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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. Decimus The Red Eclipse 40015 Achievement points. Thats another milestone first. See ya all at 50k.
  2. Decimus - Madness - Sorcerer - 3/7/36 - 4m 6.824s - 4047.65 DPS Torparse AMR Not sure if parse end time needs to be edited.
  3. I fully support this. Simply, if you unlock an armor for your legacy in your collections, make it BoL quality. It's fair and square to those who made the account unlock for alts.
  4. You consider yourself lucky? lol You either have done something very wrong on the event, or you were extremely unlucky. I spent 1.8million creds, and with that I got 1x Rancor, 5x Magnus, 2x explosion, and 64 gold certificates to buy everything from vendor + double lightsabers/pistols. Another billionare guildie got both mounts and enough gold certs for the vendor mount within 20 minutes the server came up.
  5. I am having similar experiences. Since I went healer for the 350k healer achievements, I see the counter every day. I have had 18 Huttball games, while all the rest is 26-29 and 33 for Alderaan... I really hate healing and being everyones target but as it seems, I'm gonna have to play 400-500 WZs to get the 50 Huttball pop (besides the other 4x50 WZ).
  6. Here's an update for some achiv category. Locations 100% (got long time ago, didn't care to post) Dailies 100% (got long time ago, didn't care to post) GSF 100% (recently) Flashpoints 97% Operations 87% Poof!
  7. Here comes a happy sorc dps (2nd one?) to kill Brontes Nightmare mode before the removal of its buffs. Also, it has been done without bloodthrist. Not sure if anyone killed her without it before. A sorc's dream come true.... ...also cheers to DiLiH for the 2nd Nim Brontes kill in same reset.
  8. Here's a few to make your list. TDM: Decimus - Drop it Like it's Hoth - The Red Eclipse - 30 kills+assist / 33 total. (90.9%) Domination: Decimus - Drop it Like it's Hoth - The Red Eclipse - 113,761 Total Damage Decimus - Drop it Like it's Hoth - The Red Eclipse - 41 Kills & Assists
  9. Thanks for looking after it. This shows the imbalance even more than I expected.
  10. Congratulations to everyone for their DF Nim successes! Also would like to thank biofail/bugware for creating another boss where sorc dps is completely useless and left out of ideal team compositions. THANKS!
  11. Changes are nice and were all needed. The class and spec specific rewarding system is another huge improvement. However, coming from this very idea, why the hell can't you or won't you make the Top 5% rating mark separate for EACH ADVANCED CLASS also? This could ease the very fact that you favor a bunch of classes over others, so this could eliminate the need to only play any arena with FOTM classes.... seriously, just look at the class distribution of those who got their top season 1 rewards... seriously!
  12. I'd like to join the discussion and sign the 'petition' to have something done in this matter. It's infuriating for an Early Access player, with over 150days of playtime on main char, not missing one single event/etc in the game and then have achievements introduced for sy that happened a year before. Let's say they give out free 30 days of subs to all those, who were logged 5 days ago on midnight. Who wouldn't complain for that, lemme ask?
  13. I'm signing this thread. I'm furious above any description if they don't make these armors available or remove them from the achievements tab. Releasing a system a year after the availability of the things that it's tracking. How F'ed up is that? Achievement hunting is my main goal of playing the game since 2.0, waiting for bugged achievements to get fixed is tedious and frustrating enough, but having some that you could never complete because biofail/bugware is always overlooking something, or just plain simply wants to piss off more and more players; is unacceptable. It's like you get an amazing looking, one-of-a-kind mount if you had 30k achievement points 5 months ago.... do we want to go down this road of nonsense?
  14. The hidden ones are most likely connected to the outbreak that'll happen on Corellia and Tatooine in the hidden near future.
  15. Im MUCH more curious, if we can purchase or acquire in any way the old rakghoul event's Bound to Legacy faction specific armors, as dear Bugware placed them into the achievements as a requirement for Well Dressed (a year after the event happened). If they don't make them available, I will be so SO pissed... and will start wondering what do I have to collect today if they add them to achievements 2 years from now........................................
