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Everything posted by Offended

  1. A standard is just that. Things either meet or exceed the standard, or fall short. The piece in question definitely exceeds the standards created by John Williams isn't the end all of cinematic musical compositions in the entire universe. People have existed that are better than him, people exist that are better than him and people will exists that are better than him. If the musical piece adds emotion to the scene that it is played and makes you feel what the authors intended, the score is as epic as anything. John Williams did that with quite a bit of what he created within star wars. HOWEVER, Nothing will ever be as epic as or even http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37BjVXzN6RA This definitely is NOT up for debate.
  2. My personal favorite is that they're using Prefix Tags in vBulletin to designate the server for the post. This is OK and i did this on my guild forums for wow professions, class and raid posts. HOWEVER, vBulletin allows you to sort and filter in the forum display by prefix, which Bioware did not allow us permission to do.
  3. Mages are the only class that can portal to major cities. Warlocks summon other people to their location. huge difference. Nothing in wow, unless you ran on foot the entire time, took you 30 minutes. The longest flight path in wow is Silvermoon to Booty Bay (horde) and is 14 minutes, nonstop. When you're early level on horde on either undead or blood elf, you are sent on a quest to go from silvermoon -> U.C. -> Org or, UC to ORG to Thunderbluff. Getting from silvermoon, uc, org was easy. getting from Org to Thunderbluf the first time was run through barrens to mulgore. That is only a 15 minute run, mainly because they don't put MOBS on the main roads you run along. I'm glad that that should be true. It would be pretty sad if when Blizzard figured out that people don't like long travel times, loading screens and useless breaks in the travel process 5 years ago and Bioware didn't do the same thing. o wait, they didnt did they? your speeder from checkpoint to checkpoint costs money. Did this. north of crossroads -> crossroads ->org -> U.C. -> flight path -> brill. exactly 10 minutes travel time from Zep tower to UC flight path to brill is 2 minutes. when you jump off the zep tower, brill is 30 seconds away. flight path from crossroads to org is 2 minutes. The wait for the zep to leave port is 1 minute and a total of 2:15 from org to U.C. This is independent of the time it takes to load when switching from eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor. The wait time for a zeplin is never longer than 3 minutes. Funny thing is that warcraft has a built in command to time things like this. I would but my game time is expired. but all you need to time is the time it takes to run from the closest speeder location to your ship, to the next planet then back out of the airlock (or an orbital station) In warcraft, This will never be longer than 4 minutes, to get from one continents departure to arrive at another. You didn't play beta. Nothing that any one in my guild can remember anything broken about flight paths. When they changed the flight paths so you don't stop at each gryphon master, some times you would bug out and "land" but have the 420% speed buff allowing you to fly around the world, but that was fixed in a week. Patch 1.1.10 Released 28 March 2006, aprox 1 year, 4 months. Other things added to wow in 2006, weather and max level experience to gold conversion. Things not added to swtor in 2012? max lvl Xp to Credit and Weather.
  4. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4325959/Systems_Changes-1_19_2012#blog " No one will remember if the game is late,only if it's great." Day what you want about wow, this is why blizzard is the best game developer
  5. fight a melee guy and dodge, good chance you'll get bugged and you can't cast an ability.
  6. From the Sounds (sic) of things, you don't know what you're talking about. WoW's UI API has grown, there's no doubt about that as features are added to the game. But what you can do within the confines of the API has shrunk. 2
  7. Stop lying, I play a mage and a good 30% of my damage is auto-attack Did i mention that I am against mods, recount damage meters and combat logs? Dont want people to know about my secret desire to be a battle mage.
  8. I should note that i respec'd today, and it was almost 10k
  9. I haven't respec'd for two weeks and my respec cost was near the 5 digit range. Did not reset every week.
  10. The camera is missing a few "steps" between First person view and why did it zoom this far out for the first "click". maybe when they coded the zoom, instead of putting 1 mousewheel click = 1 meter, they put 10 meters.
  11. QFT Although i do remember a short period where wow broke this...
  12. Show affordable works, but only if you go to a vendor, select it, close the vendor window and open it back up. Working as Intended i think.
  13. You mean the same level (or lower) area's that have a 5 pack of strong NPCs every 20 meters and respawns about a minute after you finish off the pack? Maybe it tells you that the game developers didn't playtest their own game nor did they listen to comments about how ridiculous the amount of mobs there are in an area. as said elsewhere, you die 4 times and you're at 9 minute.
  14. It's the wow mentality, it's spread to here. Combine that with the lack of LFG or any other methods to communicate properly (chat bubbles), it's only going to get worse.
  15. for me. I created my character during EA and activated a subscription after the actual release. Now i see that the EA days we received were part of the free 30 day period. Looks like we'll see the drop off of people that aren't subscribing tomorrow?
  16. How could you not have researched? the game was super hyped for years just to be a horrible disappointment.
  17. your just jealous you can't be as hot as my blood elf. 6 of the 9 of my characters are blood elves, and they're all identical. two other guys in our guild and myself all created a master race of blood elf.
  18. Everyone else is posting images! http://dramaloot.com/forums/i/14f0fc6366c268.jpg This is with both graphic settings maxed out and the jpeg is at 100% quality. Both were zoomed all the way in, then out one "click" in swtor and 2 in wow (going out 1 shows your char at 50% opacity, so i had to go out 2).
  19. World firsts only counted in EQ and in WoW. No one cared about other games.
  20. Ya.. so you never really did any theorycrafting or even comparing yourself to your fellow DPS. In BC, in BT, i was exactly geared as another mage. Every gem enchant piece of gear, trinket, buff. everything. The rotation was the same, the timing of our trinkets were the same. We were in the same group and always got the bloodlust. We always used the same food buff and consumables. Our stats 99% of the time were identical, yet almost every fight he'd out dps me by anywhere from 100-200 dps. Why was it? he simply was luckier with crits more than I was. We'd be within 1% or less with casts, dots, etc, but he would have a good 25% more crit than i did. There's no way to see that without combat logs.
  21. I don't think anyone that promotes the idea of "personal" combat log only or outright not having them, has never raided. As a mage (pre-wotlk), paladin healer , DPS and tank (t-7,8 as healer, crusade as DPS and icc as tank), I always compared myself to my peers and looked at their rotations, numbers and thought to myself "how can I improve my gameplay". If you don't have data on how other people are performing, how do you expect to improve your game play by looking at yourself only? Do you look in the mirror every day and think "boy if i changed my hair i could look better", but at the same time, you're blind?
  22. During the time you say you played wow, on most servers, it cost roughly 2500g to lvl JC to max level, without having to farm ANYTHING. I leveled two characters JC to 450 in about 3-4 hours. When WoTLK was released I played 2-3 hours a day after work, 3-4 days a week and usually an 8 hour day saturday or sunday. I leveled 3 characters from 70-80, one character from 1-80 and a DK from 55-80 within a month of release. Before all of my characters were 80, their professions were also maxed. JC, Tailor, Blacksmith, Mining, Engineering, herbalism and skinning (had a couple JC's). Also, all of those professions are useful in end-game. they all provide a unique buff to your character and none are really "required" for maxing your character. Sure JC/BS seems to best but when you look at the buffs of the other professions, it all evens out well. If you didn't max out your profession before you hit 80, you did it wrong. in SwTOR, i absolutely hate how you level up. You send a companion out to do something that takes 1minute to 2 hours or more. Right now i'm on the second (17-24) level of slicing and the job takes 20+ minutes.
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