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Posts posted by HammerHermann

  1. Team work > gear in war zones


    Gear is not your problem...


    That merc that shoots down into the pit while standing on the edge of the goal area.... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    That keyboard turning, mouse clicking guy that plays in 1st person because it feels like Skyrim with light sabers... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    That guy that shows up in columi gear because he wanted the 360K credits... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    That marauder that is no where near an objective and scouts for 1v1 fights.... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    The sorcerer who is spec'd heals but spends the entire game camping the one owned node casting consumption and healing himself... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    The assassin who spawns in from start and finds somewhere to cloak and hide to farm coms putting you in 7v8 fight... HE IS YOUR PROBLEM.


    Sometimes these guys are on your team... sometimes they're on the other team.


    I play A LOT of regular war zones... and yes, it sucks to go against BIS opponents while wearing half recruit gear. It's going to be a long few days. :rolleyes:


    My point is... if you put these bad players in BIS gear and put a competent team against them and put them in full recruit. You'll see very quickly that gear is not why you're getting rolled.


    Couldn't agree more. I've always liked the way it is. Those that grind PvP hard reap the rewards and every once in awhile you get to pick on the new guy. But if they change it to allow the stat difference to not vary so much from geared to fresh 50's then I'm cool with that too because there is still gonna be bad players in PvP. Geared or not it doesn't change how they play.

  2. #5....


    Ok so I'm not losing my mind!! I've seen so many times where I smash someone with less then 3k health and I hit them for 5 or 6k and they don't die.


    My thought to this is protection. However I don't know if that is the case? If there is protection does the numbers that show up indicate the hit to that target or total damage dealt to that target and person guarding?




    Edit: my other mention to this is they are spec into reduced aoe damage. If so my question above still applies.

  3. When I win it feels good and when I lose I want to break anything with in hands reach. When I stop feeling these emotions ill be done with the game. Not happening any time soon.


    I crack up when ppl post on the forum they unsub. Sure you did.


    I don't think the Rage spec is overpowered overall. But Smash is certainly out of balance. The main issue with Smash is the Auto-Crit. To make matters worse, it's a simple 4-button rotation to make your Smash smash and only slightly varies based on the uptime of Berserk.


    My Marauder is geared half WH/BM with a EWH mainhand. His Smash is pretty much guaranteed to deal 5.5-5.8K per target in AOE damage. Now the actual damage that is delivered depends on the opponent and their defenses. However, I can't think of a skill in this game that is this powerful and so easy to nearly spam.


    Balance becomes a real issue in builds. Since players can count on an Auto-Crit, there is no reason whatsoever to gear for Crit. Instead of gearing for Crit, smart players are stacking Power and Surge. Whereas every other DPS class needs to balance the trifecta Crit/Power/Surge, Rage speccers only need to pump up Power/Surge which results in more inflated Smashes.


    You're wrong. They do listen, more so then they should. From the beginning here...


    People complained bout operatives - nerfed

    People complained about sorc heals - nerfed

    People complained about powertechs - nerfed

    People complained about rage build - buffed

    People complained about deception - buffed

    People complained about sorc heals again - buffed


    You can't please everyone but they are trying to. Don't like the game then stop playing.

  4. I understand the class needed a nerf and that is all fine with me. I always agreed that PT's are OP. But making the PT a pure melee class is lame. For one, I have a pistol....I know I don't have a lot of skills with the pistol but I DO have a pistol and that to me means ranged DPS.


    Second, we are melee class and unlike Sins, mauraders & operatives we do not have a stealth or a way of coming in and out a combat.


    If you are going to nerf the class then nerf the damage. This has got to be the most oddest way to nerf a DPS class that carries a pistol...

  5. What cracks me up is they are fixing it but not in the way people complain about resolve. Most people complaining about resolve are actually complaining about how much stuns, knock backs an roots that happen to them. Well just wait until the new patch that comes out when resolve DOESN'T build as quickly. Lol oh this is gonna be a fun one for sure.
  6. Strange. I played almost all day yesterday on my 50 marauder. (had the day off). I won 3 games all day on him. Every loss was to a pub team and a few from imps too. I solo q'ed all day. I think

    Solo q'ing has a lot to do with it. When my guild got on and I played on my PT were won almost every time.

  7. I tried this, not sure if I set it up correctly so wanted to ask here. Using Unleashed I selected Add DiskCasheArena and Add LocalApp. I also selected Dynamic and FX. I really have no idea if this is how you set it up so let me know.


    Any way I'm using a SSD drive and after seleting these settings and clicking the SWTOR UNLEASHED button I saw absolutely no improvement in game play or load times.


    Any help would be great. I just want load screens to load quicker then what they are now.

  8. 5K hits pretty much every game with some 6K hits every now and then. Biggest hit 8647 with RS. Probably some fresh 50 that I hit with pvp buff, etc. My current stats are a little bit better since the big hit but not much different.





    RS hit:


  9. That probably got your attention because it's the attitude of marauders! LOL


    I hit 50 about 5 days ago and been studying builds. A guild member told me now that I'm

    50 you will hear how everyone else thinks they are the best marauder and the build they run is the best one in PvP. So true so far. Lots of attitudes in this game!


    Just the other day a marauder was talking about how he can crush anyone with carnage and it's the best one of the bunch. I'm rage ATM. So knowing my build some I thought I'd ask why he thinks it's better than annihilation. He's response was "idk why I've always been carnage" lmfao!!! I had to just keep my mouth shut.


    Why are ppl like this? Does it have something to do with the fact all builds are damage?

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