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Everything posted by Otchiver

  1. So what's Bioware doing about this... 3 days since the patch with NIM mechanics leaking through on DF/DP making Tyrans unbeatable on HM. Would like and update from Devs. (Yes i know it's QQ'ing) Edit: Updated name
  2. AhsokaTanu on the Pubside can craft Deft Mod 34 Willing to craft free with Mats.
  3. Nightmare mechanics present in HM Dread Fortress. - Nefra 16 man is hitting a lot harder (unsure) - Despoiler on Draxus is healing when shouldn't and for a lot - Dispatcher more harder hitting - Red circles on Corruptor zero and all adds have boss immunity where none was present pre-2.7 patch. Currently testing brontes.
  4. “Warning: looks like KDY isnt giving double xp for npc kills. I'm not even gaining a level per run with flashpoint legacy character perks and a xp boost” Can we get a confirmation on this?
  5. I was, for example able to eek out 200 DPS on Dotsmash due to switching enhancemnts for power/surge over power/accuracy. This is for a Sentinel though, and due to the unstable nature of the DPS Spec. And my Accuracy was under 100% at the time.
  6. Allow me to be clear, this'll be specifically for PVE only that i'm asking this question. I read the other forum posts somewhat.
  7. Okay, I've heard some conflicting results recently and thus i end up here asking the pros. So forever i was taught that Accuracy needed to be melee/ranged 100%. There's an (oh lets call it) Efficiency plateau that'll optimize your DPS. More than 101% is overkill. The sweet Spot is between 100-101%. I heard recently that the actual Cap is 99.5% and the stats ROUND UP to 100%. Can i Get some weigh in here? Has my whole training in this game been a lie? Do i need to lose 1 Accuracy enhancement and replace with something else?
  8. Just a few 78 setpiece upgrades and optimized Accuracy enhancements. Most of my armor is now 78... no 78mh, 1 df implant... 1 Oriconian imp/Ear the other is underworld.
  9. Hey, so a few things have changed since i bugged you last. Gearwise i've upgraded. This is what i'm pulling. Stil have a 72MH http://www.torparse.com/a/605996 Armor debuff/1million hp
  10. Are you guys republic or Imp side? What days and times do you run?
  11. Still looking for a new guild. I'm in the east coast in Ontario Canada.
  12. I'd like to join possibly for the weekend team. I've got a Vanguard Tank, DennyCrane who's got about 2500 Mitigation points Optimized. Jimwest, a Hybrid gunslinger doing over 3050+ DPS . Alexitandra is a Sentinel doing 2980 DPS Combat, 2875 DotSmash And a sage healer with almost 1400 Power her name is Ahsokatanu All are fully Augmented and HM Raid ready. I've gone cleared SNV, Gone to Terror in TFB, and 4/5 both DP/DF. These are my hard mode achievements. I'm on the east coast (I know, i'm on a West coast server... it was recommended) and can raid tuesday, thursday - Sunday 5pm PST- 9pm PST (8-12pm EST).
  13. Sorry, this is the gear i have http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c69ef382-14fe-4d75-992f-afa789f7a632
  14. Got the chance last night to run a parse... how's this? http://www.torparse.com/a/590226
  15. Hello, I moved from the Ebon Hawk to a new server. Got tired of some of the people on that server Pubside. I've got a Vanguard Tank, DennyCrane who's got about 2500 Mitigation points Optimized. Jimwest, a Hybrid gunslinger doing over 3050+ DPS . Alexitandra is a Sentinel doing 2980 DPS Combat, 2750 DotSmash And a sage healer with almost 1400 Power her name is Ahsokatanu All are fully Augmented and HM Raid ready. I've gone cleared SNV, Gone to Terror in TFB, and 4/5 both DP/DF. These are my hard mode achievements. I'm on the east coast (I know, i'm on a West coast server... it was recommended) and can raid tuesday, thursday - Sunday 5pm PST- 9pm PST (8-12pm EST). So i'm looking for a progression guild at this point, and i hear there are plenty of high quality ones on Harbinger. Let me know if you have spot(s) available.
  16. Okay, i think i get it. So basically i'm hitting the 2 procs for ravage always and then hitting ravage.... then worry about force scream and that should optimize the rotation? I worry about stacks second to the abilities that proc a stack.
  17. I've been delaying them slightly and trying to apply them all when they come off cooldown... coincidentally i'm waiting for the 3 dots, apply then Ravage. Is there an issue with doing that?
  18. Question to Ryd, During the mid rotation after opener, do you try to apply all dots before the Ravage? Or do you just hit ravage immediately off cooldown then apply more dots?
  19. At first i was like Who the hell you? Then i was like: THEN i was like OMG!!!
  20. Was making fun of the OP.... saying it's "Not" "his fault"
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