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Posts posted by HammerHermann

  1. I play another mmo on my iPad to pass time when I don't play this and there was a cool concept with mounts in the game that they are doing right now.


    Basically mounts (animals) will spawn randomly in open world PvP areas that people can use traps to catch them. They have traps that you can buy for credits or real money. Real money ones have a better chance of trapping them. These mount will walk around randomly in a designated area.


    So you guys should have some "broken" speeders out on Illum that spawn randomly. Now I would suggest instead of them just sitting in one spot that they from time to time "malfunction" and take off randomly putting around moving from time to time so that it becomes a little more of a challenge to keep up with location.


    Now to get these you need to trap them. I would suggest for a "trap" that you come up with a quest, cartel coin purchase or random spawning "tools" to fix these speeders with a chance to fix it with these tools. Tools are a one time chance to fix. If it does't work you need to buy or find more tools. These tools should stack.


    This would get some open world PvP. I would suggest this be same faction as well as cross faction.

  2. The idea of my post was to point out that hacking is still happening. This was a obvious one which is of no concern to me. I'm just wondering if this guy has been doing this for awhile and if he is still hanging around then how long have the people that use hacks that don't get noticed very easily, etc have been active.


    The person doing this in the video was not the focus of the topic.

  3. I have to agree with the OP. I have a scoundrel healer and I'm actually leveling a operative and sending my gear over via legacy. It's insane how many games I have to play to finish my weekly. I know there is some really good pubs but the majority of the unranked warzones are just horrible. I've solo queued plenty of times on my imps and its never as bad as I've experienced on the pub side of this server.


    Those that are good at this game on the pub side shouldn't take offense to this. If you're good then obviously this isn't pointed at you. This is just an observation and I agree with him. My observation is 50 PvP not sub 50.

  4. No hacks in this game. Just bad players and people that don't understand classes. I've seen lag do some crazy stuff but any hacks that were in this game have been prevented MONTHS ago.
  5. you should check out this
    one it has lots off 1v1 2v1 and 3v1 fights :)


    I don't doubt your abilities with the playing carnage but both videos are all kills against people that are complete morons. You barely ever get stunned, knocked backed or rooted or interrupted. Got some videos of you winning good fights where you need to counter, use your cd's, undying rage, etc?


    So a recruit in 14-15k Health can technically be 2 shot, and flechette is the lube. Most people when attacked by Operative/scoundrel just see there health drop so fast 6 seconds can seem like 2 globals.


    Technically that's 3 shots and the 3rd is 28% of his health. ;)

  7. Anyone else find it odd that of the three topics about the "state of the game" on main page there is not one mention of PvP?


    If the PvP population quit today this game would be over. The guild I'm in does both pve and PvP. The pve people log on two days out of the week for about 3-4 hours a week. The PvP group is on every day.


    Getting tired of playing 4 wz, 3 of which came at launch.

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