14. This is why I unsubbed. Meh.. At this point I don't really think Bioware is going to start addressing our concerns in regards to pvp.
  15. Unsubscribed, with 15 days game time available. Oceanic player > Obtained through amazon during American launch > fanboi. I made a thread earlier today asking if they were ever going to do anything about world pvp. the thread was removed with no explanation, probably because I said I would unsub if they kept their silence on the issue any longer. I made a comment on another thread, which was discussing about oceanic server mergers. The thread has also disappeared, possibly because there was some comparison between gw2 and swtor, and well, you can guess which game came out on top . All it would have taken for Bioware to keep me subbed, like I have been despite the way Bioware treated the APAC players at launch and going through countless hours of refreshing Mr. Reids twitter page and going through some ridiculous and sometimes amusing ******** from the Amazon CSR's, the excitement and frustration on the forums as to whether or not one would receive a copy of the game, and even if they did, would they be able to play it [iSP bloc ]... I stayed through all that... Well anyway, all it would have taken was for Bioware to communicate its plans and pay attention to the pvp community as well. I most likely would resub, because I am addicted to the damn game just to see my sith warrior with his purple saber kill ****. But then, the novelty of that would wear off pretty soon. So, thats what I have to say. Start > Programs > GW2
  16. Registered 09. Been following way from way before that. Loyalty worn off. Hanging on because its Star Wars and a slight hope for world pvp. Ill be gone soon though.
  17. 1. HEY YOU CSR..... YEAH YOU MATE PAY ATTENTION 2. WOW!! Your actually reading this. keeewl. Now Id like to bring to your attention that there is an aspect of this game called the pvp. Yeah I know your familiar with pve, but Im talking about pvp. You should familiarise yourself to this. 3. Stop mucking about and tell us the **** is up with world pvp. Wil your zero engine ever produce something worthy for us?? We are tired of waiting for news and honestly, Im just waiting to level my SI and IA to 50 for the story, which might take another couple months. And then Im out. Oh well, I tried. I guess Bioware doesn't care.
  18. Sadly thats true even before gw2. I really like the game and want to see it grow but without a pvp community, there's nothing that interests me. Maybe its time for me to give up on this game too.
  19. But no I say!! I want to be able to pvp at Black Hole. PVP server has to stay. Ill throw a tantrum if not.
  20. As far as pvp goes, get your recruit set for free from the pvp bounty board on the fleet. Following that, use your warzone commendations to purchase Battlemaster gear. Once you have full Battlemaster, start converting your warzone commendations into 'ranked warzone commendations' which are then used along with the respective battlemaster gear to purchase War Hero gear, which is the top end pvp gear.
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