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Everything posted by Nmaharg

  1. What's messed up about it? The fact you have to actual do more than pound your fists on your keyboard to get a reward?
  2. No I play on Juyo, a very evenly spilt server. I win 50/50, but have never received less than 40 comms in a game.
  3. Thats not how it works at all. It's simple if you get 3 medals you get some type of reward, if not you get nothing. And honestly if you don't get 3 medals you don't deserve a reward. I get 3 medals almost instantly.
  4. It could be 300k or 30k I don't care. Servers only hold 3000ish players anyway.
  5. You did 4k dmg and expect a reward?
  6. This "everyone should get a trophy mentality" sickens me. Healings needs to be buffed, no doubt about it. But the current reward system works fine.
  7. You're mad because you actually have to play well to get a reward? QQ more please.
  8. You have to get at least 3 metals to get any reward.
  9. 1.2 carnage is top dog. There are many different ways to spec.
  10. Yea your skill or lack of it.
  11. And it's players like this who we have to thank for being OP right now. Thank you sir.
  12. So that people could counter it....?
  13. Cause you're bad. Good players will be able to react fast enough to any situation.
  14. Yea they do. with how bursty the game is now any marauder can rack up a bunch of kills.
  15. I pug alot, and even in a loss I come out with 50 or so comms. The new fast pace is great imo. I'm enjoying it.
  16. Carnage now dominates the other specs kinda like anni did. You do such massive damage now, it really is kinda op. Plus you have so much utility. All the roots and the speed help your team out a ton.
  17. Mara have always dominated. Only change is now bad mara dominate as well.
  18. Threw on some PvE gear. About a 100 point jump in DPS. http://postimage.org/image/nt5dordfr/full/
  19. My carnage DPS. Still learning the spec, but man it's a ton of burst. http://postimage.org/image/41qa34e3l/full/
  20. Nmaharg


    Marauders have always been godly 1 v 1 though. 1.2 just makes that even more clear now that damage has been increased globally thanks to the expertise change. The real issue is the fact they buffed up certain skills far too me.
  21. The instance, training, guild bank ect. All gone. Is it just our server?
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