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Everything posted by Griad

  1. To be honest i feel that if the JK story line would see the end it would be stupid just by the fact that without the emperor there is little to no empire and secondly i still have my doubts having played the entire JK line that 1 class out off all the classes would get to see the end of the most feared and dreaded person in the galaxy. If that was the case the warrior should end with the death of the JK instead of barras in my opinion
  2. Planet.: Yavin 4 imperial story line.: Find the source of the ancient sith resentment towards the emperor, gain the aid of the sith spirits Republic story line.: Race to find the hidden tomb and stop the empire from releasing the Sith spirrits. Full planet with instances of zones for groups, solo content, daily area, 2 new FP in the Temple of exar kun. Operation vs the emperor body trying to stop you from gaining the support of the elder sith spirits. Operation would be a minimum 16 man and could consist of both republic and imperial to destroy the common enemy.
  3. The whole inquisitor storyline should have ended with the inquisitor beating Lord Scourge this having him exiled to join the jedi that would have been a good end to the story. However considering the skills that darth Nox posseses i think he/she would be the victor, the reason why the wrath is feared is mainly his martial prowess and the fact that he is the emperors wrath/excutioner. To bad the only good story lines is the JK and warrior, both inquisitor and counselor is awfull
  4. Your Sginature is epic did you read that there might be another Kain game on the way..??
  5. The emperor dies but how is not really clear, according to Darth plagius book he is dead, but i doubt that he is dead from the fight with the JK mainly because it seems that the warrior story ends after the knight story ends,
  6. Title says it all, according to some sources he is dead but i do not know if he is dead at this point in time or if he first dies later on..?? What do you guys thnk.
  7. For lethality another way to proc TA would be nice, but i would prefer a lower cd between the ability to get the free cull. For concealment a just give us option to use hidden strike out of stealth without the knockdown
  8. Nice to read that some people agree, i for one would love for deception/infiltration to be a good viable alternative to any other dps class and reading some of your ideas in other threads i think that there alot which can be done to help sins
  9. If they give you too good self heals you will be op and still get spiked to death in ops
  10. I think deception is a wonderfull spec and when the stars allign and everything crits you will be dealing alot of damage, however when it doesnt crit well, lets just say there is a reason deception is trailing on the dps meter in pve. But i think its fun to play and overall a great spec. Madness on the other hand is an awfull boring spec i dont mind a dot spec, but holy crap are operative lethality better at it.
  11. To be honest in that case i could not care less about PVP, i know its your part of the game but if i have to think of this in terms of black and white then i would prefer for them to balance on PVE. i am sorry i know this will screw over some of the pvp players but you win some and loose some. The pvp crowd have had a long time of great deception time, now its time for the pve players to get that. Or we could give some feedback and maybe get the specs both viable for both types of endgame. I wont hold my breath on it but i will try to have a little faith.
  12. True madness need some help especially for PVP i think however madness is in general parsing higher than deception in raid condition so they dont really need much more than a tweak for pve but for pvp wow thats another story
  13. No no no no no and no again, both specs should be viable in both PVE and PVP pigeon holing someone into a spec to do a certain aspect of a game is gonna kill the class even more. what they should do and can do if they try really hard is make both specs viable in every aspect of the game but with very different playstyles.
  14. This is not the solution, i would never play madness its boring, i like deception i agree we are in a very good spot in PVP however in PVE its a whole different story you can get an incredible parse on a boss if everything crits and the start allign but if they dont and you get hammered byt the RNG gods then you are more or less draggin the group down. i still think our problem lies in the crit reliance which makes us very good for the burst however over a 7-9 min fight its to random. We do need something to help our sustained, what ever i might be, thejollygreen had some good suggestions to fixing our procs and stacking those, i would prefer a minor dot from something like maul makes sense to me, however it should be cleansable so it wont affect pvp to much. Oh and btw i play my marauder in PVE as Rage which is also quite good and still can maintain high sustain and now annihilation will be able to be played in PVP aswell with the longer annihilation stack and the new changes to dots so that will give marauders 3 specs to use in both PVE and PVP and you want us to settle for 1 spec for PVE and 1 for PVP in regards of dps, that just doesnt makes sense.
  15. To be honest i loved the self heal in PVP in PVE and particularly ops it was more of a hassle, because it grounded you for 3 seconds and to gain maximum heal and survivability you needed to finish cast in many cases, this caused our healing to be a pain in high movement fights. in tank and spank sure it was fine and all. Then there is the thing about damage taken and when to heal to reach optimal use of heals you needed to use it when u had lost health, but at times when you had full health the stack would be wasted then. Overall the self healing was awesome in pvp and minor pve like flashpoints and sm ops, but rest of the time it was more a burden. I am just glad that they dont change our playstyle so we have to relearn the class.
  16. To be honest i think its a good place to start, depending on how the engine and everything works out they can build on that. I would rather have a smaller start and then if it works out more implemented along The way.
  17. You can find all the info you need here http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/thread-1183.html
  18. I actually use to really enjoy playing Madness but without Maul there just isn't a point. They just need to move it back down so Madness can get it. I still really believe it would be a good start to making it a better spec. I know people would be concerned with tanks having it, but at this point I don't even think it would be that big of a deal as long as it couldn't proc the same time as the other Maul proc for tanks. Not to mention that the whole dps gear with a focus isn't as popular as it use to be for tank spec. If they did that Darkness spec would be able to get both conspiritor cloak and duplicity wow i would love that, slab on mainly dps gear and then a shield. That would be awesome. Which is why i doubt they will ever do that
  19. This soo true and not criting with force means less crit chance on melee which in turn means less overall damage either we need 100% crit on reckless or they need to remove the crit reliance and boots our general damage.
  20. Strange i never seem to have any problems with my healer keeping up, mainly because the mobs die fast and heal between pulls is fine and keep me topped of so i dont really see the problem, biggest place i see the issue is in pvp i will miss it there.
  21. Soloing wont be a problem use a heal companion and use dps gear you will be killing mobs so fast its not even funny best way to solo really wouldnt do it any other way.
  22. True they could have gone other ways i agree but some of those changes might have made us to powerfull in pvp wearing DPS gear
  23. As an assassin i would have loved to have another animation for thrash i use it all the time as a tank and i hate it. even the saber strike is better looking
  24. Hmmm might take my sorc through BOI and the Ilum qquests
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