  16. It drops 4x Crest of the Dread Master the only legendary armor available in the game. Link to the mask.
  17. You missed the 1 sorc DPS. That's why its 15 ppl listed.
  18. Decimus - Sorcerer - Lightning - 3/36/7 - 4'52.123s Log link: http://www.torparse.com/a/539793/6/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/e54986eb-b886-404a-9689-53c8d8aadc7d
  19. Decimus update. Finally got some competition. It was so very lonely being on the top all along.
  20. Good to hear. Gotta take that screenshot to be top achievement hunter, again.
  21. First to reach this milestone. achievements update for Decimus reputation update (unckecked the "completed" box, and because everything is maxed out, it doesn't show anything. Cheers to everyone on The Red Eclipse!
  22. Firstly, I've been with this game since open beta, secondly got around (if not more) 200 days of playtime, so I've seen/experienced the game very extensively and got a lot of suggestions shaping up. Collections: -put the dyes in there... it is an extreme, never ending annoyance for me to save all my dyes (yes, collected ALL of them together) and be afraid to use those rare and/or expensive dyes on any armor, because you can just throw out another better looking one in each months following. This implementation makes the whole system very limited, when in fact it supposed to give the players all the freedom they want to customize their looks. I'm extremely disappointed with you bioware about this system. -about dyes: let us assign different dyes to different armor slots somehow for preview options. Don't know how to implement this, but its not my job to find out. -keep our collections tab preferences saved. I'm so very annoyed that all the categories are expanded and have to scroll for minutes to find my desired category I was looking for, or I have to click those "-" buttons repeatedly after each loading screen again and again. Very tedious. This goes for the achievemnts/legacy panel too.so very annoying. Pazaak/sabacc: -anywhere, anytime and have a pvp like pop/queue for it? Or have assigned planets and areas for this activity? Maybe have a credit betting system, as it was in KotOR? Maybe have montly/seasonal tournaments with some materialistic or monetary (credit) prizes? Podrace: -anything you can imagine here, I'm sure everyone has plenty of ideas about it to make it enjoyable and interesting. Legacy: -the long awaited legacy bank option? Maybe reward those legacy lvl 50 players with a bone? -legacy crafting (maybe after a certain legacy lvl). Like saving our learned schematics for our legacy, so once unlearned a profession, we can pick up/unlock the already known schematics when our crafting skill reaches the required skill lvl. Therefore one could switch crafting skills if they really want to (they would have to grind up the skill point by point still) but if someone spent many millions on schems or materials to learn new schems by RE, they'd have the option to switch crafting and not waste all that previous effort... -being able to send more companions to work, unlocked by legacy level and/or skill point in legacy tab? OWPvP -with usable objects and/or vehicular combat? Find anyone who saw the SW movies and doesn't remember the iconic battle of Hoth or Geonosis. Thats it for now, more may come when got more time to write them all down.
  23. As it stands there are extremely few armors in the game that has a cape, doesn't have a rainbow recoloring base and light armor classes could wear. There have been a few in the cartel market, and a few lore armors from packs, but none of them was appealing enough to make me wear them. So I just would like to see more armors (light or heavy armor looking) that is adaptive (which hence must come from cm or packs) and doesn't have 5+ base colors, half of which cannot even be recolored by any dyes... Tired of those recolored basic slim shirt designs that pop up in EVERY damn cc packs that I'm yet to see on anyone wearing in the game...
  24. I would LOVE to see walker mounts in the game. However, the thing with them is, that NOONE seems to grasp here, is that walker mounts are taller than any existing mounts. Now, those mounts would either have a larger base texture, rendering them unable to move through smaller holes created by objects or terrain, or have them move through other objects. One would put it in a disadventage against regular mounts that can fit through, or it'd look increadibly dumb by moving through a rock with the cockpit of you mount. We and the developers don't want it either. However, as this thread made me realize, there are absolutely no small/one person walkers in the game yet. Devs could easily introduce them at any time, and I hope they will, as they are iconic to the SW universe, but given the large introduction opportunity in this, I hope they will make a new OWPvP area with vehicular combat also. THAT would be huge!
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